the problem Clan is supposed to be superior in most every way,
why? because by 3060 IS has closed the Tech Gap finding balance,
wheres why our current Balance situation is wrong,
right now Clan weapons are being balanced to IS weapons,
IS Medium and small laser balanced against Clan ER lasers,
IS AC are being balanced against Clan LBX and Ultras,
IS has no Engine option between STD and XL,
now onto 3060 Tech,
this is the Tech each side will receive by progressing the time-line,
all the Below Tech is readily available by 3060, or just after,
=IS get=
Acts as Clan XL but for the IS,
weighs only 75% of a STD engine,
was developed in 3053(Wolfs Dragoons),
became full available 3060-3062,
Extended range Variants of the IS Small&Medium Lasers,
increasing their range to be much closer to Clans ER-Lasers,
Extended Variants of the IS S-SRM Launchers,
increasing their use with more variants,
Extended range Variants of the IS Small/Medium/Large-Pulse-Lasers,
increasing their range to be much closer to Clans Pulse-Lasers,
gives any IS PPC the ability to charge then fire,
PPCs equipped with this Capacitor can still fire with out charging,
however charging then firing adds +5 damage to your PPCs damage,
Lighter Gauss version for weight and space Saving,
Heavier Gauss version for Damage and Power,
IS Ultra ACs
Ultra Versions of All IS Auto-Cannons,
LB-X Versions of All IS Auto-Cannons,
Medium Range Missiles, unguided but can go up to medium range,
used for Blanketing an area in missiles for support or assault,
=Clan get=
Advance Tactical Missile System fires Guided Missile at Medium Ranges,
the launchers are heavy but they can hold 3 different types of ammo,
because of problems with this we can expect 3 launchers,
Heavy Lasers
designed to do alittle more damage than standard ER-Lasers,
but due to the increased damage they have reduced Laser Range,
as you can see with-in the next 10 years IS gets much more than Clan,
and what IS gets allows them to now directly compete with the stronger Clan,
and with this equipment and these weapons Clan would lose their advantage,
i created this Topic to Explain why i feel the Time-line needs to move up 10 years,
if we are to stay at 3050 and the Clans keeps getting balanced to a weaker IS,
i fear when these do come out will make IS/Clan balancing much harder,
as we will have to be balanced all over again with the New Weapons,
wasting months on balance, when it will have to be repeated later,
if we could move the time line up sooner rather than later,
i feel allot of the balance problems will be much easier to solve,
as well as allot of the Anger/Worry here on forums,
i understand some feel this may hurt what makes both sides unique,
but IS still will have their Battle-Mechs, and Clan still has their Omni-Mechs,
what it will do is give IS pilots more options when it comes to mech construction,
with 3060 weapons theses pilots would be able to choose between Range vs Heat,
they would be able to choose more advanced, ER-ML for more range more heat,
or they could choose to stick with normal ML for less heat at less range,
also remember eventually the time line will progress,
and IS will probably be getting this equipment in the future,
so it is coming, i would just rather it be sooner rather then later,
if for nothing else than for balance sake,
Thoughts, Comments, Concerns?
Please Vote, & Thanks,
see something i missed?
a piece of equipment or a weapon i forgot to add?
please post below or PM me, Thanks!
Edit- Spelling
Edit2- Notes
Edit3- Poll Change
Edit4- ATM note
Edit5- Added SSRM4-6
Edited by Andi Nagasia, 24 December 2015 - 07:17 PM.