Maybe if this is a genuine offer that these new MERC units should be given a grace period to demonstrate good buisness, character and that they can relate to an employer with their intentions and resolve? I personally could see no complications with this as a trial of intent and seems only good buisness sense in helping CSJ and CGB interests.
I'm unsure however as to whether the personalities involved so far and any history will of course entangle decisions as opposed to objective war efforts. But I see no problem from a buisness perspective in seriously considering the offer. Assuming of course that they can equally allow other MERC units to offer their services who equally show concern for CGB and CSJ interests. The rhetoric of trying to monopolise mercenary business then not really endearing to the idea they are trying to present in terms of neutral buisness with little drama or politics.
Well worth a discussion all the same.
Edited by Noesis, 17 January 2015 - 12:33 PM.