OK drop decks, currently there are two strategies that are working well in CW for basic users ... key word BASIC USERS. Now these are the zerg rush of lights or great ball of death as some call it. The other is attrition which is more work but if done correctly can pay out just as well as Defensive mode.
Now if you are with a group that is going to do a zerg rush here are a few signs:
- They type it into the chat before the drop.
- You see the majority or bigger groups in your cue switch over to light mechs.
- If at any time you are unsure what to take in an attacking, take a light mech first.
Now how can you tell if it is going to be attrition:
- You see everyone taking bigger mechs like heavy and assault mechs.
- Fellow members type attrition or type take bigger mechs.
Now for tips on light rush:
- Stay close to your allies.
- Do not run into allies (it causes rubber banding and some times leg damage).
- Make sure your light mech has Jump Jets.
- Always jump the gate but shoot the gate generator as you do it.
- Pump your jump jets ... it throws off some shots.
- Run to closest cannon shield generator (or CSG for short).
- When at the generator, keep moving, use generator as a shield from enemy mechs ... some times they can kill it for you

Now tips for attrition:
- Move slowly as a group.
- Focus Fire ... if you see some one else shooting the same mech you are doing good.
- Try to use cover and stay close to it.
- Take your time you get 30 minutes for the drop to kill 48 mechs.
- If bad at aiming take lrms.
- Take down the gates from range or cover when possible ... usually because people stop to shoot at the gate gens they get shot in return.
Tips for both:
- Shooting turrets when possible is always a good thing, unless if you can kill a generator.
- Arty drops work on turrets, but they DO NOT work on generators.
- When you see some one say Cart-Wheel what they mean is walk up the ramp with out stopping shoot the gate generator and drop off and get back in line to do it again till gate is open.
OK now that I have some attacking tips out there what about defending? Well here it is a bigger ball of wax then attacking ... that is because you are playing fiddle to the enemy and what they want to do at first, but that quickly changes.
Usually your first mech you want it to be able to do two things ... kill lights and do some decent ranged damage. This is why you see the Thunderbolt 9S because it has 2 or 3 ERPPCs so it can shoot off legs of light mechs or do that long range damage. Now after that you want to continue using your bigger mechs to the end. At the end if you defended well you might be pushed out to the enemy drop zone and can finish off the last hand full.
Some other key tips when defending:
- Stay inside the gates.
- Only suicide you mech when out of ammunition or badly damaged.
---- Also try to do this when they are coming on a rush so you can use the drop ship weapons as well on the enemy
- If you have lrms try to stay in a place near the cannon ... some times I like to sit behind when on the hot map, and in front of the cannon when on the cold map because I can shoot the enemy the best from those positions with lrms no matter what gate.
- try and take UAVs with your mechs because you can drop them as you get rushed and help out your fellow lrm boaters.
Hope this helps you but some times even advice might not work for you.