MauttyKoray, on 19 January 2015 - 10:27 PM, said:
Why is it stupid or closed minded people try to partake in balance discussions?
Why is it that idiots start threads?
Yes I made a stupid first post, intentionally so for the shock effect at suggesting something stupid and ridiculous. I don't actually want a crazy high quirk for the Awesome, I want the Thunderbolt's quirk re-balanced with the Awesome being what it is in mind.
Ah, so you want both Mechs to suck instead of either a) the current state where only the Awesome sucks, or

the state I proposed in which neither Mech would suck.
Sounds like an AWESOME plan.
As it is the standard PPC Awesome already has -25% heat gen total and can't even keep up with the Thunderbolts -50% ERPPC quirk? On top of that it also has a COOLDOWN quirk, which the Awesome doesn't have for ERPPCs. Right there should tell you something is broken and imbalanced. So what is the issue with a Thunderbolt being balanced to fire 2 ERPPCs with a lower cooldown than the Awesome with 3 at standard cooldown? Because apparently the IS players are a bunch of whining little kids that don't want their shiny toys taken away even though that's exactly what they bitched and moaned to be taken away from Clans, and I'm not even complaining about it being OP against the Clans but imbalanced against a mech whose role it STOLE FROM IT.
Even though I tagged Kurita, I play primarily Clan Mechs. It's a long story. My role-play character started out as Kurita and eventually became a Star Captain in Clan Ghost Bear. But I digress...
So again, your "solution" is to make both Mechs suck simply because the 9S was given the role that you want for the Awesome? Whereas the real solution that the reasonable people in this thread are presenting to you would be to bring the Awesome up to the 9S's level?
I get what you're saying: this role shouldn't belong to the 9S, it should belong to the Awesome.
But the correct answer is not to screw over both Mechs, it's to give the role to the Awesome
also. I don't know why PGI felt that the 9S should join the Awesome in the PPC boat role, but I'm not going to argue for taking it away and making the 9S suck because that wouldn't help game balance.