Okay Mystere, I’m going to throw a long post at ya, buckle up compadre!
Mystere, on 24 December 2014 - 11:26 PM, said:
Pardon me, but I am not really seeing how balance can be achieved. You yourself said there is a big unknown. Could you elaborate more?
(Or the bubbly is starting to take effect

This question borders on trollish behavior. Prior posting’s and further down, seem to indicate you have a grasp of what this system does. Yes I did say it was unknown, but that is irrelevant. At this point every idea put out by the player base is unknown and therefore irrelevant. If you fail to comprehend how this self-balances I suggest you take some time and reread some of the postings detailing it with the examples provided. If you still cannot comprehend the idea, come back with precise questions about any specific posting I made and I will then clarify it for you.
Will I elaborate more? I will not. The tonnage balance system is stated as plainly and clearly as I can make it in the first 3 paragraphs of my original posting. In my mind there is no other way to explain this differently than the few ways I’ve attempted throughout the thread.
Mystere, on 24 December 2014 - 11:26 PM, said:
That "minority" thing is throwing me off. Did you in fact mean "majority", as in the stronger teams are in the "minority" and the PUGs are in the "majority"? Please clarify.
(Or the bubbly is really starting to take its toll)
I see you failed to answer my question. It would have been impressive if you could have given an answer for both minority and majority, but instead you deflected and posed a counter question. When I state minority, it means exactly that, the minority. In this case I will clarify what the minority is for me in MWO CW. Any faction with a handicapped by a smaller player base than another faction is considered a minority. Any faction that has a less skilled player base is a minority. To me, PUG’s are a minority. Majority of games I’ve participated in, there are more players with tags and in 2+ man groups than there are of individuals. We will probably disagree on the PUG issue but it is only a minor point overall for me. Now that I clarified that, I await your answer to the original question.
Mystere, on 24 December 2014 - 11:26 PM, said:
Let men then list the cons while I let you list the pros:
- It seems to be the general observation that gamers these days very much prefer "winning" over "challenging". As such, I expect player populations to shift from the faction considered "losing" to the one "winning".
- Bragging rights for defeating a superior force is probably much lower on the totem pole than crushing a faction.
- There is a hard upper limit to what can be used for tonnage allowance. Once that is reached, then what? Start reducing the "good" players' tonnage limits? Start increasing/decreasing the number of waves allowed?
- Finally, there is a point in which handicaps start becoming "unfair" to the better players. You don't ever want to get even remotely close to that one.
This is good attempt on your part. Here is my list of the major pros in my opinion.
- It’s a simple system that require no nerf/buff to any mech/weapon.
- It self-balances dominance through gradual small weight increases/decreases for each faction separately based off how many planets they control.
- It’s easy to adjust the tonnage rate changes in game by only adjusting 1 number in a formula.
- It adds more variety options to the drop deck than what is now available.
- It prevents any overall map reset.
- No one faction can have complete domination over their neighbors or the map.
- It serves as a simple but realistic proxy for factions reinforcing endangered fronts.
- It provides a more stable ‘universe’ than the current system, similar to canon lore.
I would like to comment on your list.
Winning is what most people want. As it now stands, what you described could eventually happen. I’m glad you pointed this out, because it highlights the current situation in game. Players might start to migrate to Davion, CGB, CJF or CW. As more players leave Liao, Marik, Kurita, FRR, CSJ the remaining players will have more difficulty due to a shrinking player base. In the tonnage balance system, I’m counting on some players to move like you described. They will go to who is winning, then winning becomes more of a challenge and the pace slows, they then move on to the next winning side. Every faction sooner or later will rise and fall at some point. Very similar to canon lore I might add.
Again you are probably correct. I personally would love to see Liao crushed and utterly destroyed because I have never taken a liking to them due to lore storylines. Now ask yourself this, now that the loyal Liao player base is demoralized, what would keep them playing in CW? Eh…who cares right? Now that Liao is out the way, it would be cool to see FRR crushed, after all they are the noobs of IS Houses right? Those guys are now disheartened and many may move on or quit playing CW, but again…who cares it not your faction right? Next on the list is Clan Smoke Jaguar, after all, CSJ die off in lore and are the bad guys in canon lore so no loss there if those guys relocate or quit. Can you see where this is going? It’s going exactly where MW4 NBT league went. Down the drain because of dwindling player base. What is to stop it from happening as of now?
