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Question On Griefing

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#1 RiggsIron


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 11:25 AM

So powering down and hiding say when you are the last one alive vs an enemy team is against the code of conduct..

But calling out to other team where an ally is clearly avoiding the fight is also against the rules?

The last sticky specifying that is from Nov 2012, while the updated code is more recent.

When a player spends 8+ minutes hiding they are clearly not 'trying to get a sneak attack in' and simply griefing the teams so they cannot finish the match and use that mech again for a longer time.

Someone in a match was telling his teammate not to call out location cause it was updated 4 months ago, but I cant find that 'update'. Nov 2012 doesnt sound like 4 months ago. He seemed perfectly happy that 5 enemies spent 10 minutes trying to find a powered down mech in HPG Manifold.

Sneak attacks are fine...but if you go more than a min or two without shooting - you are just griefing - if someone was that good they could take out 5 heavies with a light they would have done something while the rest of the team was still alive right? And not wait until everyone is dead to bust out their pro elite skillz. (this never happens when its 1 v 1 or 2, only when its 4 or 5+ vs 1 and then people try to defend the ally saying they are planning on sneak attacking entire team)

it happens pretty often too where the last player alive, often with ECM, just spends the rest of the time running away to be a jerk.

So can we get an update on when it is ok to just call out that guys location and let the match end?

#2 -Wulf-


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 11:54 AM

Sarcastic remark inbound 'I have to maintain my KDR its better to run than to die and loose my precious KDR. dont you know KDR is the only marker we have to show your good, so KDR must be maintained, its gotta be proper its gotta be 4.0 or better its gotta....AHHHHHH I just lost my KDR cause I got legged by no talent Gauss snipers... WAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my KDR went down .000001% OMG im going to have a heart attack..."

My personal favorite is.. So I dont care if you were in the firing line and established with a good position I saw a red dorito and you were just in my way DONT stand in front of me If I walk your way you move for me cause I dont care if I core your back just as long as I can steal your kill for my KDR.

LMFAO rant over. I see this WAAAAYYY TOOO MUCH in all game modes.

Edited by Falkwulf, 21 December 2014 - 11:57 AM.

#3 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:15 PM

How many I make my own rules threads are we going to tolerate here? More impatient boys than in a boy scout jamboree.

Its not your rules, its PGI's.

And we will report you for team treason so please spend as much cash as you can soon.

#4 Brody319


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:16 PM

1. Did they genuinely fight? If yes, Don't report. If no continue to 2
2. Did they participate at doing secondary objectives? If yes, Don't report. If no, continue to 3.
3. Did they just power down, hide, and/or disconnect? If yes, Report their position.

#5 Farix


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:20 PM

The problem is that there is no withdraw option when you clearly have no chance of winning. This is also true for mechs that run out of ammo or otherwise stripped of their weapons.

#6 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:23 PM

View PostBrody319, on 21 December 2014 - 12:16 PM, said:

1. Did they genuinely fight? If yes, Don't report. If no continue to 2
2. Did they participate at doing secondary objectives? If yes, Don't report. If no, continue to 3.
3. Did they just power down, hide, and/or disconnect? If yes, Report their position.

Wrong. How do you know they haven't participated? Do you have some magical ability to see every mech on the field?

You only can report them to support. You have no option to ever report them to the enemy team. Can anyone read and comprehend the rules? Do we need to teach them in short soundbites or does everyone need SSRI's?

Edited by Mudhutwarrior, 21 December 2014 - 12:24 PM.

#7 Brody319


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:25 PM

View PostMudhutwarrior, on 21 December 2014 - 12:23 PM, said:

Wrong. How do you know they haven't participated? Do you have some magical ability to see every mech on the field?

You only can report them to support. You have no option to ever report them to the enemy team. Can anyone read and comprehend the rules? Do we need to teach them in short soundbites or does everyone need SSRI's?

Wrong. B, show info key, can see everyone's location. so yes I do have magical abilities. Also, There is an option in the options menu to turn on ALL chat, so you can tell the enemy.

#8 Egomane


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:28 PM

View Postlsp, on 21 December 2014 - 12:08 PM, said:

and no one enforces it.

Well, I have seen evidence to the contrary. So break the rules at your own risk, but please do not try to incite rule violations in others who might believe your ill advice.

View PostBrody319, on 21 December 2014 - 12:25 PM, said:

Wrong. B, show info key, can see everyone's location. so yes I do have magical abilities. Also, There is an option in the options menu to turn on ALL chat, so you can tell the enemy.

But you should not tell it to the enemy. If you beleive the player didn't participate at all, report it to support, so they can deal their judgement. You are not a judge over other players. You are just their equal and have no right to demand from them to play the way you want it, or to punish them for not doing so. That's what Mudhutwarrior said. Report to support, not the enemy team!

