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#21 beaver1776


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 02:43 PM

It looks as though something went wrong with the "patch" today, Asuncion is still/back in Davion hands.

#22 MischiefSC


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 02:44 PM

It's not bittersweet. You guys earned Asuncion back a while ago with hard won victories. The planet algorithm may not have put you on the right target but nobody is going to say you didn't earn it. Well played, well deserved.

#23 Alex Reed


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 02:50 PM

Ah, the pandas thought they had it all fixed, but that is what you get when you depend on their fuzzy logic.

Once again into the fray...

#24 cranect


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 02:50 PM

Ya there is an issue with the planets and it didnt give it to us...

#25 Reitmeier


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 02:53 PM

The same with Misery.
PGI seems to be davion loyalists^^

#26 Kjudoon


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 03:53 PM

What really burns my cheese is that I get home at 1:30am from work.

Guess, I'll just be involved in the debriefing of the Panda Underground.

#27 Virlutris


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 04:36 PM

Deep breath folks, let's give PGI a chance to respond to the problem before calling their integrity into question.

I know it's tempting to call favoritism, but I'm worried that we're reacting out of frustration, and convicting them before they've had a chance to finish addressing what happened.

Let's give it a minute, and see how they respond before declaring the worst.


Edit: spelling, and update to cross-post http://mwomercs.com/...was-lost-sorry/

I'm not going to accuse them of ulterior motives on this. They made a mistake that voided 8 hours of work for a bunch of players. I'm not interested in telling anyone they can't/shouldn't be upset over that.

I don't think that it adds anything useful to call PGI's integrity into question on this when a simple failure of technical skill serves to explain it. That's plenty of wounded pride on its own, and probably pretty frustrating for the folks involved in the data loss.

Once more to Asuncion!

Edited by Virlutris, 27 January 2015 - 05:27 PM.

#28 mp00


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 05:07 PM

Unfortunately since this is 'beta' it is very doubtful they will adjust the planets to there correct owners. Remember Mariks foray into Kurita space was a glitch and was not overturned. So it is just another hurdle to take Asuncion and for other groups to out there as well as several planets did not change sides.

#29 Virlutris


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 06:41 PM

View PostAlex Reed, on 27 January 2015 - 02:50 PM, said:

Ah, the pandas thought they had it all fixed, but that is what you get when you depend on their fuzzy logic.

Once again into the fray...

"Fuzzy," I see what you did there. Well played ;)

#30 Alex Reed


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 10:01 PM

Asuncion ... The Twice Won World ... I kinda like the ring of that...

#31 Karl Marlow


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 10:02 PM

Did it take this time?

#32 Alex Reed


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 11:00 PM

It did ... Asuncion ... Home of The Best Two Out of Three... :P

#33 Roadbeer


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 11:01 PM

View PostAlex Reed, on 27 January 2015 - 11:00 PM, said:

It did ... Asuncion ... Home of The Best Two Out of Three... :P

Now let's keep it this time :D

#34 Joe Decker


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 11:05 PM

Finally. Was about Time ;)

Welcome back Guys !

#35 Kjudoon


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 02:45 AM

The engines of the big Union dropship howl and shudder as they make their final effort to slow the plunge to the surface. The normal activity of the mech bay seems to be slower than normal as all eyes watch the main doors. Anticipation for their opening is so high right now, every nerve is a-quivver.

I am so hyped up right now, I can't even get into my mech to pilot her out.

I can't.

I just can't.

The anticipation has my hands restlessly tapping on anything inanimate near me. The railings, the work stations. My foot drums on the diamond plate beneath it. Since the last message from the Panda Underground about Operation Blind Sampson and the sudden destruction of their transmitter has had my nerves on edge ever since. Would I ever get to meet this Agent Angel? Who were those who fought long behind enemy lines, protected our friends and families left behind in the evacuation?

The muted thunder of the landing gear impacting on the ground and compressing is heard throughout the mighty ship and the shudder is replaced with the thumping and soft compression bounces of the gear taking up the massive load, and then the engines stop with a coda of settling metal.

Clouds of sound roll back from us all, and the pressure of it's waves lift. Stillness fills the bay.

Everyone holds their breath waiting for the inevitable opening of the drop bay.

A klaxon blares and a new, smaller rumble begins, but it's closer compared to the engines, and that makes it fill the world as the first wisps of sunlight shoot into the bay, growing quickly to slices and slabs of painful bright light.

That sun!
That brilliant, warming sun!
That familiar, blessed star!
... how precious.

I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes, and my throat grow tight My home sun. I'm home. Home!

Thick moist air wafts into the drop bay as machinery that should be whirring to life stands idle. Everyone here is just as choked up as I am at it's first scents. Thousands of memories burst forth in the minds of all here. A familiar mountain shows up as the large ramp drops further. It's dark slopes painted by the mid morning sun far in the distance. Then the control tower for the spaceport comes into view, undamaged.

