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Whats Happening About Cheaters?

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#101 ShinVector

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Posted 08 January 2015 - 06:17 PM

View PostChameleon257, on 08 January 2015 - 11:13 AM, said:

What you have to remember is some people have high end computers high res graphics that show mor detail have higher fps etc. what you see on the screen is your computer representation of their view but it's still your resolution your fps your textures etc. I haven't seen people suspiciously aiming I have a high end computer with high resolution and consistent 60fps because I'm vsync'd. Just because you don't see exactly what someone sees you might think its suspicious.

Lets say someone here used to be a Counter Strike 1.3-1.6 server admin many many eons back.
He used certain things on other people's server just to study and tell the difference between normal play style and cheating.

The tell tale signs remain and a great many of those was mention in Madportos's post about Kid.

A legit very good pilot will still be limited to reacting to what he can see and what he can predict.


Now lets move on my own video... I am trying to find better one... Still search my shadowplay archive.. May not have saved it.

First of all no your not going to see anything special, infact most.. It is mostly a normal match.
It just one of those 'wtf?', 'Spider sense tingling!' or 'What the heck was that' moments.

No specifics and no names will be mentioned, this is just raw footage with me being on the receiving end of someone.

I near the top of the caldera... My target was the dragon.. But something hits me hard from off screen, while I was trying to keep my Jager hidden and take a quick AC40 Snipe on the Dragon.

I would understand that amount of damage done to me if it was Gauss dual guass or AC40... But those were most likely quad UAC/5s.. Yes.. That felt weird to me at the time because of the weapon type used and the amount of damage done in that very short window. Further more from the attackers perspective, I should have been obscured by the smoke coloumn just like he was to me.. Well done attacker !

I try to get my revenge shot on him. I did my quick up and down Jager snap shot on him.
But ouch... There goes all my head armour and what was left of the CT armour. Again.. What the heck moment.

10mins 30sec -- My own possible headshot on Mr. Cent.. Lol.. Though my first alpha got blackholed.. Meh.. But that on of the tell tale signs of legit players... We lead targets... Don't think bots normally lead targets, normally only they only lock-on to specific points.

Edited by ShinVector, 08 January 2015 - 06:24 PM.

#102 Chameleon257


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Posted 09 January 2015 - 06:52 AM

View PostShinVector, on 08 January 2015 - 06:17 PM, said:

Lets say someone here used to be a Counter Strike 1.3-1.6 server admin many many eons back.
He used certain things on other people's server just to study and tell the difference between normal play style and cheating.

The tell tale signs remain and a great many of those was mention in Madportos's post about Kid.

A legit very good pilot will still be limited to reacting to what he can see and what he can predict.


Now lets move on my own video... I am trying to find better one... Still search my shadowplay archive.. May not have saved it.

First of all no your not going to see anything special, infact most.. It is mostly a normal match.
It just one of those 'wtf?', 'Spider sense tingling!' or 'What the heck was that' moments.

No specifics and no names will be mentioned, this is just raw footage with me being on the receiving end of someone.

I near the top of the caldera... My target was the dragon.. But something hits me hard from off screen, while I was trying to keep my Jager hidden and take a quick AC40 Snipe on the Dragon.

I would understand that amount of damage done to me if it was Gauss dual guass or AC40... But those were most likely quad UAC/5s.. Yes.. That felt weird to me at the time because of the weapon type used and the amount of damage done in that very short window. Further more from the attackers perspective, I should have been obscured by the smoke coloumn just like he was to me.. Well done attacker !

I try to get my revenge shot on him. I did my quick up and down Jager snap shot on him.
But ouch... There goes all my head armour and what was left of the CT armour. Again.. What the heck moment.

10mins 30sec -- My own possible headshot on Mr. Cent.. Lol.. Though my first alpha got blackholed.. Meh.. But that on of the tell tale signs of legit players... We lead targets... Don't think bots normally lead targets, normally only they only lock-on to specific points.

I regularly use night vision on caustic in the caldera to see through the smoke. In regular vision you're right you're obscured. Turn on night vision and you can see through it. Try it. :)

How did you know I was an admin on my server in cs?

Edited by Chameleon257, 09 January 2015 - 08:24 AM.

#103 Daggett


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Posted 09 January 2015 - 07:41 AM

View PostVancer2, on 02 January 2015 - 04:16 PM, said:

You people have not bothered to look there are numerous people who sell products specifically for Free2play games such as this. If you think people don't cheat in this you are just ignorant as you are stupid. Its easier to cover up the window and believe that that giant 100 foot wave of water isn't there. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Wrong. Cheats for this game exist. If you want to believe they don't, that's fine. But there are several sites that sell Aimbots specifically for this game. Get used to it. There are aimbotters who cheat at this game. So Piranha Games. Do something about it.