Here... let me show you:


Team Treason
Treasonous provision of information to enemy combatants, also known as "bird-doging" is forbidden. This involves a player using the in-game chat to provide the enemy team with the locations of their own team mates. While we appreciate that some players may wish to have a round end early by calling out the location of an AFK team-mate, the risk that this could be used against an active participant of the match to deny them the use of cover and movement makes this a form of a griefing. You may declare a teammate AFK but not their coordinates or position.

Edited by Egomane, 21 December 2014 - 12:32 PM.

#9 Vassago Rain


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:29 PM

Those rules are from the dark days of Niko.

If they were enforced to the letter, virtually everybody from myself to NGNG's Phil would have been banned forever ago. If someone's obviously wasting time by powering down their spider in a corner, just tell the reds and have him destroyed. No sane person is gonna side with the spider holding 23 other mechs hostage.

Likewise, if the spider is actually PLAYING THE GAME, and the enemy 'team' is down to a couple cherry red mechs, then let them have their fun. It makes for good watching, anyway.

Just, you know, use common sense. It's not difficult.

Edited by Vassago Rain, 21 December 2014 - 12:30 PM.

#10 Egomane


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:36 PM

View PostVassago Rain, on 21 December 2014 - 12:29 PM, said:

Those rules are from the dark days of Niko.

So why are they still up and unchanged? There has been plenty of time to change that rule since Niko is gone, but nothing happened. As long as the rule is up and nothing announced to the contrary it is a rule you should follow.

If you are unable to follow even such simple rules, because your ego is in the way, I'm afraid I can't help you. But please do not try such an excuse if you should ever be in front of a court. It will fail misserably.

Edited by Egomane, 21 December 2014 - 12:36 PM.

#11 Vassago Rain


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:39 PM

View PostEgomane, on 21 December 2014 - 12:36 PM, said:

So why are they still up and unchanged? There has been plenty of time to change that rule since Niko is gone, but nothing happened. As long as the rule is up and nothing announced to the contrary it is a rule you should follow.

If you are unable to follow even such simple rules, because your ego is in the way, I'm afraid I can't help you. But please do not try such an excuse if you should ever be in front of a court. It will fail misserably.

Because no one takes rules that silly seriously, Egomane.

If they did, why isn't Phil banned yet? He violates it about once every other streaming session. I like to call this VIOLATION OF SERIOUS BUSINESS RULES a common sense approach to obvious angry lights, but if it's really serious, and really a violation, he should probably have the full force of the gundam law brought down upon him.

Edit: I also noticed you bringing up some hilarious court of law whatever. Yes, Ego, robots is totally the same as real court. There's no difference between an actual court and telling on a worthless light in a F2P game. They're completely the same. We must make sure JUSTICE IS SERVED in the serious world of canadian F2P robot gundams


This is why no one liked your modding.

Edited by Vassago Rain, 21 December 2014 - 12:43 PM.

#12 Dirty Starfish


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:46 PM

cross posting:

I would also like to point you to this section of the code of conduct under griefing:
  • Persistent non-participation in core game mechanics.
If you have hidden then shut down and are not on the way to a conquest victory, then you are no longer participating in the core game mechanic. In CW, I admit that you may still be contributing to your faction's victory by powering down. However in normal queues, this cheese is "against the rules" which you hold so holy.

[color=#00FFFF]To reiterate and clarify the Terms of Use on Prohibited Conduct: As an online game and an ongoing development, we do expect issues to be discovered by players. In cases where an issue can provide an unfair advantage, players are expected to refrain from manipulating these issues. Accidental triggering of an issue will rarely be of concern, though repeated abuse of any such issue reported to us will frequently be met with a warning or sanction.[/color]

Edited by Serial Peacemaker, 21 December 2014 - 12:47 PM.

#13 Egomane


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:46 PM

View PostVassago Rain, on 21 December 2014 - 12:39 PM, said:

Because no one takes rules that silly seriously, Egomane.

If they did, why isn't Phil banned yet?

Of course every rule has an exception. But...

If everone just plays by his own rules for "reason", then we can just close this game down, as griefing has just become legal. No teamkilling? But he was lokking at me silly, so I was right to do it and you can't tell me I was wrong even so the rules say that I am wrong because I can totally make up my own rules and no one will punish me for it.

That is the message you are currently bringing forth. I might have phrased it with hyperbyole, but in the end we are talking about exactly that and that is the point you are defending. Sorry, you are wrong!

And why Phil isn't banned? I don't know and I don't care. I'm not responsible for his actions and I am also not responsible for the things PGIs support acts upon and on which they don't. I can only tell you, that I have seen players getting banned for for team treason, even in the times when Niko was not in charge.

