09JAN3050 - Smoke Jaguar Operational Assessment and Battle Tracking
PLAN - abbreviated Five Paragraph OPORD (
http://en.m.wikipedi...paragraph_order) follows:
SITUATION: Given the current membership of the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance's and it's dramatic impact (21 Clan Worlds lost in 5 days, while only 3 new worlds taken) on the current balance of power between the Clans and Inner Sphere Houses, today Clan Smoke Jaguar will aggressively marshal it's own available forces to first ensure successful Defensive efforts while second, maximizing opportunities to sequence attacks to retake Juazeiro, liberating it from recent Kurita predation.
MISSION: Smoke Jaguar (inclusive of Mercenaries and associated Clan defensive contributions) defend Idlewind and Outer Volta while retaking Juazeiro from Inner Sphere aggression in order to best position Smoke Jaguar to be the Clan that liberates Terra.
EXECUTION: Enemy Center of Gravity remains the concerted actions of the current membership of the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance or ISMA (228, MS, Lords, QQ, EMP et al) as many of these units enter their 6-day on 7- day contracts. Where all storms can be weathered, it is important to remember that this amalgamation of exceptionally skilled and led Mercenary Units is of a highly transitory nature. It is understood that many of these Units are on a 7-day contract and that a number of them are already actively planning for the upcoming lapse of their contract with the FRR and their transition to the next opportunity to assert their Unit impact on MWO's CW. Thus first priority must be toward refusing FRR a legitimate breach in our defenses on the planet of Idlewind. Next, the single variable best under Smoke Jaguar control is our border with Kurita Space, specifically the contested planet of Outer Volta (because ONLY Kurita forces can oppose us here) and to a lesser extent the planet of Juazeiro (because not only top-tier Kurita but elite ISMA/FRR units can drop to the defense of Juazeiro making it a much more difficult target.) Thus priorities of effort are the defense of Idlewind, then Outer Volta, followed by an attack on Juazeiro, and completed by an immediate transition to an all-hands effort in support Clan Ghost Bear, Wolf and Jade Falcon defensive efforts.
ADMINISTRATION/LOGISTICS: New to Clan Smoke Jaguar efforts at coordination is the Clan Smoke Jaguar Invasion Corridor website at
http://www.SmokeAlliance.com . Smoke Jaguar units and affiliated or interested Mercenary Units should have their Leaders and designers apply for access to this resource. Additionally this thread will remain active until tonight's Ceasefire to provide UNSECURED assessment and battle tracking. In anticipation of PGI's Logistics element for CW Phase Three I have earmarked 100m C-bills for personal donation to a potential "Faction Reserve Bank" that in turn could be managed by the Faction (mechanics to be determined later) to lend C-bills to financially-challenged Faction Units in order to ensure they remain solvent and can maintain offensive capabilities. While PGI has not yet indicated this is an option, it does follow that once Units begin to have to pay for drops in CW, a mechanism like a Faction Reserve Bank could be a very useful follow-on capability.
COMAND AND CONTROL: While this thread will provide a point from which to deviate, all Unit orders remain in effect. In game chat may be used to lift and shift combat focus throughout the day as required. The current TeamSpeak channel and email chains of Smoke Jaguar Leadership coordination of tactical action will continue and are expected to take this base plan for what it is worth, refining it to take best advantage of evolving combat opportunities across Clan Space.
BRANCH PLAN ONE - On order lift and shift three 12-man Comp Teams to conduct Zellbrigin against three 12-man Comp Teams from the Inner Sphere Mercenary Alliance on the Smoke Jaguar world of Idlewind. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
BRANCH PLAN TWO - On order lift and shift one or more 12-man Comp Team to conduct Zellbrigin against Kurita's NS (or NS designate) on the Smoke Jaguar world of Outer Volta. One v ones, Lance on Lance or 12 v 12 Combats should be expected. Records should be taken by both sides with results posted in this thread tonight if made available to me by midnight EST.
11:00amEST through 3:00EST - Drops were primarily in defense of Clan Jade Falcon and Wolf. Defensive lines, while hard pressed held up remarkable well with good Clan representation in defense of these planets.
4:39EST - Offensive Operations begin on the planet of Juazeiro in order to retake the planet by 8:00EST and/or forcing the planet to become a resource sink for enemy defensive efforts relieving pressure on other Clan objectives.
7:00EST - CSJ Offensive on Juazeiro continues with currently 5 sectors under Smoke Jaguar control. Defenders on Idlewind and Outer Volts continue scans for inbound Dropships at likely Jumpship coordinates, and have found nothing to report as of yet.
ASSESSMENT: Hostilities with House Steiner reignite, permitting a decisive Smoke Jaguar win. Steiner hostilities bode well for Smoke Jaguar interest in the near-term.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 10 January 2015 - 05:02 PM.