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Dawn Of A New Beginning Between Csj, Cgb And Eventually The Rest Of The Clans And Inner Sphere

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#81 Appogee


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 06:49 AM

View PostPrussian Havoc, on 16 January 2015 - 01:40 AM, said:

In other words, at no time should a loyal Smoke Jaguar join an UNSANCTIONED attack queue for the Clan Ghost Bear planet of Byesville.

And yet they got the Loyalty Points all the same.


#82 Noesis


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 07:05 AM

View PostAppogee, on 17 January 2015 - 06:49 AM, said:

And yet they got the Loyalty Points all the same.


There are also "penalties" in this game. Attacking CGB will diminish that loyalty, so if any "Clan loyalist" does attack other Clans it will effect their personal standing for each kill made.

If you are aClan pug player and what to swap around to gain the bonuses then the idea of not attacking other clans may be relevant to you.

MERCs perhaps less so.

Permanent Clan associations are also temporary in theory as I understand players can move away with little penalty anyhow. Hence why PGI are looking at the penalties as a review fro this process.

Despite the mechanics, the relationships formed as a result of these actions will have a bearing on the meta or player politics. Where these groups have now made their intentions known and are rolling dice on being able to effect these larger groups with some kind of upsetting behaviour. And yet these groups have been pretty unified for some time.

I'm all for freedom of choice and don't really mind as per the MERC neutrality of these relationships. I just think that this MERC faction that now declares itself a defender of IS interests is actually helping the Clans race to Terra in the process. Attacking something the size of CGB and then also having to spread forces if planet swappign comes into effect I don't really feel will win the ideals of any faction they wish to effect in the process, and this perhaps why:
  • CSJ are resolute and say and do what they mean.
  • CGB have been allies with CSJ since day 1, both defending their interests and galvanising their politics.
  • Further efforts have been put in place to cement these relationships.
  • The above ISMA is now attacking the IS in the process, despite their name and supposed mandate.
  • Negociations with other MERCs could be brought in to counteract these efforts. (Fun option as more highly skilled funsics in CSJ/CGB space.
  • More attention with highly skilled groups will actually draw more player interest to the CSJ/CGB community. As has been demonstrated, which in theory will help to bolster player numbers for the Clan factions. Especially with the use of Strana Mechty as a medium to co-ordinate gameplay with many CSJ and CGB factions when factional gameplay becomes a reality.

Why should we not let this fun continue? Its a win all around it seems, well except for the IS and the push to Terra perhaps as their MERC forces are only causing a distraction rather than effective action on the front?

#83 White Bear 84


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 07:14 AM

Ah, clan politics.. ..so alien, so droll, like an irritating buzzing on the edge of inner sphere space.

But I daresay, for all the politics, your alliance does House Davion a service & for that we may express some salient gratitude ;)

However it would be advised, don't go overstretching your forces now.. ..nothing more vulnerable than a tired kitty....

#84 J0anna


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 07:16 AM

PGI really needs to re-evaluate it's position on the eula when it comes to CW. This is suppose to be hardcore mode after all. We need tools to enforce decisions made by the majority. Take a page from CCP and learn how a "player-driven" universe is suppose to run.

Sadly the only legal way at the moment to stop this is to drop on the worlds and throw matches - not a very appealing prospect with waiting times in CW (and it does trample on the eula, but is difficult to prove). So not really an option.

Here's a suggestion, allow groups with a permanent contract with a clan/faction to vote on accepting/keeping anyone with a temporary contract. For example:

Each week you have a 24 hour period (like Sunday) to log into the MWO website (not the game) and approve any temporary groups. Any group receiving a majority of 'no' votes is removed from the faction the next day and forbidden from re-joining that faction for a 30 day period. To make it easier, all people who don't vote are counted as a 'yes'. This forces permanent groups to communicate to their members. It also adds value to permanently joining a faction. Alternately it could be only players above a certain LP total.

Is this harsh? - a bit, but that's more of what CW needs to be 'hardcore' and it allows THE HARDCORE PLAYERS some control over their faction.

Edited by Moenrg, 17 January 2015 - 07:42 AM.

