I have seen through various forums complaints about mech restrictions, as well as no real incentive to stick with any one side. Therefore, you get multitudes of people who just go around and tie other people up and get in the way. Yet they still get full benefits.
So here's some ideas:
Pledging your unit to "Merc" status would:
- allow access to mechs from both IS and Clan (maybe tweak limitations on drop decks for this as well?)
- no access to loyalty points, but higher pay in CBills
- reduced logistics costs (when implemented - implied ability to have local sources/contacts)
- Mercs would not be eligible to hold planets
Maybe create a rating system where mercs develop a reputation, where if they fight against one faction too much, it becomes harder for them to get high paying contracts from that faction and their allies for some time (to prevent too much flip flopping)
Create limitations or penalties for switching factions as a loyalist (not a merc unit) Like units from the Steiner military or the Clans.
Now, Loyalty stores should have special and unique equipment available (unique to each faction and maybe focusing on certain playstyles) I'm not talking cockpit garbage either, I'm thinking unique modules that are "issued" for loyalty points. An interesting concept to prevent "collectionists" from hopping around would be that the equipment is lost if you lose loyalty with said faction, and you could have your loyalty shift based on how you earn loyalty with other factions (ie. raising your loyalty with a house could lower your loyalty with some clans, depending on their relations/borders)
I'm just spitballing, in order to put a different spin on a third subgroup of factions, so you have Loyalist Clans, Loyalist IS and Mercs