I have not read the entire thread, so please forgive me if someone already wrote the following:
The majority of cheat-offerings for server-authenticated online games are scam. Whoever buys those 'cheats' is either ripped of and get nothing in return, or even worse, they get a trojan instead. Which is fine, because cheaters deserve to be scammed. ;)

Of cause this does not mean that there can't be real aimbots (one of the few cheats possible with games like MWO) out there. But to find those is not that easy with all those fakes out there, so i don't think that MWO has too much problems with aimbots. At least that's what i experience, i very rarely have any suspicious matches which i can't explain with high skill, lag or bugs...

#104 Ironwithin


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Posted 09 January 2015 - 09:09 AM

View PostChameleon257, on 09 January 2015 - 06:52 AM, said:

I regularly use night vision on caustic in the caldera to see through the smoke. In regular vision you're right you're obscured. Turn on night vision and you can see through it. Try it. :)

Thermal vision also works very nicely, even though it's a hot map.

#105 Beo Vulf


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Posted 09 January 2015 - 11:10 AM

Once you figure out were the cockpit hit box is on a given battlemech snap shooting at it isn't to difficult. The problem is that you only have a 50/50 chance of actually hitting it standing still, those odds go down the faster you are moving, and the further away you are. Unless the individual is getting a head shot at a better than 50% rate I would chalk it up to luck.

#106 DeathlyEyes


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 07:35 PM

View PostLilammaa, on 01 January 2015 - 03:38 AM, said:

iv started to spectate and see people who seem to be aim botting where they are running backwards and turning with perfect aim on the cockpit on mechs. meaning perfectly smooth aiming directly at the cockpit area.

aim crosshair was also snapping to mechs cockpits...

whats being done about this where can we report them to stop this idiocy.

this is the most important thing to end asap.


Edited by DeathlyEyes, 10 January 2015 - 07:36 PM.

#107 Lily from animove


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Posted 12 January 2015 - 02:58 AM

View PostShinVector, on 08 January 2015 - 06:17 PM, said:

10mins 30sec -- My own possible headshot on Mr. Cent.. Lol.. Though my first alpha got blackholed.. Meh.. But that on of the tell tale signs of legit players... We lead targets... Don't think bots normally lead targets, normally only they only lock-on to specific points.

this depends on the game, in regular shooters bullets have no travel time, and so they lock dead on. if hacks exist for mwo, one would of course write them different and calculate this to know where to shoot. (think about how the targetting computer in MW 3 worked)

hacks can do everything today, they can even calculate where grenades will land, and they could warn you where the airstrike will coem down (and one could even make template aroudn this to indicate where you may be hit by the airstrike).
A hack is only limited by the information your client gets from the server and the programmign skills of the one writing the hack. But with a Indutry making serveral millions of $ you cna guess there is a lot skill involved in programming.

Well i actually undertsand when some Cs pro's hack, because its about the money, but people paying for enhancing their skills to stroke some meanignless epeen? wow one must have small balls if he can't handle losing.

#108 Petard


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Posted 12 January 2015 - 08:48 AM

Spectated some very disturbing happenings tonight, reminded me of CS back in the day...Anyone that tries to tell me that people aim this well all the time is spouting bovine fecal matter.

Saw a WVR 6K that did not miss a shot the whole time i watched, and several times started shooting BEFORE his target came out from behind cover straight into the shot... Saw this guy pull this crap off 2 games in a row.

To those of you that are shouting down the other people who have witnessed this, why so vehement?...Not trying to hide something are you?

I'm 48, and a seasoned Internet gamer, and I have seen this BS plenty of times before, played MWO a lot, and this is the first time I have seen what I consider definitive proof of hacking in MWO, take it any way you like it, but I'm giving this game a rest for a while, this rubbish is getting out of hand.

Better fix it PGI, hackers have killed plenty of other games, and there is waaay too much suspect stuff goin on just lately. Definitely wallhackers and aimbotters running around at the moment. I for one won't spend more money on a hackfest, and I'm positive I ain't the only one.

#109 Ironwithin


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Posted 12 January 2015 - 09:35 AM

View PostPetard, on 12 January 2015 - 08:48 AM, said:

Spectated some very disturbing happenings tonight, reminded me of CS back in the day...Anyone that tries to tell me that people aim this well all the time is spouting bovine fecal matter.

Saw a WVR 6K that did not miss a shot the whole time i watched, and several times started shooting BEFORE his target came out from behind cover straight into the shot... Saw this guy pull this crap off 2 games in a row.