I start walking, unsteadily, like a sailor too long at see reaches shore. Walking towards the slowly opening maw of the dropship. Someone, I think the new recruit, Tesunie, is actually walking up the angled ramp, fighting to see things for his own eyes first. He's quickly joined by Kursed Vixen and Cicada1, as they now chatter excitedly, their joy unbound.

The smell of the air, no longer machined clean, but ripe, thick and filled with the life air can have only on a planet swaddles me in its essence. I too start to hurry to the ramp.

It wasn't far.

No, it only seemed a long way away.
The tops of hangers now visible and the head of a very battered Banshee clumps past off towards the repair yards. The foothills bathed in early spring blooms rush into view from the bluff the spaceport is located on.

The ramp is parallel to the ground and I begin standing on it as it rides down the rest of the way. The world in full view of Seraphim base. Oh the damage! The damage! We had fought so hard here. The scars were everywhere. Barracks and buildings levelled. The walls breached at points and the turrets, replaced with a hodgepodge of Davion, Marik and Liao surplus defensive emplacements, scavanged from all over the Davion front. A trio of large orbital guns, silenced by the final action of the Panda Underground's hackers.

The sword and sun draped everywhere in paint and tarpaulin. Some of it partially torn down, others burned mostly away with flamers. ACES signs on the ground, with large mech footprints on them.

Sound begins to return as the ramp fully extends. Inside the dropship, some pilots, less caught up in the moment as I am are starting their mechs. I need to move. I need to get out of the way of the exiting mechs

I step off the ramp and onto Asuncion again for the first time in weeks. Weeks in which I thought this would never be home again.


It is some time later, that I discover I am on my hands and knees, weeping openly in joy and relief. The stress of the whole campaign and coming to accept the losses, now returned unexpectedly has rendered my mind a jumble. My composure in tatters.

As my head rises, I realize I am not alone here. My back feels the warmth of many hands, and I hear the sound of soft prayer from many mouths. There is not a dry eye among us as I look around for the first time really and truly aware of my surroundings. Virlutris is there. Selaa, Nabonz, Heavy Gun, Casaido, Dynamo Bolt, Joe Decker, WhiteLightShadow. Either they arrived and were waiting to greet us, or came off the dropship with me. Not sure what was wrong, but feeling the spirit of the moment overwhelmed me and offered the best support anyone can ask for.

As my eyes rise again, quietly mouthing praises to God, I see DTim and Alex Reed walking up, both looking haggard from what they have been through since coming home. Without a word, I'm helped as I struggle to my feet and come to attention.

"Well, 'Dooner," Colonel Reed smiles, "You sure don't hold back your feelings about coming home, now do you?"

"No, sir," I mumble. A warm hand squeezes my shoulder in support. Behind me I can feel the smiles and inward chuckles at the familiar greeting. The warmth of the esprit de corps and camaraderie is like a fire in my heart.

"It warms my heart to see all you Seraphim living up to the standard we set for ourselves." His kind and tired eyes sweep over everyone here. His restrained joy held in his heart desiring to burst out to all. I know later it will come out in a very intimate and powerful display. Knowing him... knowing him. "You all made me real proud here."

"I know it's a lot to ask of you, but we need to set up for a march down to Asuncion City. Our public awaits to welcome us home."

Slowly I raise a hand to my brow and salute. My voice cracking I respond, "Yes, sir. It will be a joy beyond measure."

Edited by Kjudoon, 28 January 2015 - 02:47 AM.

#36 Tesunie


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:42 AM

It was a pleasure to recapture MY new homeworld. I am proud to have helped in whatever way I could. I am proud I am a member of the Seraphim.

My only critique Kjudoon is you probably should have written in months as the time lap instead of weeks. I envision CW as one attack phase being probably at least a month, as you have to consider travel times, jumpship recharges between system jumps, and dropship travel time (of at least a few days) between Jumpship and planet. Then the fighting...
(About a week from Jumpship to planet. Probably 2 weeks of fighting. Then a week back to move to the next system?)

#37 Caleb Brightmore


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 09:18 AM

Because the Irony in posting this twice is too great of an opportunity to pass up. :D

Edited by Caleb Brightmore, 28 January 2015 - 09:20 AM.

#38 Kjudoon


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 12:47 PM

Oh Tesunie, that was just the arrival home.

We Seraphim like to write our lore battle to battle, event to event.

Filling in gaps with lore is for inspiration and others to accomplish.

#39 Valar13


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 01:23 PM

We left a fairly large case of premium New Avalon champagnes behind on our way out. We trust you will take good care of them.

#40 Kjudoon


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 01:33 PM

Laughed myself silly at this one, Valar13.

Well played... well played.

The Pandas wanted to say bye bye and thanks for the Arby's

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