Ed Steele, on 22 January 2015 - 10:27 PM, said:
It is physics. You can do an experiment yourself, if you want! Do this: try to drive a Porsche 911 under a tractor / trailer truck at 80+ KPH and let us know how it works out. We're you able to hang out under the truck, without your car taking any damage, or being moved involuntarily?
I'm not so sure that this Comparison is working. Vehicles are usually longer than high, while most Mechs are higher than long. You can not really step "on" a Light Mech. So what is left is Mechs will bump in each other, and their Gyroskop will try to balance that out. Depending on Speed+Mass+Relation of Height to Length that will have different Results, agreed. Yet at the same Time the heavier your Mech is, the longer it will need to get up again. Some Mechs like the King Crab could fall on their Head and never be able to turn around anymore though
In the End the Collision/Knockback Thing will hit all Mechs pretty hard. It will not only hit the Light Mechs you are aiming for.
I do not think Light Mechs are the Issue, it is the Map Design in CW. The Maps are too small, Defenders do have very little Reaction Time to fast Mechs. What you need is bigger Maps and simply a Button to open your Gates yourself as that will give you the Chance to move out of Base to scout it and to counter a fast Push when you still got the Chance.
At the Moment it is Lights approaching a Gate and then you got a few Seconds to kill them all before they are at the Objective.
Bigger Map and a Way for the Defender to open/close a Gate would help, along with a Sensortower that is letting you know what the Attacker brings as they get out of their Dropships. At least which Weightclasses they bring would help you to know if they aim for a Light Rush. We don't need to know the exact Types of Mechs.
To balance this Advantage the Attacker would also need a Scout (Fighter) or something like that to let you know if Defenders move out of their Base or fortify it.
Make these Changes and reduce Tower Power in the Base and you got your somewhat fair Brawls you are looking for.
But that would be just my Idea.
Edited by Joe Decker, 23 January 2015 - 11:52 PM.