#85 Peter2000


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 07:52 AM

View PostMoenrg, on 17 January 2015 - 07:16 AM, said:

PGI really needs to re-evaluate it's position on the eula when it comes to CW. This is suppose to be hardcore mode after all. We need tools to enforce decisions made by the majority. Take a page from CCP and learn how a "player-driven" universe is suppose to run.

Sadly the only legal way at the moment to stop this is to drop on the worlds and throw matches - not a very appealing prospect with waiting times in CW (and it does trample on the eula, but is difficult to prove). So not really an option.

Here's a suggestion, allow groups with a permanent contract with a clan/faction to vote on accepting/keeping anyone with a temporary contract. For example:

Each week you have a 24 hour period (like Sunday) to log into the MWO website (not the game) and approve any temporary groups. Any group receiving a majority of 'no' votes is removed from the faction the next day and forbidden from re-joining that faction for a 30 day period. To make it easier, all people who don't vote are counted as a 'yes'. This forces permanent groups to communicate to their members. It also adds value to permanently joining a faction. Alternately it could be only players above a certain LP total.

Is this harsh? - a bit, but that's more of what CW needs to be 'hardcore' and it allows THE HARDCORE PLAYERS some control over their faction.


NONE OF YOU ALL IS THE KHAN. All of you combined aren't the Khan, either. PGI is the Khan for every Clan and the would-be First Lord for every Successor State.

I don't care what you call yourself in your unit, or ask other people to use as a title when addressing your Most Esteemed Eminence. However, PGI from the outset, has explicitly chosen not to give players control over the politics and mechanics of factions.

Presumably this was so a few self-important roleplaying buffoons from MW2 aren't able to micro-manage where (and even whether!) other players can go drop and have fun.

#86 Von Blumen


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 09:18 AM

View PostxMarshallx, on 17 January 2015 - 08:01 AM, said:

Then get off your tails and make it hardcore mode. You do realize that you're pushing the house unit that is getting hit by all angles with so many numbers they have no way to defend? It's quite ironic to call it "hardcore mode" but you're choosing the easiest way out by only opening a lane of attack to a house that cannot defend and has allied itself with the largest clan faction so you won't get hurt.

So the Inner Sphere shows its true colors, you are scared of the CSJ and CGB alliance. Good to know. So glad all of you came over to try and break the pact. It will fail, we will keep pushing south, your contracts will dry out and whatever worlds you take will be given back. Nice to see that you finally are taking us seriously after brushing us off for so long.

#87 Eagle vFv


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 09:38 AM

If CGB is so great in numbers why would anyone feel they should "gift" planets back to them? Sounds to me like CGB has already won CSJ, CSJ cowers before them.

Have your politics, just know that you both are hurting your reputation where by choosing not to allow mercs to do their jobs. I have no loyalty to CGB or CSJ so when we're gone and we come back it may be from a faction you'll have no choice to fight. Then you'll wish you had some mercs fighting for you, only you won't have any because you bad-mouthed them and skipped out on the check.

Have a good day!

#88 Odyssey420


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 10:16 AM

It's alright guys, we'll leave you in CSJ to fight your pug stomping matches to make yourself feel better because you can't compete with bear. Enjoy your cowardly tamed faction and weak fights in kurita space.

#89 Shredhead


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 10:21 AM

Aah, how disgusting.
Look at all these clammers beating their chests feeling all high and mighty from clubbing Kurita baby seals. Maybe we should do with you what we did with the Whelps and the Teddies, join Kurita and beat you into submission.
The arrogance on display grosses me out.
Without merc units you are nothing! And still you insult every single one of them, and in the end you even have the audacity to try and tell them what they can or can not do. It's like MW4 all over again. "Don't shoot my legs, or I ban you!"

#90 Mcgral18


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 10:23 AM

View PostOdyssey420, on 17 January 2015 - 10:16 AM, said:

It's alright guys, we'll leave you in CSJ to fight your pug stomping matches to make yourself feel better because you can't compete with bear. Enjoy your cowardly tamed faction and weak fights in kurita space.

And you don't want to join Kurita to have a real fight?

That's no fun.