Correct, there must be a hard upper limit emplaced. I personally think that limit should be 340 tons. If a faction could ever reach this point they now control approximately 200 more planets then they did at the start. That equates to all of House Liao and the FRR combined with a few to spare. One could also just change the Y value to adjust accordingly. Instead of 340 tons equating to 200 planets, it could equate to 400 planets. It’s only a single number change in a formula for adjustments.
This point of upper limits are for the worst case scenarios, so if you were to suggest 240 tons could consistently win on both defense and offense against an increasing drop deck size to reach 340 tons, you would be dreaming. If this could happen with tonnage balance system then MWO is already broken beyond repair as it is now. CW will just soon boil down to 2 factions if left unchecked.
I can twist your statement around and say, there is a point in which certain faction loyalists, less fortunate and/or less skilled players start leaving CW because they feel it is “unfair” because clan mechs are OP or larger organized groups are OP or a larger player base for other factions are OP or whatever. You don’t ever want that to get even remotely close to that one.
“Good” players got to where they are at for a reason. What is that reason? Because they are more adaptable and/or better coordinated than others. Good players will find ways to adapt and succeed or else they would not have gotten to where their at. No one solution is perfect for everyone, this one is obviously not a good one for you. Everyone will have to adjust to any changes made by PGI, its best if those adjustments are spread evenly through the community.
Mystere, on 24 December 2014 - 11:26 PM, said:
And as for other alternatives to your suggestion ...
PGI can expand the use of the planet "attack" and "defend" selections as a balancing solution. It will be crude (and not to mention really rude), but it will get the job done in giving a crippled faction some respite. It can also be "justified" as a logistics issue for the invading force.
Another idea is to completely decouple Mercenary units from factions (especially from the Clans), enabling them to become true free agents, and at the same time give them huge reward incentives for joining the weaker factions. This might work because I've actually seen some Merc units state that they care more about c-bills than winning matches. Of course, this idea might just leave a bad taste in the mouth because it is a huge deviation from lore.
Now on to your suggestions.
Your Bubbly must be kicking in, I’m a bit confused by your first suggestion. By expand, do you refer to what you mentioned prior. Giving struggling factions more choices? Doesn’t that only dilutes the player base even more? If they could not succeed with 1 choice of attack and defend on each front, how are they going to succeed with more fronts? I’m not too clear on what your trying to say will work and I’m not quite sure what you mean by respite? More options to attack and defend gives your respite?
The Mercenary idea is a good one and PGI is trying to use now by increasing XP and C bills contracts for struggling factions. I also agree with you about the bad taste. It seems to becoming more prevalent for some players just to farm C bills with total disregards to victory. A good fix for this would be to entice greater payouts for victories. You have to make winning way more profitable than complacent farming. PGI would have to constantly monitor and change contract conditions to even out the overall map. I would be happy if this were possible to entice players to do it.
Mystere, on 24 December 2014 - 11:26 PM, said:
Finally, CW still has a few missing pieces:
- logistics and supply lines
- economy
- planet "values" relative to each other
All of these can be made part of game balancing. As such, a rush to find "balance" right now just might translate into wasted time, resources, and effort (i.e. withdraw previous balance mechanisms) once the other missing pieces come into place. That is the price to pay when releasing an obviously unfinished game. Can PGI afford such potential waste?
As far as adding more depth to CW, that would be great if it worked. As stated before, how many years is it going to take PGI to create and balance new ideas? What do we do in the mean time?
Answer me this Mystere, what do logistics do in CW? Supply lines do what and where do they come from? Who runs the economy of a faction and what does it do? What are planetary values and in what way do they relate to each other? You specifically mentioned “the other missing pieces”, what are they and what would they do? What punishes good players, what punishes bad players? How do all these things interact with each other and how does that affect balancing? How do you adjust balance ‘on the fly’ if needed while CW is underway? Better yet Mystere, start your thread on these ideas and answer them there.
Throughout this entire thread discussion there is one constant from you Mystere. Your point of view is focused solely on what is best for the “good” players in CW (i.e. you). Who cares about players with less skill or fortune than you, after all they just screw up, do stupid things and cost you victory right? I’m I wrong Mystere, because you have yet to specificly address any imbalance issues?
Edited by CarnageINC, 26 December 2014 - 05:27 PM.