To those of you that are shouting down the other people who have witnessed this, why so vehement?...Not trying to hide something are you?

I'm 48, and a seasoned Internet gamer, and I have seen this BS plenty of times before, played MWO a lot, and this is the first time I have seen what I consider definitive proof of hacking in MWO, take it any way you like it, but I'm giving this game a rest for a while, this rubbish is getting out of hand.

Better fix it PGI, hackers have killed plenty of other games, and there is waaay too much suspect stuff goin on just lately. Definitely wallhackers and aimbotters running around at the moment. I for one won't spend more money on a hackfest, and I'm positive I ain't the only one.

If you suspect somebody is cheating please report them and follow the procedures laid out in the CoC as best you can.
A link to those can be found in the second post on the first page of this thread. It's not a very time-consuming or complicated thing to do.

Edited by Ironwithin, 12 January 2015 - 09:35 AM.

#110 ShinVector

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Posted 12 January 2015 - 05:06 PM

View PostLily from animove, on 12 January 2015 - 02:58 AM, said:

this depends on the game, in regular shooters bullets have no travel time, and so they lock dead on. if hacks exist for mwo, one would of course write them different and calculate this to know where to shoot. (think about how the targetting computer in MW 3 worked)

That would involve a lot of math. Not sure where any cheat programmer would invest that much time into it.
Would make sense of MWO had hundred thousands or millions of active players.
In anycase, at least from the real proof we seen so, far that player's crosshair certainly moves unnaturally.

Based on what we have seen so, far in this thread. And yes, I am not a fan of censorship that stops us to getting the analyse the videos of these suspected cheaters.

Anyway... Things nowadays things like shadow play which allows anyone to dump a video of any ones cockpit makes cheating very risky.

Edited by ShinVector, 12 January 2015 - 05:23 PM.

#111 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 07:23 AM

View PostZenFool, on 04 January 2015 - 11:10 PM, said:

Yes....There are sites that advertise that. There are also sites that sell you a piece of alien testicle. Its the internet... Not every product is real and many are simply there to make your computer part of their botnet while also taking some of your money. I'm not saying aimbot for this game is impossible, I've never thought to go looking for it.

Having said that, many actual hack makers advertise on youtube. As Kon mentioned, CA is riddled with hacks. The hacksites have a vid up after every patch advertising their new product. Can the same be said for MWO? Haven't seen one video of a hacker in this game.

I have.. I saw a youtube video of a dire goin like 150kph in Alpine Peaks.. cheats DO exist.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 13 January 2015 - 07:24 AM.

#112 Lily from animove


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 07:50 AM

View PostPetard, on 12 January 2015 - 08:48 AM, said:

Spectated some very disturbing happenings tonight, reminded me of CS back in the day...Anyone that tries to tell me that people aim this well all the time is spouting bovine fecal matter.

Saw a WVR 6K that did not miss a shot the whole time i watched, and several times started shooting BEFORE his target came out from behind cover straight into the shot... Saw this guy pull this crap off 2 games in a row.

To those of you that are shouting down the other people who have witnessed this, why so vehement?...Not trying to hide something are you?

I'm 48, and a seasoned Internet gamer, and I have seen this BS plenty of times before, played MWO a lot, and this is the first time I have seen what I consider definitive proof of hacking in MWO, take it any way you like it, but I'm giving this game a rest for a while, this rubbish is getting out of hand.

Better fix it PGI, hackers have killed plenty of other games, and there is waaay too much suspect stuff goin on just lately. Definitely wallhackers and aimbotters running around at the moment. I for one won't spend more money on a hackfest, and I'm positive I ain't the only one.

Not sure did you ahd the same angle of view as he?
Did he had seimsic sensor? because then you do know when someoen will come around the corner.
whats the latency, I have gotten shotted to death before my opponent could have a line of sight visually to me, simply because of client server desynch.
Not everything that looks unnatural or what you see is what others see or impossible. Yet cheaters may probably exist.
I definately think Steam will brign inquite a lot of them, and I hope PGI is going fairfight. because in APB if someone knows this cheater situation was totally out of control until they implemented fairfight. The game now massively changed and plays way easier than ever before. closet hackers were literally everywhere and statistically for every higher skilled player nearly any mission had at least one hacker involved changing more or less the result.

View PostShinVector, on 12 January 2015 - 05:06 PM, said:

That would involve a lot of math. Not sure where any cheat programmer would invest that much time into it.
Would make sense of MWO had hundred thousands or millions of active players.
In anycase, at least from the real proof we seen so, far that player's crosshair certainly moves unnaturally.

Based on what we have seen so, far in this thread. And yes, I am not a fan of censorship that stops us to getting the analyse the videos of these suspected cheaters.

