Marack Drock, on 09 January 2015 - 07:35 AM, said:
Props for Lore Cycloner.
No props for saying stuff that not even Clan Wolf would say though.
The Clans only created these War Game Rules to minimize casualties and to reduce war. It was actually an act of peace and a way to keep full blown battles from coming up when they come.
As for the Inner Sphere at peace when the Clans before they left.... no. Richard Davion withdrew his support from the Star League before Alexandr left. What happened next was complicated. They appointed Alexandr head of the Defense Forces to guard Simon Cameron's son (Richard II). Simon had died with his Peace Legislation a failure because they could not end war between Kruita and Davion nor suppress the Liaos or the original peoples of Free Rasalhague's league who had been unwillingly taken by the Dracs.
On top of this the Leader of the Rim World's Republic Stephan Amaris began to "work his way in as a friend" of young Richard II. Stephan eventually gained the friendship of Richard and began influencing his decisions. This eventually led the SLDF to be withdrawn from the RWR and much of its technology was stolen to help them in the process.
Next Amaris poisoned Richard's mind so that he would view the House Lords and Kerensky all as against him and this started his true downfall when the Periphery exploded into war again.Kerensky tried to defend Richard and Amaris while the war worked its way to Terra until it was finally overrun with over 100 million people killed in the struggle. Amaris and his family were executed by Kerensky when he found out what he had done. Richard Cameron was assassinated at only 22.
After this the House Lords began to meet to decide who was the new Lord of the Star League but each claimed it him/herself and as the Star League eroded Kerensky left. Kerensky left and saved 80% of the SLDF doing it. Whereas the Inner Sphere fell into 300 years of war that would have happened with or without Kerensky.
As for agreeing the Inner Sphere is better.... Word of Blake...... In our entirety of combat the Word of Blake still has the largest casualty count of any faction followed by the Draconis Combine and Smoke Jaguar respectively. I think we can all agree nothing is worse than the Blakists. Also if I recall the Rasalhague Dominion didn't seem to care that much after a few years of living with the Ghost Bear Dominion. They ended up completing Kerensky's dream and were the only Clan to do so.
Thing is that this is the Inner Sphere-
Capellan Confederation- A Dictatorship held together by slavery
Draconis Combine- Honor obsessed fanatics willing to slit their own throats and go kamikaze (even Clansmen won't)
Free World's League- They supported Word of Blake and are at constant Civil war because half are madmen and half are fanatics.
Free Rasalhague League- Only truly good faction because they only sought freedom and that was it (and did have it under the Clan rule).
Lyran Commonwealth- Filled with fanatical leaders obsessed with war and power over the people of which Katherine/Katrina is worst
Federated Commonwealth- the made out to good guys who suck at everything involving peace and don't have leaders with a backbone i.e. Victor Davion
ComStar- A secretive organization that is filled with religious fanatics and crazies that it hides even after helping to destroy it. It also secretly tries to run every country in the background.
In short none of these factions of the FRR have any redeeming features. They never cared for the Star League and as seen above never wanted anything to do with peace.
Kind of like all the real world factions quiaff? I can make every single kid's tale today look bad want a list?
Santa Clause- A STALKER who watches you all year to make sure you are good if you are not you get punished. Sounds like something the government does. You know they can trace every phone call, text, and website you visit? And punish people frequently about it.
Peter Pan- well he is a kid who likes to sneak into children's bedrooms at night to watch them under the pretense of "catching his shadow". Government likes to watch you and monitor you too.
Little Mermaid-Stalker promoting inter species relationship i.e. she ain't Human but is after one.
Beauty and the Beast- same as Little Mermaid
Pocahontas-About a stereotype of a native American who falls in love with a man then says its okay to let them invade and massacre her people.
I could go on and on but point is.... how are these normal? Many are indoctrination into a society by filling kids head's with crap, dumbing them down so they can't make rational choices. Education is dying every year. So yeah nothing new. Clans are just as normal as we are now.
Yes, they glorify combat but............. So did everyone from 10,000 BC till about 1700 AD. And even then there are some things I could mention like the slaughter of the Native Americans and a few people and countries i.e. Mao, Stalin, {Godwin's Law}, Adolf and more. But I think you get the picture. We still glorify war a little. At least Clan's made rules so not as many people would die. Would really help in cases like- WWII, Revolutionary War, Crusades, Rome, and more where slaughter of everything and everyone was normal don't you think quiaff? or do you think that no rules just shoot everything that moves is better?
In short it is a judgement of morals. Morals are decided by a person really. In religion they are preset but in society they change anywhere you go. I think Clan Wolf is the best by far with my only other inclinations being FRR and Ghost Bear. Thus they are right for me using society's moral judgement.
Edit- Also combat wise.... don't we glorify Championship wrestling matches and boxing, sword play, and other stuff too... isn't that glorifying combat?
how are they normal? they ARE NORAML, this is mankind, this is not the ideal everyone tells us how it should be, but this is the normal truth about how mankind is.
The way to rule people is to indoctrinate people what is "wrong" while reserving while you reserve this method for you by any explanaition that makes "sense". Sense at least within the doctrin. Whatever caters the own need is ok, whatever caters the others is wrong.
burn an US flag within the US, get in trouble. (wasn't there supposed to be freedom of speech? Well there is at long as you say what they waant to hear)
Burn an flag of a hated county, be a hero.
and if you are in the hated country, its the whole opposite.
this is wrong by logic and ideals, yet this is normal by mankind. because mankind works like that basically since ever. The only thing that changed are the tools we use. bakc there it was club vs club between different opinion and cultures, now its called terror and missiles. And the diference between a terrorist, rebel, freedom fighter or hero? The side observing him in relation to who he caters.
Half the values we have are either illusions or lies, and many alternate universe, may this be warhammer or battletech take these and use them for their stories, making them a bit of a critic or parody of them as well.
This makes thes euniverse also partially fun, becuase it adds the freedom we are sometimes restricted to say, because we can't critisze specific things in RL, but we can ciritisize the exact counterpart in that alternate Universe.