The current problem with camo Patterns is that the price is not worth the cosmetic application in many players opinions with one shots being barely appetizable. The game itself supports this theory as seeing camos in game are rare. Most matches I play only 0-3 mechs on my team ever have camos with the lower end being the most prominent. Also about 4-6 mechs on my team have purchased colors. The larger abundance of colored mechs is relative to the fact the colors unlock per account instead of per chassis so they have greater value. Even Hero mechs are more prominent then the ratio of patterned mechs.
Now reducing unlock pricing(not sales) has a problem in that past purchasers will probably feel robbed with not reimbursed which can be problematic with purchases dating back years. Also a account unlock option while still being a great addition has a similar issue for those that bought multiple of the same unlock. In any case any change in the camo pattern system will probably involve a comparible financial loss even the system I propose though the point is to make the loss more palatable.
I also understand it takes resources on PGI's part to apply the patterns for new mech chassis and my proposal helps address that.
So enough with the pre-empt and on to the proposal.
My proposal is to not change the camo pattern pricing but change the chassis unlock rule to make it much more palatable.
The system basically works where you pay the current up front cost but then every chassis unlock after the first is greatly reduced. The concept is to make the first camo pattern unlocks feel more like a long term investment for the player while still providing PGI revenue from the patterns. Also pattern oneshots will change as well, where one shots now unlock for the variant instead of being removed if you changed it and if you buy the first unlock the one-shot is removed for future mechs with the reduced price full unlock being the only option.
Example pricing:
Premium Patterns = 1250mc first time 200mc for every chassis after.
Standard Patterns = 750mc first time 100mc every chassis after.
Price comparison for one-shots:
Premium One-shot for 3 variants = 125mcx3 = 375mc vs 200mc for the reduced unlock.
Standard One-shot = 75mcx3 = 225mc vs 100mc for the reduced unlock.
If this system was implemented a way they could somewhat reimburse past purchasers would be to auto unlock any pattern previously unlocks and multiple unlocks of the same pattern would reward pattern tokens based on the number of the pattern unlocked and it's cost that you can use to unlock the pattern for free on other chassis. also the token system could be used for other aspects of the game as well.
Pros and cons of this system.
1.) After first purchase all future purchases are super cheap.
2.)Entices more players to buy patterns and in greater quantity.
3.) PGI can now add pattern and color bundles to the store.
4.)Pattern tokens can now be used as rewards in events and competitions, but will still possibly require the first time purchase(up to PGI).
5.)Pattern unlock in mech packs have greater value increasing the likelihood of investors in the packs.
1.)Rembursment concerns
2.)Getting players to buy the first time big cost and player concerns over the continued per chassis unlock system even if all additional unlocks are super cheap and much better then we got now.
3.)Possible loss of revenue for PGI if system doesn't hit off, but I hardly thought it.
Was going to add a poll but forgot how.

2 replies to this topic
Posted 11 January 2015 - 06:48 AM
Posted 11 January 2015 - 06:54 AM
You would need to get this moved to feature suggestions for a poll. And that is probably where this actually belongs. A moderator probably could move this for you.
Posted 11 January 2015 - 07:17 AM
The "one shot" camo patterns are really inexpensive. I'm not flighty when it comes to having a different camo every time I play and you would have to do 10 one shots in a row before you were better off buying the pattern. (Keep in mind you can change the colors of the one shot as often as you want, you just can't change back and fourth between camo patterns.)
After 6 months of having my current camo patterns I got with the 1 shot, I'm only now thinking about maybe changing a few of them up. So if I change the camo pattern every 6 months I'll regret not buying the permanent camo in 5 years. I'm ok with that
After 6 months of having my current camo patterns I got with the 1 shot, I'm only now thinking about maybe changing a few of them up. So if I change the camo pattern every 6 months I'll regret not buying the permanent camo in 5 years. I'm ok with that

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