You don't seem to understand:
We're outnumbered now, and I, as well as the rest of Clan Wolf International have been going to extremes to try and defend our worlds (some people have even taken off work to try to defend worlds when this first started). We just get stomped, not just by really good players from 228th, Comstar Irregulars, and the Donegal guard; but we get stomped by all of them while they're piloting 'mechs that have more armor than a Direwolf, ERPPCs that have nearly double the range of Clan ERPPCs, and are NOT effected by ghost heat. This means that not only do our enemies have good pilots, but they have better tech than ours, and thus have been more than capable of undoing 24 days of conquest in just 5 days.
If it where just more skilled pilots banning together to kick our butts, I could understand, and yes, I admit that Comstar Irregulars, 228th, and especially House of Lords are better than Clan Wolf International... There is still obvious evidence that there is an imbalance, since the Lords are getting stomped constantly; 100% losses on a planet stomped. Sad to think that the guys who coined "GG close" are getting GG close'd
needless to say, a lot of other groups that we worked with just outright quit Community Warfare when this happened, and said that they'll wait for Clan Quirks and the Cease Fire updates for balance.
Its obvious that this has been something that is concerning to me, and I am going to write a full post on my concerns, but know that I'm not upset that this is happening in a beta test so much as it is that I want these issues to be known so that this won't happen at launch.
Edited by Lawrence Elsa, 08 January 2015 - 10:22 PM.