MoonfireSpam, on 28 November 2015 - 08:34 AM, said:
Spread might make them good against infantry, if we had infantry - or even any plans on ever introducing infantry. Since we have neither, we certainly don't need the spread either.
As for balance and game-play versus flavour, fluff, and lore, I believe the onus is on you to show that they cannot co-exist.
Tordin, on 28 November 2015 - 10:07 AM, said:
Please observe the rightmost column; the Mk. V had an in-game life of 14 days - exactly one patch cycle. It was killed off by 6-MG toting JM6-DDs with dual PPCs/LLs that did the real job of opening up armour for the MGs to work off, and a fair amount of those killed by such builds saw it fit to blame the MGs, whereas those more sane realized the next dual-LL or dual-PPC shot would have killed you just as fast.
Nevermind that the Mk. V meant you could actually make good use of a pair of MGs - something that traditionally is mounted as backup weapons on a lot of 'mechs. Those two weeks are the only period in MWO's history where a pair of MGs have been something other than a waste of tonnage and crit slots.
But, it was too powerful apparently, and it was nerfed into the Mk. VI which relegated the MG to those 'mechs that could mount three or more. Then it was nerfed again almost a year later, because it was discovered that the 10 rounds per second the MG shoots only had about 6-8 rounds actually register, and when that was fixed Paul in his infinite "wisdom" (probably afraid that the MG would outclass all other weapons) gave it a 20% DPS nerf, pro-actively.
I'd say more, but I fear it would devolve into personal insults against certain PGI staff, so I'll just leave it at that.
Edited by stjobe, 28 November 2015 - 12:12 PM.