View PostShredhead, on 17 January 2015 - 10:21 AM, said:

Aah, how disgusting.
Look at all these clammers beating their chests feeling all high and mighty from clubbing Kurita baby seals. Maybe we should do with you what we did with the Whelps and the Teddies, join Kurita and beat you into submission.

I'd like to see you try.

You do enjoy sprouting nonsense.

#91 Von Blumen


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 10:24 AM

View PostShredhead, on 17 January 2015 - 10:21 AM, said:

Aah, how disgusting.
Look at all these clammers beating their chests feeling all high and mighty from clubbing Kurita baby seals. Maybe we should do with you what we did with the Whelps and the Teddies, join Kurita and beat you into submission.
The arrogance on display grosses me out.
Without merc units you are nothing! And still you insult every single one of them, and in the end you even have the audacity to try and tell them what they can or can not do. It's like MW4 all over again. "Don't shoot my legs, or I ban you!"

Coming from the person who openly cried while in Kurita and then ran with his tail between his legs.

Not insulting all merc units, just the ones who are playing dirty pool and trying to take down an alliance that has been the strongest in game and lasted for over a month and has benefited both parties involved. Why don't you go back to Kurita, I will give you a box of tissues for your QQ...228...

Edited by Von Blumen, 17 January 2015 - 10:31 AM.



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 10:35 AM

View PostxMarshallx, on 17 January 2015 - 06:46 AM, said:

As long as we are CSJ, this is really our stance. If you try and "give" CGB a planet, we will be there because that means a fight is there to be had. We will be hitting CGB every night with the intent at taking a planet - will we succeed in taking one every night? Probably not, but we will be trying. In essence, .we will be requiring CGB to divert their forces to stop the assault each night we are contracted with CSJ. Those CSJ players who have stepped forward and made it clear that maybe only having a Kurita line to attack isn't the way you want to play, we welcome you to aide in this assault to bring pressure to CGB.

You seem to be under the delusion that by attacking our rear we are going to halt our advance quiaff? By all means stay in the rear and attack all you want it will gain you nothing. CGB is committed to the goals of the invasion and by that driving forward not back. If you truly wished to fight The frontline units of GB...wait for it..... You would be on the front lines. Your attempt to create friction between CGB and CSJ simply won't work. Your only hope to slow the clan war machine is to repeat the offensive from the first of the year, and make a better attempt to maintain it.



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 10:40 AM

Look at this pathetic.. WEAK display by the new mercenary units. Your false flag operation to cause a rift between our alliance with CGB was sensed the very day you "joined" CSJ.

Go ahead and attempt to start a two-front war. Any CGB planet you gain will receive no help in defense from any legitimate CSJ unit.

If you want a fight, then take us head on as House Kurita. But you won't. You know why? Because at the end of the day, you are weak and must resort to deceptive tactics to instigate animosity. We won't fall for it.

So save everyone, including yourselves, some time and get out of our -- CSJ -- space.

#94 Von Blumen


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 10:43 AM

They tried that Pasha and their light rush got spanked...

#95 Aethon


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 10:45 AM

As a Warden, I am not personally concerned with making it to Terra. However, I can vouch for my fellow Horses in that we will all do our part in the drive toward Terra, while abstaining from attacks against neighboring Clans, as per the wishes of our sponsoring Clan.

Not that the Hell's Horses would ever have any reason to hold a grudge against the Ghost Bears, mind you... ;)

#96 TheSilken


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 10:51 AM

View PostKarpundir, on 16 January 2015 - 07:23 PM, said:

He tells the truth... QQ Mercs chose to come to CSJ and prefers to fight CGB instead of a weakened and divided Kurita, The idea being that MS and CI were still in CGB at the time. Even though I was tipped that CI was going to go to Steiner, I didn't see a contract change yesterday and thought it may have been misdirection, so our mercs voted and decided to go CSJ instead of CJF.

QQ Mercs are here for fights, but we are also here to temper the expansion of CGB as they are clearly here to push anyone out of their way to Terra by using sheer numbers. By allowing them free access to Kurita and FRR space, do you Jaguars not realize that you are being cut-off more and more to Terra? Eventually, you will have to fight CGB, but by that time they may be too big of a juggernaught to take on by being too deep into Kurita territory.

