Alistair Winter, on 18 January 2015 - 05:57 PM, said:
What? I don't think I ever said it did.
Sorry; must have misread
Alistair Winter, on 18 January 2015 - 05:57 PM, said:
Exactly. Same with good Locust pilots and good Mist Lynx pilots. The pilots are good. Most people can't do 100 dmg in those mechs.
I don't doubt it. If Hit Registration works; piloting any light is quite a handful in this game.
If i'm honest; i only drive the lights that annoyed the hell out of me - back when i was piloting my DRG-Flame, sporting an LB-X and 4 MLas. Should have been quite a nice surprise for lights; but it was as weak as a kitten against the SDR-plague, but the feeling once those little ****ers were legged, shoving the giant shotgun right in their face...

. Ah- hum; excuse me. Still thinking about trying my hand at the locust; but first i need to get me a Mad Dog

Alistair Winter, on 18 January 2015 - 05:57 PM, said:
In CW, the Firestarter and Jenner are the bread and butter of IS teams. For this week's challenge, I think 75% of the light mechs I encountered were Firestarters. I must have seen 100 Firestarters for every Commando.
People are so terrified of buffing light mechs, but they're the least popular mechs in the game for a reason. With a few notable exceptions, they're considerably underpowered and difficult to use. The numbers speak for themselves. Few people are playing them, and they don't get as many kills, don't do as much damage as other classes. And this is especially true for the mechs I'm discussing in this thread - Spider 5V / 5K, Commando and Locust.
Definitly. The problem has its roots - and this goes hand in hand with my immediate end of any kind of interest in CW in its current form after my first three matches - more in the map design than in the continuing HSR-problems of some light chassis (or their lack thereof).
The CW maps were abominations of map design in my eyes; and the "fixes" were just a stopgap solution to the more profound problems of the light chassis' in general. Both CW maps offer a horrible bottleneck meatgrinder to the attackers. Now if i'm forced to charge in there; the very first chassis' in my mechlab that come to my mind are the FS and SDR - they're the only ones that have a chance of surviving the laservomit that comes out of the gate the very moment it is opened; in addition to being jump capable for taking out those generators.
Due to the maps offering no tactical movement options whatsoever (neither for attackers nor for defenders); pretty much every other dropdeck solution that doesn't contain 3-4 lights with wonky hitreg is... unadvisable.
So, up go three generators to buy those defenders a little more precious time to throw all they've got against that swarm of Firestarters - it alleviates the problem, but i wouldn't call that a solution - especially since it makes any other choice of mechs for the attackers even
more unadvisable. If the clanners charge in; it's the very same in different weightclasses... the combi was 3x TBR / 1x SCR or the other way around? No idea; i don't pilot those

. Again, both chassis' that are object to massive attacks of being completely OP and having strange hitboxes. OH, i forgot about ERPPC-TBRs, but i hope i brought the point across.
Although i've got nothing against the quirks as a means of balance; i'd rather see map design that caters to a variety of choices and doesn't force the player to absurd dropdecks in the metaflavor of the month - of course; there always
will be a changing meta; but i'd like to see its effects alleviated. With open maps; there might even be a role for lights mechs as scouts or spotters in CW or something like that, without reducing the effect of a well-placed hit on a zigzagging Locust.
Btw; good username. Loved Alistair back in DA:O