Ah, comon guys. Just leave it dead alredy. Its wrong of you both, well any fan of any faction to cut all under one knife! We all get easly engaged and fierce when playing games based of a universe we all really like and want to do the best out of, totally understandable. The key is a middle ground and some restraint for witholding furious forum typing and accidentaly insult people...
A bit misinformed on one part arent you? As far as I know at least. CW and Steiner have an cease-fire, which means disputes might erupt at any moment even if they arent attacking each other.... yet.
Also theres reasons that not all come to help us, they have their own border disputes, some pretty damn good ones too of what I've read (Davion vs Marik).
They have their hands full, believe it or not, not as much as ours maybe, still.
The clans are not the only threat on the horizon. Its NOT only Clan vs IS, its ANY combination.
Abivar has good points on the other hand that if you and peeps from other houses not near the border, really want constant fighting with clanners every day, you could always joint the frontier factions.... though, just lending a hand from where you are is just as much appreciated .
Any help from any IS faction is highly welcome, Kurita, Davion, Marik, Liao, even Steiner (have seen you contributing thanks!, not all of you are so butthurt as some say
When you have time and want good cash rewards, unity and some sense of epic battles of solidarity and comradie/ friendship. For the heck of lore or not. Then the frontier vs clanners are a fascinating battlescape.
Blow of some steam by punching the stuffing outta a punching bag (or pillow) if you get upset by opinions and get filled up with forum frenzy. It sure works.
And no, Im not trying to be a self righteous diplomat (I have my faults aswell, doh)
Im just trying to get the bigger picture laid out and look constructively on whats going on, being open minded!
Edited by Tordin, 05 January 2015 - 09:29 AM.