Mordin Ashe, on 27 January 2015 - 04:01 AM, said:
Anyway, there is no reason in pointing fingers because every factions has those "special" people we wish would just leave us. The "good" faction is the one that can eliminate these "special" people better than the other. Right now most CGB are just happy that our "special" people are more or less reasonable while CW does not know how to get rid of them. That is the only way we are better than CW, in everything else we are on par.
So you are happy than your "special" create provocative post just to create even more flamewars lile Hybrid LOOOOVE to do?
So you basicly say that a good faction is a faction who can eliminate theses "specials", yet right after that you say Clan Ghost Bear is better than Clan Wolf on that... Because you have Specials even more dumber than the rest?
Because it basicly is the case, I haven't saw a Clan Wolf member basicly saying to Clan Ghost Bear "Hello guys, go fùck yourself with a cat and suck my autocanon". Same goes for Smoke Jaguars, and even the Jade Falcons (some LORDS who left) weren't that stupid.
No really? And for New Caledonia, I thought Cease Fire where put in place, and it was basicly the same problems. Mercs & Pugs doing whatever the hell they wanted. And if I remember correctly, thos actions were not supported.
edit: and look at that! He is again provocating.
Surely what a great "special" you have here, I hardly see a guy has r3tarded has him on others Clans. Howait, isn't he just a Merc?
Ax2Grind, on 27 January 2015 - 04:24 AM, said:
You seem very confused and not very curious.

Edited by KuroNyra, 28 January 2015 - 01:52 AM.