I can tell from your threads that Jaguars feel proud and strong. Prove who is truly worthy of Terra and do not let some sneaky Bears rob you of your end goal. Prove you have what it takes to fight Wolves (oops, I meant Bears!) and not a scattered Kurita faction that poses little opposition.

We may be proud but we are not brash and impulsive. Attacking Ghost Bear would only waste resources and create enmity between our Clans. Go back to the Inner Sphere surat and stop trying to create political issues between us Clanner bros.

#97 Shredhead


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:04 AM

View PostVon Blumen, on 17 January 2015 - 10:24 AM, said:

Coming from the person who openly cried while in Kurita and then ran with his tail between his legs.

Not insulting all merc units, just the ones who are playing dirty pool and trying to take down an alliance that has been the strongest in game and lasted for over a month and has benefited both parties involved. Why don't you go back to Kurita, I will give you a box of tissues for your QQ...228...

I "cried"? I "ran"?
I told the Kuritans to get their act together, else they'd suffer in the future from their lack of coordination. That is exactly what happened. I am also not the unit leader, nor am I the majority of my unit when it comes to contract votes. I would have never contracted with one of the clan factions, and voted accordingly.
I like how you take the Game of Space Robots so seriously.

View PostMcgral18, on 17 January 2015 - 10:23 AM, said:

I'd like to see you try.

Me too. I remember clubbing Smoke Kittens quiet well. But as I said earlier, I am neither unit leader, nor the majority in my unit.


You do enjoy sprouting nonsense.

[Citation needed]
Like you, when you said the 9S will be nerfed because it is oh so OP?

View PostPasha Osis, on 17 January 2015 - 10:40 AM, said:

Look at this pathetic.. WEAK display by the new mercenary units. Your false flag operation to cause a rift between our alliance with CGB was sensed the very day you "joined" CSJ.

Go ahead and attempt to start a two-front war. Any CGB planet you gain will receive no help in defense from any legitimate CSJ unit.

If you want a fight, then take us head on as House Kurita. But you won't. You know why? Because at the end of the day, you are weak and must resort to deceptive tactics to instigate animosity. We won't fall for it.

So save everyone, including yourselves, some time and get out of our -- CSJ -- space.

"False flag operation"? Do they give out tinfoil neurohelmets now for clammers?
"get out of our -- CSJ -- space"
The funny thing is, it is not your CSJ space. You have no rights to this faction, and your funny little Osis name doesn't prove anything.

#98 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:04 AM


Now what we really need are actual supply lines so an advance can be slowed down or cut off, now that would make things exciting!!!



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:08 AM

View PostShredhead, on 17 January 2015 - 11:04 AM, said:

I "cried"? I "ran"?
I told the Kuritans to get their act together, else they'd suffer in the future from their lack of coordination. That is exactly what happened. I am also not the unit leader, nor am I the majority of my unit when it comes to contract votes. I would have never contracted with one of the clan factions, and voted accordingly.
I like how you take the Game of Space Robots so seriously.

Me too. I remember clubbing Smoke Kittens quiet well. But as I said earlier, I am neither unit leader, nor the majority in my unit.

[Citation needed]
Like you, when you said the 9S will be nerfed because it is oh so OP?

"False flag operation"? Do they give out tinfoil neurohelmets now for clammers?
"get out of our -- CSJ -- space"
The funny thing is, it is not your CSJ space. You have no rights to this faction, and your funny little Osis name doesn't prove anything.

Join House Kurita if you have any manhood or ounce of self-respect. Also, 0/10 on the troll bait.

Edit: If you would like to understand what the "little Osis" name means, be on the receiving end of the warm kiss of my Gauss slugs.

Edited by Pasha Osis, 17 January 2015 - 11:13 AM.

#100 Mercworks


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:11 AM

I'm here to play a game, and I think I represent most people committing time and energy to Mechwarrior now.
1) I don't care about your Clans, Treaties or Units.
2) I go where the fun battles are and the C-bills can be made.
3) If I'm in the mood to play Clan and attack Clan worlds, I will. If I want to play Inner Sphere, I will.
4) What "chain of command" the larger units have interest me not at all.

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