Kjudoon, on 06 January 2015 - 09:06 AM, said:
No, but you would want it if it was you on the short end of the stick. that's plain.
I'm not sure where you're getting this. Nothing I've said has even come close to that, unlike many of the Liao on this thread who have outright said just that.
Or are you commenting on their desires, and not making assumptions of mine. If it's the former rather than the later, then obviously we have no argument.
Grynos, on 06 January 2015 - 09:10 AM, said:
With regard to the amount of time it take to turret drop, yes it needs to not only be increased, but should also have increased cbills and possibly exp to go along with it due the the amount of time invested in the actual drop. Right now it is way to low.
If turret drops can be modified to take a full 40 minutes of time (10 minutes wait, 30 minutes of slogging through turrets), I agree.
As it is now, turret runs are ridiculously easy and shouldn't award any more than they do now, possibly even less.
Maxwell Albritten, on 06 January 2015 - 09:29 AM, said:
I would be willing to have them try doubling the search time but then just giving the attacker the point instead of making them shoot turrets.
Nah, because that's still potentially two turret runs per hour, which for low pop factions can hurt. Ensuring a minimum 40 minute turret run decreases that to 1 per hour, which I think would be more manageable for the low pop factions.
Grynos, on 06 January 2015 - 09:36 AM, said:
I think if like my buddy Dimento said and actually made them take more time to do it would help with that situation as well. But it also has to be more rewarding than it currently is.
Adding that crap-ton of turrets should increase the potential for reward as we would still get our turret kill exp/cash reward. As it is now, if you'll remember back to the stocking stuffer challenge, it wasn't possible to do a turret run and qualify with 80 points. There's just not THAT many turrets.
However, adding enough turrets so that it WOULD be possible, would certainly require more time, add some additional risk, and get you your increase reward...
Abivard, on 06 January 2015 - 09:37 AM, said:
I think they should get the reward of being able to explore and test things in the map, so let them kill turrets, and it also means they have to at least get the gates open and kill the turrets, if they cant do that they don't deserve to win.
Yep, that goes along with one of my original suggestions, Omega shouldn't be killable unless ALL the gates are opened as well as the generators destroyed.
Again, adding to the time required to get through a turret run.
Maxwell Albritten, on 06 January 2015 - 09:47 AM, said:
I wonder if there has ever been an instance where a ghost drop didn't succeed. I imagine that the only way it could happen is if all 12 players said "screw this" and disconnected right away. I mean, even a solo player would be able to kill omega unless he brought only locusts or something.
I really doubt it, unless it was a 'drunk night' drop and everyone set about to TK'ing one another for 48 'mechs...
While fun I think the likelihood quite low.
I know I've been on a drop where all the player deaths were a result of the 'Rabbit' game, and for a while it seemed like the turrets COULD actually win it...