Chameleon257, on 08 January 2015 - 11:13 AM, said:
Lets say someone here used to be a Counter Strike 1.3-1.6 server admin many many eons back.
He used certain things on other people's server just to study and tell the difference between normal play style and cheating.
The tell tale signs remain and a great many of those was mention in Madportos's post about Kid.
A legit very good pilot will still be limited to reacting to what he can see and what he can predict.
Now lets move on my own video... I am trying to find better one... Still search my shadowplay archive.. May not have saved it.
First of all no your not going to see anything special, infact most.. It is mostly a normal match.
It just one of those 'wtf?', 'Spider sense tingling!' or 'What the heck was that' moments.
No specifics and no names will be mentioned, this is just raw footage with me being on the receiving end of someone.
I near the top of the caldera... My target was the dragon.. But something hits me hard from off screen, while I was trying to keep my Jager hidden and take a quick AC40 Snipe on the Dragon.
I would understand that amount of damage done to me if it was Gauss dual guass or AC40... But those were most likely quad UAC/5s.. Yes.. That felt weird to me at the time because of the weapon type used and the amount of damage done in that very short window. Further more from the attackers perspective, I should have been obscured by the smoke coloumn just like he was to me.. Well done attacker !
I try to get my revenge shot on him. I did my quick up and down Jager snap shot on him.
But ouch... There goes all my head armour and what was left of the CT armour. Again.. What the heck moment.
10mins 30sec -- My own possible headshot on Mr. Cent.. Lol.. Though my first alpha got blackholed.. Meh.. But that on of the tell tale signs of legit players... We lead targets... Don't think bots normally lead targets, normally only they only lock-on to specific points.
Edited by ShinVector, 08 January 2015 - 06:24 PM.