Everyone seems to forget that Mercstar, CI, and 228th attacked everyone but smoke jags. The Jade Falcon's got their teeth kicked in (remember, the House of Lords where still together and fighting for the falcons back then), bears lost a ton of planets, but then kicked wolves for a little longer because... well, no other reason than they wanted to, because there's no other reason to be a merc.
Truth is, a lot of Clan Wolf players abandoned Mechwarrior Online altogether because
a conglomerate of nearly 300 competition players took away 24 days of progress in half the time. Other clans where given a breather, but right after that, Mercstar joined the bears and kicked the wolves some more
while Comstar Irregulars and the 228th where fighting for Rasalhague. with us having only 2 attack lanes, and 3 defense lanes against not only more players than all of CWl (all of which are a variety of competition teams with a larger player base) but almost half of them had
no choice but to do ghost drops if they wanted to play CW because there literally weren't enough players to que against them.
That is the real problem
Quite frankly ghost drops shouldn't even be a thing, at least not as they are. Defenses without mechs or on more populated planets should be more than light 'mech killing turrets from the Assult-Mode matchmaker games, or make the waiting period longer, like a half-hour maybe. Why should other players have to wait 45 minutes to que up just to get stomped by a premade (or just never get a drop for the entire 8 hour attack phase) if the same pre-made can stomp over some generators every 12 minutes?
If there's gonna be something for teams to do against planets just so you don't get literal cheating with one team on one faction and another being given a win
just so you can play the game, then why not make ghost drops mean something? You know, make them challenging and fun?
(you know, that thing games used to be before they became a second job?)
TL;DR: The problem isn't OP merc units kicking our ass, its overpopulation at the flip of a switch and ghost dropping every 12 minutes when they have more numbers.
Is this Mercstar's fault that this is happening? Or is it a bad game mechanic that mercs can join whoever they want whenever they want with no difference in reward for who they fight for?
We should never, ever have to see what happened like this again, and its not just "wah we're getting our buts kicked!" people quit the game over this, and that's not good buisness, PGI.
It wasn't just pugs or newbies who ragequit because players that had been around much longer than them and played far more professionally then them kept kicking their ass (we where all noobs at one point, and all have to start somewhere) It was people who had been playing for years who quit, too. only a fraction of Delta and CWI where around to try and fight all 3 of these teams off, most of which had already said "screw it, I'm just gonna play when the new ceasefire times come out, or quit Clan Wolf because they where tired of all the dramma and trash-talk.
540 words later, all I have to say is that people shouldn't be bullied out of playing for their favorite faction.
Yes, this is a Beta, and it is our job to point out problems. Be there an easy or difficult solution, it needs to be solved one way or another. Step one is to simply figure out what the issue is in the first place.
Edited by Lawrence Elsa, 31 January 2015 - 03:21 AM.