Noesis, on 05 February 2015 - 07:06 AM, said:
Question, how would you then want to indicate lone wolves who then perhaps have loyalist interests? I guess those really would need to also be shown as lone wolves, as a neutral affiliation, since they have not associated to a player unit with a touman and have permanent loyalist concerns or again would you vary the assocations based on their contractual selections?
Thus would it then be more simplified to only allow the recognition of loyalist units as those player units and players who have shown a permanent contract. All other "temporary" affiliations then having to elect a MERC, Bandit/Pirate or Lone Wolf relationship with their gameplay?
Well, aside from gameplay consideration (actual pirate gameplay would need a LOT of thought and balancing imho), i think i would do it like this:
-Loyalist Unit: (but i would prefer "regular" as these units are part of the regular army/Touman of a faction): the units that have a permanent contract to the faction, pledging loyalty to it and basically being absorbed into the armed forces of such faction. I think that these permanent contracts should not be breakable at all, either you serve your House/Clan with loyalty or you have to disband the unit and create another one with a different name..
Of course, units could also change their status from merc to Loyalist (example being McCarron's Armored Chivalry , an ultra-loyal merc unit that was later absorbed into the armed forces of the CC).
-Mercenary Unit: these units are pretty well distinct from pirates. I strongly think there should be a overhaul of the merc syttem, but if we had not to change much of the current system, i would just designate as Merc Unit those merc units that serve with loyalty and efficiency their employer. A reputation system would be needed though: if enough unit leaders give them a negative reputation, the mercs cannot fight for that faction anymore until its unit leaders do not change their rating; if they break more than X contracts, get too much of a negative reputation or both, they are forced to go rogue because very few would hire them.
-Pirates: they are those merc units that get too much of a low reputation and/or break too many contracts, as i said above. They cannot join a faction or get contracts and be paid by their faction; they do not have loyalty rewards as well. So how they actually operate in-game? As i said, it requires thought.
-Lone Wolves: well, i consider them more or less loyal mercs, and this is what they are supposed to be accoding to PGI. As for units, their actions, attitude and words would earn them a different classification: casual merc, loyal merc, or even lone Clan warrior (which is actually weird, because Clans do not have lone wolves as they are meant in MWO ..).
Marc von der Heide, on 05 February 2015 - 08:19 AM, said:
So much hate Kain. It is just a game. CW attacks massivly CGB. I m not intrested in your reasons. Get out. Close the door. See you on the battelfield. Freeborn Dezgra...

CGB mercs, with some actual CGB support, have been attacking us since the start of CW.. We were too focused on our duty of returning to Terra to bother with you, but now that the algorythm is not giving us ant IS target, we have to choose between CJF and CGB, and the choice is pretty easy. Besides, i am still waiting for the day when Ferris will be contested again. We are starting to repay our debt
Edited by CyclonerM, 05 February 2015 - 10:03 AM.