All factions face the pain of seeing worlds being ghost dropped during non-peak hours and even with the transition to three windows of attack that probably won't change. An idea that myself and another player from my unit had just tossed randomly out there during conversations about CW was for an individual planet cease fire. We fleshed the idea out some and now I present it here.
Each planet would have a number of tickets that represent the number of mechs that the attacking and defending forces could bring to the battle. For arguments sake lets call it 720 (48 Mechs x 15 zones). Every time the attacking or defending force lost a mech that ticket would be removed from the overall planet pool. You would be able to flip planets in one of two ways as the attacker, the first would obtaining all 15 zones as the attacker or through attrition on the defending faction.
Once the planet was captured it would go into cool down mode and open up the next planet in the corridor allowing the advance to continue on. In order to mitigate ghost drops being the deciding factor 25% of the planet, either as the attacker or the defender would have to be played matches and not ghost drops.
This system may also help curb rushes as the attacking team as your now looking at sacrificing combat power you may need later in the battle for the planet by rushing for the Gens and Omega and earning a win where you lose more mechs then the defending team.
The victory conditions for the attacker are hold 100% of the planet or attrit the defending force to the point where they can no longer mount an effective defense. When all defending forces are removed the remaining attacker tickets would be totaled and zones still in defending force hands may change sides to allow the attackers to be over 53% and claim the planet. It would work the same way for the defending force, once the attacker tickets are spent the remaining defender tickets would be counted and would allow for the defending team to reclaim zones taken by the attackers.
This would also allow a bonus system to be implemented to pay teams who used their resources well during drops. A bonus could be paid for each ticket still in the pool at the end of the round and when the planet flips.
Planet ownership would still be determined by the unit who has the most points acquired on that planet.
The original posts can be found here:
The conversation about this starts at post 199
Edited by Vas79, 08 January 2015 - 11:24 PM.