Abivard, on 04 January 2015 - 03:24 PM, said:
This myth of a Poor, peace loving , non-aggressive, 'we are only defending our border" stereotype that you attempt to paint the Davion faction as, is just as much a lie as all the rest of your units trolling posts that are found everywhere on everyone's boards.
-MS-, First Steiner, then CGB, then Davion, then CGB again, now back to Steiner. They were never FRR aligned.
CI was once FRR for a week, they served their contract with the FRR with great honor and were always willing to take direction from the FRR Riksdag and Kungsarme' during their time with us, I strongly doubt your accusations that they are a renegade outfit.
The "Lord's" you speak of are not the full group that started CW as CJF, the bad apples left that Unit, The fact that CJF had only one planet to attack that Steiner never really defended, mostly just pugs did the defending with an occasional unit from another faction.
Steiner also tended to never attack CJF worlds either. Can hardly blame a unit of their caliber for changing to a Faction with so many wonderful avenues of attack open to them, rather than to be stuck in a corner farming pugs who often disco at the sight of even 4 lords lol.
Your trying to cast blame and Shame on Marik, Liao and Kurita for them fighting to save or take back their worlds your faction has spent the entirety of CW gobbling up!
Your attempts to blame everyone else for Davion's actions or lack of actions as well as these stolen valor claims about the clan wars is even worse.
What are you talking about? MS is with Steiner, when did I say they were with the FRR? Could you try to actually the read the posts before responding to them? Or do you just skip the reading part, make up what you think the post was, and respond to your own hallucination?
MS is with Steiner, and you were saying that Steiner was helping the clans, when in fact, only MS and CI were. Just like how I don't color the FRR based on your actions, don't color the entirety of Steiner, based on the actions of mercs contracted with them for the week. Not even full time Steiner players.
Also, I've dropped on the Steiner front, and I've seen the 12th Dongeal Guard, and the 228th defending those worlds. Do you remember Persistence? No other world in the IS was defended against the clans as ferociously as Persistence, and that was on the Steiner front. You know, the one you never go to, and keep thinking that only pugs defend.
The same argument you're trying to use against Davion is the one being used against the rest of the Inner Sphere. We're all chipping in to defend against the clans whenever possible, and when we get attacked, we have to move back to defend our borders.
Get everyone to stop attacking each other, and see what happens. Until then, we (The Inner Sphere) see no benefit to stopping, and a lot of risk, instead.
Also, the "bad apples" you're talking about in regards to the Lords formed the Emperors unit, and I'm not really sure where you were going with that section of your tirade.
Now, last and most important:
I'm not painting Davion as the peace loving faction only defending it's planets. We're being attacked, and we're attacking as well. So please, put a sock in it when it comes to attacking us. Literally the only two reasons you're attacking is because you want us all to defend the FRR, and Davion is growing.
What's really annoying is that you make our growth seem like we're the only ones attacking the other factions, and are not being attacked. Again: we're (the Inner Sphere) all attacking each other, stop lying and making it seem like we're (Davion) the only ones attacking.
Honestly, why should we defend the FRR? I'm one of the top proponents for defending the FRR, and have on multiple occasions posted in this forum about strategies to help defend it, and have organized cross-unit drops, and pug drops defending the FRR, and I'm asking you: Why should we defend the FRR? So you guys don't fall? How's that going to benefit my faction? Why should we use our resources to slow down your downfall, instead of expand our empires? Our forces (at least Marik, and Davion), can match the clans in a straight up fight, and probably overwhelm them. Why use them to defend you, instead of to improve our position?
I know the answers to these questions myself, which is why I am trying to get people to defend the FRR, and the northern factions, but try and answer those questions for me honestly. Give us an honest answer.
RjBass3, on 04 January 2015 - 07:57 PM, said:
In all seriousness though, I though IS factions not on clan borders couldn't attack clan planets, only defend. Am I wrong?
You are correct. We can't attack clan worlds. We need the northern three factions to do that, so we can defend their worlds. Instead of having their defense queues filled up to the point where we can't defend. When we can't defend there because it takes over half an hour to find a match. We go to queue up elsewhere.