#14 Vassago Rain


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:55 PM

View PostEgomane, on 21 December 2014 - 12:46 PM, said:

Of course every rule has an exception. But...

If everone just plays by his own rules for "reason", then we can just close this game down, as griefing has just become legal. No teamkilling? But he was lokking at me silly, so I was right to do it and you can't tell me I was wrong even so the rules say that I am wrong because I can totally make up my own rules and no one will punish me for it.

That is the message you are currently bringing forth. I might have phrased it with hyperbyole, but in the end we are talking about exactly that and that is the point you are defending. Sorry, you are wrong!

And why Phil isn't banned? I don't know and I don't care. I'm not responsible for his actions and I am also not responsible for the things PGIs support acts upon and on which they don't. I can only tell you, that I have seen players getting banned for for team treason, even in the times when Niko was not in charge.

I'm gonna sidestep your whole post and counter with some very relevant screenshots.

Posted Image

If your rules are terrible, and you enforce them, you end up with this.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Which benefits no one.

#15 Egomane


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 01:01 PM

Niko broke reddits rules and got punished for it. In my eyes well deserved. So your point is? If it wasn't "Don't break the rules or you'll get punished", in essence agreeing with me, I don't get it.

#16 Mudhutwarrior


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 01:07 PM

View PostVassago Rain, on 21 December 2014 - 12:29 PM, said:

Those rules are from the dark days of Niko.

If they were enforced to the letter, virtually everybody from myself to NGNG's Phil would have been banned forever ago. If someone's obviously wasting time by powering down their spider in a corner, just tell the reds and have him destroyed. No sane person is gonna side with the spider holding 23 other mechs hostage.

Likewise, if the spider is actually PLAYING THE GAME, and the enemy 'team' is down to a couple cherry red mechs, then let them have their fun. It makes for good watching, anyway.

Just, you know, use common sense. It's not difficult.

Once again just like we see in society the elite make their own rules while selective enforcement comes to the masses.

We need leadership, not scumbags breaking the rules as they see fit because they are special.

Hopefully PGI is starting to see through the veil of so called competitive players. NGNG being worst of all. The same type of elitist are the ones synching into solo ruining the game for new players and casuals. Its just wrong and no one can be called on it because everyone wants the privilege. I hope people are starting to see what kind of players are the experts here. Not experts at all just exploiters. The real expert players get lost in the morass of wannabes.

Edited by Mudhutwarrior, 21 December 2014 - 01:08 PM.

#17 Vassago Rain


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 01:09 PM

View PostEgomane, on 21 December 2014 - 01:01 PM, said:

Niko broke reddits rules and got punished for it. In my eyes well deserved. So your point is? If it wasn't "Don't break the rules or you'll get punished", in essence agreeing with me, I don't get it.

My point is an even-handed, common sense approach to moderation is always better than conflicting gestapo rules that exist so you can punish anyone you like for whatever slight you like, whenever you like, just for the sake of it.

>it's against the rules to tell on someone who's hiding. If they do, please report them to support!
>it's against the rules to hide and waste peoples' time! Please report them to support!

So if the spider is hiding, I should take screenshots of it, email support, and in 2 to 48 hours, they'll have done something about it. That sounds like a waste of everybody's time, when a better way to do it is to tell the reds that the last spider is powered down in D3 in a 2-11 scenario.

If I do that, he's not gonna do it again, because it's obvious there's nothing to gain, and you don't get to 'troll' the community while support eats through paperwork so they can tell you over email to please stop.

It's nonsense dreamed up by a nonsense community manager. There's never even been a need for it. Everybody, without exception, has violated this rule in one form or another. Most streamers do this daily, as it's in their best interest not to sit in spectate for the full 15 minutes. That's why it's so rare to see it. The community doesn't need rules to cover common sense aspects of daily playing.

#18 Mercules


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 01:13 PM

View PostVassago Rain, on 21 December 2014 - 01:09 PM, said:

>it's against the rules to hide and waste peoples' time! Please report them to support!

Only if they didn't contribute. If the Spider did 1 point of damage it has "contributed". Not a hard concept.

#19 Egomane


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 01:13 PM

View PostVassago Rain, on 21 December 2014 - 01:09 PM, said:

Everybody, without exception, has violated this rule in one form or another.

Bold statement! I can't remember an incident where I broke this rule, because there is none, so you are already wrong.

#20 Dirty Starfish


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Posted 21 December 2014 - 01:16 PM

I am pretty sure we are arguing with two twelve year olds. I give up. Follow your precious rules but know that if you pull this **** in a game, I will notify the other team of your location.

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