And suddently something in my head said= Nobody plays the adder.
And so i bought the Adder! And at first i tough= this is a waste of my cbills and time
But my god this mech is so much frikking FUN
The idea behind this mech, came when i saw an adder Gauss sniping mechs with great succes. I tought= Hey maybe this will work aswel? and then i saw light Tank destroyers of WW2.
And yeah! i just wanted it. 5 matches down the road. 4 victories. 1 defeat. 13 kills! Thats over 2 frikking K/D! not even my beloved jenner gets that good results!
Now for the other adders, i tought about going this
And this
Now anyone who has hints and tips for playing the adder? cause i do...Get myself quicker into problems then average. I often play this thing like a jenner....and...well thats bad, very bad
Also why does the flamer have to be non-removable?
Edited by theta123, 21 December 2014 - 01:32 PM.