Molossian Dog, on 21 January 2015 - 04:06 AM, said:
A handful of the Dave are playing nice on the forums.
Have you people ever considered this might be tactic?
The Dave would like to gobble up House Liao without Marik interference. No surprise, really. A good way to do that is sowing division among his enemies. Among Liao-Marik and within House Marik. From their perspective understandable, I get that.
What is not understandable is the reaction of some of the Leaguers. What the Free Worlders should do is act in their own best interest.
If all it takes is a pat on the back from said handful of the Dave to make you commit strategic suicide then you should contemplate about your self-confidence.
Now the math:
If Liao dies the Dave has less fronts. That´s not up to debate. It is a fact.
If you play nice with the Dave he will have it easier. Also a fact.
Left would be Kurita, Marik and Steiner. Yet another fact.
Now probabilities come into play.
Chances the Dave will attack Steiner? Nil.
Marik and Kurita left. The Dracs have the Clans at their gates. That means there is no counterweight.
Chances the Dave will just sit back, refrain from gaining worlds and only help defending against the Clans? ...
Also I care for conquest. What would we conquer if your stupid treaty with the Dave would be in place? Steiner? Our newly acquired best Dave buddy would say "nono". So we would sit there cut off from any avenues of conquest. While potential enemies gain strenght. Great strategy.
I keep hearing stuff about "WHEN the Clans come south, then this and that..."
So far they haven´t. IF that should come to pass you can bring up your ideas again.
Backstabbing the Liaos (and standing by while they are taken down is just another way of backstabbing) would be wrong, because...
- it would be dishonourable. Other factions would trust us less. For good reason.
- it serves a current enemies´ interests. He gains.
- it doesn´t serve the FWLs´ interests. We gain nothing.
- it would cut us off from further conquest.
- if successful it frees manpower that could be used against us. Declarations of intention are just that. No more.
A pat on the back is nice, but painting worlds in purple is even better.
Don´t be the useful idiot.
Your paranoia, while disturbing, is just that. We aren't "playing nice". We actually respect our Marik brothers and sisters. Also, for the record, the only thing Marik can do is probably slow us down while we conquer Liao, Marik pilots can't fight on Liao/Davion planets, much like we can't fight on Steiner/Marik planets. I understand why you would want to keep your alliance with Liao, and try to keep the FWL name clean, but you're not backstabbing Liao if we invade them. What's the most both our houses can do? Pile on 60+ on the one planet on the MRK/DAV border that opens up while another 60+ DAVs queue up on the Liao border?
You have a NAP with Liao. Great, but that's it. You're not capable of fighting their battles for them. Much like we can't fight Steiner's battles for them when you guys drive into them. It's in the name "Non Aggression Pact" That's all it says: I don't fight you, you don't fight me"
You can keep your "conquering" as you put it, going on your northern border, while we're on our northern border. I personally want Davion boots on Luthien facing off with the Jags, and either teaming up with the dracs, or taking over. However, we honor our treaty with them, since they need all the manpower they can get to hold off against the clans, and we don't want to keep as many fronts open, while we consolidate our forces (we're still sending units regularly to fight on the clan borders. Especially on Kuritan planets).
Davers, on 21 January 2015 - 12:23 PM, said:
If Davion wanted to create a corridor to the Clans they would not be in a ceasefire with Kurita. They would not be focusing their efforts on Liao. Davion wants to put/keep their names on worlds and that is the reason they are putting units on the Marik/Liao border instead of defending the Clan border. Davion's attention has always been southwards...
If Davion is so worried about the Clans, maybe you should focus on shoring up the Lyran's defences? They seem a bit, undefended.
We defend all IS factions against the clans, we've been doing that since day 1 of CW. However, defense is all we can do, especially when few are attacking. Also, we're in a ceasefire with Kurita because our leadership, and theirs reached that agreement, despite the fact that many of our forces want to drive straight through Draconis space into Luthein, and put the clans on defense.
Gorgo7, on 21 January 2015 - 01:54 PM, said:
Davion attacked our (Liao) worlds, drove for our Capitals...ergo we made a treaty with Marik, not the other way around as Mischief would have you believe.
Should Davion return our worlds we will make a treaty with them and go hunting the Clan.
Are we back to the same sob story?
Everyone attacked everyone on day 1 of CW. We kept on pressing into Liao. I mean honestly, what would you guys do if you had a NAP with both us and Marik? Not play CW? Your only attack vector is into Davion, so yes, we'll keep fighting on the Liao/Dav border. However, don't make it seem like you guys are innocent lambs taken to the slaughter. Yes, you're not in a favorable position, and the game design has shafted your house (If you had periphery dominions, or pirate worlds around, that would be a different story. Like Liao gets to fight all of those guys, and both Marik and Davion step off. You watch our backs while we do other things kind of deal), but we're not going to sit there and wait for your attacks to pile on, and don't tell me Liao units haven't conducted attacks against Davion (by all rights you should, and are doing it. It's called counter attacking).
Davers, on 21 January 2015 - 02:11 PM, said:
Naked Davion aggression disguised as 'protecting themselves'. No mention of course that all the worlds Marik/Liao/Davion are fighting over ALL once belonged to Liao...
First of all, I'm gonna say, not ALL.
Second, as mentioned earlier. Everyone attacked everyone on the first few days of CW. We managed to come out on top, but it's not like we'll just sit there and wait for the next wave of attacks to pile on, on our worlds. Not when we can drive the fight into our attackers' territory, and fight there. That serves AT LEAST two goals:
1- All combat is done on non-Davion planets
2- Expand our faction's borders.
Right now Liao has no choice but to attack Davion worlds. Otherwise, what else would their units do? Sit at home and knit?
Edited by IraqiWalker, 21 January 2015 - 02:25 PM.