Lorgarn, on 28 December 2014 - 08:06 AM, said:
I have no team, I am alone. Pugs dont care for that, PUGS dont stay together, PUGS dont protect each other. I am trying to find others to play with but since then I am stuck in the PUG hellhole and I am on my own there.
...I've pug'd thousands of matches. All I do is pug. There is always a way to deal w/lights...
Even in pugs, your team will generally have a center of gravity to the group. Find it. Stay there(ish). Lights are exactly the reason not to wonder away from your teammates. Lights are like wolves looking for the sheep that stray from the heard.
Seismic sensors are crucial for knowing when a light is hovering around/behind you.
Aim for the legs, not center mass: a moving light that you hit will usually have the damage distributed among the various upper body hitboxes (due to how that's calculated presently when they're at speed). Shooting thier legs limits the damage to just those two hitboxes. A light with no leg armor is a light that's almost dead.
You need to improve your piloting so you can master a reverse circle, and then be ready to reverse your turn in the opposite direction to catch the light coming around from the other side.
In settings, consider lowering your mouse sensitivity: you need to be accurate with your fire, and I've found that mouse sensitivity makes that more difficult.
It's difficult to hit lights with balistic weapons... except for the LBX10. That little baby is excellent for hitting lights. Mounting two of them is even better.
Machine guns are useful for driving lights off. It won't often do that much damamge to a light, but it does unnerve many light pilots and encourages them to find other targets.
Pulse lasers are excellent against lights. You don't have to lead your target, and each pulse puts all of it's damage on the single body part hit.
...lastly, keep in mind that light pilots are some of the best players in the game. There's no shame in having trouble with them.
A few words on what doesn't work:
Putting your back to a wall: you're rarely gonna have a wall immediately available when you need one.
SSRM's: given the time it takes you lock onto a light (and how often you'll fail to do so), PLUS how often those missles actually fail to hit the target (stricking some building or ground feature), they're just not worth it in my opin.
Non-pulse lasers: the upside of lasers is that you actually hit the light (instead of missing, like with balistics), but the downside is that you rarely can keep the beam on the light long enough to do much damage. It's not as cut and dry as I'm making it out to be here, but keep in mind that beam weapons are not the automatic end-all-be-all of anti-light weapons (although pulse-lasers are).