I'd like to give a major salute to all the units and the lone wolves of the
FRR who banded together today to fight the big battles on
Hermagor and
New Oslo. Not only did we manage to reclaim
Hermagor, but we sure sent the
Clans a clear message with six straight victories in a row at
New Oslo. It's a damn shame
CGBI eventually showed up to revert our efforts and we had to break off in light of attacks from
-MS- at
Suk II, but nevertheless, it was a damn good achievement that should be recognized. Everyone who took part demonstrated pretty great sportsmanship as combatants as well as teammates and we had some great laughs along the way.
Great work today all! I hope to see continued efforts such as these over the next two weeks.
Edited by starwolf1991, 22 January 2015 - 09:12 PM.