Anyway... Things nowadays things like shadow play which allows anyone to dump a video of any ones cockpit makes cheating very risky.

if you make cheats that make you earn 100k $ a month this is not much effort for some rather simple math.
And in MWO, who knows soem people put a lot of time and dedication into this, and there are many other rather unknown games wher epoeple throw a lot money for some artificial enhanced epeen stroking.

#113 Petard


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 08:23 AM

Followed him from behind deliberately in my myst lynx when he turned up on my team, in the battle straight after he ct cored me in my myst lynx with 1 second of exposure, in a place where i had not even taken a single shot yet, and nor had anybody else...thought to self, something fishy here, he got 4 kills 500 dam, nothing special you say, and fair enough, to put it into context, i was spectating 2 of the other guys he killed that battle. Serious tingling in my spider senses

Followed him closely in the light next game when he was on my team, serious BS, I have played with and against some very good players, never seen anyone with such a steady aim at the ct of a light moving laterally, he did this multiple times on his way to 6 kills, 4 assists, and over 1000 damage.

Like I said, seen plenty of hackers before, been around the internet for a loooong time. I really do hesitate to scream "hacker" most of the time, because some people are freakishly good....NOONE is this good, unless he has xray vision and the hands of the best brain surgeon on the planet, combined with ESP.

Starting your shot a split second before your NOT LIT UP TARGET comes into view, 400m away, where no seismic in the game could possibly alert you to his presence, and hitting him ct for the full remainder of the burn, seems to me to be extremely suspect, especially when it happens multiple times in succession.... :blink:

Edited by Petard, 13 January 2015 - 08:40 AM.

#114 IraqiWalker


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 08:30 AM

View PostPetard, on 13 January 2015 - 08:23 AM, said:

followed him from behind deliberately in my myst lynx when he turned up on my team, in the battle straight after he ct cored me in my myst lynx with 1 second of exposure...thought to self, somethin fishy here, he got 4 kills 500 dam, nothin special.

Followed him closely in the light next game when he was on my team, serious BS, I have played with and against some very good players, never seen anyone with such a steady aim at the ct of a light moving laterally, he did this multiple times on his way to 6 kills, 4 assists, and over 1000 damage.

Like I said, seen plenty of hackers before, been around the internet for a loooong time. I really do hesitate to scream "hacker" most of the time, because some people are freakishly good....NOONE is this good, unless he has xray vision and the hands of the best brain surgeon on the planet, combined with ESP.

Starting your shot a split second before your NOT LIT UP TARGET comes into view, and hitting him ct for the full remainder of the burn, seems to me to be extremely suspect, especially when it happens multiple times in succession.... :blink:

Seismic can explain the shots before they pop out. The rest, I'm not sure what that was.

#115 Petard


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 08:42 AM

I use seismic, I own 6 of em, it doesn't work at 400m for me....

#116 Jody Von Jedi


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 09:58 AM

View PostPetard, on 13 January 2015 - 08:23 AM, said:

Starting your shot a split second before your NOT LIT UP TARGET comes into view, 400m away, where no seismic in the game could possibly alert you to his presence, and hitting him ct for the full remainder of the burn, seems to me to be extremely suspect, especially when it happens multiple times in succession.... :blink:

Report it. It doesn't sound normal to me either. I see high scores all the time. Even have some occasionally myself. When I'm in a grove, I'll have 3 or 4 games in a row with 4 or 5 kills each. I'm not a great player either, and I don't have the aim you describe. I've spectated good players with steady aim and they don't hit 100% of the time.

So, if it's suspicious to you, report it.

#117 DEMAX51


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 10:17 AM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 13 January 2015 - 07:23 AM, said:

I have.. I saw a youtube video of a dire goin like 150kph in Alpine Peaks.. cheats DO exist.

I'm pretty sure that video was posted by one of the Secret Squirrels who has access to PGI's test servers, and the video was not taken from a game on the live servers.

#118 Onlystolen


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 10:21 AM

Ac/20 to the face?

Posted Image

#119 Onlystolen


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 10:57 AM

View PostDeathlyEyes, on 10 January 2015 - 07:35 PM, said:

This literally means nothing due to the prior clan gameplay.

#120 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 13 January 2015 - 01:50 PM

View PostDEMAX51, on 13 January 2015 - 10:17 AM, said:

I'm pretty sure that video was posted by one of the Secret Squirrels who has access to PGI's test servers, and the video was not taken from a game on the live servers.

Based on the comments made by the players in-game, they were just as surprised as any one of us would be... NOT test servers.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 13 January 2015 - 01:50 PM.

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