Nazar24, on 15 January 2015 - 09:55 AM, said:
mice with variable dpi can be found anywhere with any sort of price tag, and i am sure that out there, a program that emulate this function must exist for non dps switchable mice.
I am aware of that, and I actually own such a mouse.
However, it has 6 different DPI-modes, which would force me to click the DPI-Button more then once to return to what ever setting i would need. This is a no-go, in my eyes.
(I do not plan on buying a different mouse just for the game, as this one just works fine.)
As for programs emulating his feature: good point, but i would rather prefer this feature to be ingame and working automatically - depending on your zoom-factor.

Yes, i am lazy.
Excellent point. +1