#Encrypted part follows. Encryption level: Rho/Mu###

We live in chaotic times, as you all know very well. Quarelling Houses fight close to each other with conscienceless mercs and dishonourable pirates over the remains of past glorious times. A new and mighty threat has risen from the depths of the Periphery. Even the light of ComStar - the last guarantee for order - is slowly fading away.
We are former ROM-Agents, tired of the bureaucracy, of censorship and capriciousness of a corrupt leadership. We got rid of it all to bring again the light from between the stars to the hearts of the people of the Inner Sphere and swore to protect them from harm.
We do not stick to old values and ideologies, only to our new goals:
* renew the Inner Sphere and
* form the Inner Sphere into a place of order and knowledge, where the fruits of progress can be enjoyed by all humans united.
That is what we fight for with the pen as well as the sword.
We warn the enemies of the order! We will show them no mercy and leave no chance unused to beat them.Go on, live in the false believe of your supremacy and die with the display of true power. Remember the planet of New Bergen where the so-called "Clans" were stopped by the Legion and beaten for the first time in history!
We will spare no efforts, never rest and always be on guard.
We will be the feather that breaks the balance, be the fire and the iron.
We are... the PHOENIX LEGION!
Are you seeing yourself as a pioneer of the order and light of knowledge? Are you willing to defend the Inner Sphere from it's inner and outer enemies? Are you willing to follow the Legion and punish disbelievers and invaders?
Then sign your digital contract right here on Outreach or send a personal message to one of our recruitment officers (see below).
Signed for the Phoenix Legion
Colonel Edema
By the way our food is really good, we got some excellent cooks among our ranks (even suited for vegetarians)!
Recruitment officers (in no particular order)
- ...
#Unencrypted part#
The Legion in short
- Unit-Tag is [PHL]
- No fanatics and no Wobblers
- Gamers of all skillsets, from casul to pro
- Help with Mechbuilding and battlefield training
- Primary game-times in the EU timezone, usually from 1900 CET until 2400 CET, longer on weekends
- German spoken, English possible for guests and diplomats
- Age 20+
- Total size: Level IV-Alpha (currently +/- 200 players)
- Big offensive operations and huge invasions in Community Warfare
- We will work for every house in the Inner Sphere, and sometimes we go Clan to gather intel.
- Our own TeamSpeak Server!
- Homepage for Recruting of German-speaking players is http://www.phoenix-legion.de
# End of transmission #
Please use this thread to leave comments or contact us if you fought alongside us on the battlefield.
Edited by Warchild Corsair, 25 December 2016 - 04:43 AM.