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Do You Think The Panther Will Be Doa?

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#1 FindersWeepers


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 04:09 PM

Just like the title says. At 35 tons with a sub-par engine cap;-; it looks like it will play like a Raven 2X/4X. Of course hitboxes will play a big roll in determining it's viability and how it will play. Let me know what you think!

Edit- fixed some grammatical errors

Edited by Sep, 03 February 2015 - 03:55 PM.

#2 Phobic Wraith


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 04:58 PM

Not sure... certainly won't be able to be played like the firestarter or jenner, but the clan light mechs are a good example of slower lights that pack a little more punch. Of course there are other factors there like weapon weights and ranges, but a DOA ranking is a little premature.

#3 Mondos


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 05:24 PM

Bit like the Vindicator, it wasn't anything amazing with the lower engine cap.
Now I have all four of them, they arn't amazing, but are still capable mechs.

#4 ImperialKnight


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 05:28 PM

If it's quirked properly, it can still be good. maybe -50% heat, +50% projectile speed on PPCs

#5 Richard Warts


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 05:30 PM

I think with quirks some variants including other resistance pack mechs could be pretty good but not enough so to be considered meta.

#6 Nightshade24


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 08:48 PM

View PostSep, on 27 January 2015 - 04:09 PM, said:

Just like the title says. At 35 tons with a sub-par engine cap(;- ;), it looks like it will play like a Raven 2X/4X. Of course hitboxes will play a big roll in determining it's viability and how it will play. Let me know what you think!

Edit- fixed some grammatical errors

Why does everyone think a light mech that doesn't go 150 kph + is ****?
Most firestarter builds go 140 kph due to wanting weapons

I think the urbanmech is a good mech, I think the Raven 2X and 4X is a good mech, and I think the Panther will also be a good mech.
I like the kitfox, mist lynx, adder, etc.

I think this mech will be a beast, especially with a 50% heat reduction to er ppc's/ ppc's (most likely 1 of the many quirks)

#7 Ratpoison


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:27 AM

It's really not going to be that slow. Shove an XL250 in another 35 tonner and you can see that it's not that bad. The Oxide in particular needs to tune its engine down that far if it wants to run quad SRM4 with enough ammo to last the fight. The idea that this mech is going to be DOA only comes from narrow minded min/maxers who aren't even good at considering all the pros and cons of the mechs they min/max. They simply assume things have to be a certain way to be good even if it gimps the mech heavily in other areas, and don't have the ability to think for themselves. 127 is still plenty fast and it will let you carry a good amount of firepower.

#8 Tesunie


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:34 AM

Probably as DOA as the Spider was... oh wait...

#9 Voivode


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Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:39 AM

I remember the event where you had to get 1kill, 1assist, win the match, and survive to get a point. At the end you needed like 50points to get something (champion Victor?). I did the whole challenge in a day with the Raven 2X, so I'm not following you on calling it DOA and comparing it to the Raven 2X in the same sentence.

#10 Rokuzachi


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 05:26 PM

I really enjoy the Cicada 3C and the way I have it set up it only goes ~125 with speed tweak. Panther seems like a slightly slower but JJ-capable version of it - I just hope its PPC/ERPPC quirks are enough to make its limited weapon tonnage useful.

#11 Kenyon Burguess


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 05:38 PM

4 med pulse lasers and a couple srm packs says no to doa on arrival

#12 Skarlock


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 05:42 PM

View PostPhobic Wraith, on 27 January 2015 - 04:58 PM, said:

Not sure... certainly won't be able to be played like the firestarter or jenner, but the clan light mechs are a good example of slower lights that pack a little more punch. Of course there are other factors there like weapon weights and ranges, but a DOA ranking is a little premature.

Clan mechs have better XL engines and clan weapons, and they still aren't enough to make slower clan mechs good. The problem though isn't just the speed of the clan lights, its also hard point limitations and the lack of quirks. Quirks carry a light almost 100% of the way on the IS side. It will be completely up to the quirks the mech gets that will determine if it's good or bad IMO. The hard point layout on the panthers isn't particularly good. It can't boat a ton of medium or small lasers like a firestarter, which are extremely efficient for tonnage per damage point, precise, and kept very cool for energy weapons by quirks that reduce the heat generation. The missile hard points are center torso mounted which means artemis isn't really an option, and neither is SRM 6, period. Due to lack of total energy hard points and the terrible spot for the missiles, panthers will have to take bigger guns, which will make them struggle for damage as bigger guns are really meant for bigger mechs, not small mechs with too few weapon hard points in good locations.

The one thing, and (hopefully) extremely significant thing, that panthers have going for them at the moment is the quirks haven't been revealed. If the quirks are good, you have a viable, but probably unpopular light. If they are great, it will probably be mid-upper tier. If they are bad or even worse, non-existent, then it will be a pretty low tier choice and not very popular.

#13 Sam Slade


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 05:50 PM

From the lore I remember Panthers were supposed to be pretty nimble, but hardy light mechs with a very effective PPC... if they get really nice survivability quirks I think they'll be pretty cool.

#14 Tordin


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 12:15 PM

Added quirks to the structure could do the trick (ct, feet) along with energy/ ppc bonuses. But I agree. Its short sighted to think slow lights are useless. They can be excellent support/ escort mechs.Take a raven as an example without xl engine. Packs a punch and does its job.

#15 Kahadras


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 01:17 PM

Nope I don't think so. I'm expecting it to be a light sniper so it sits back with an ER PPC and plinks away. JJ should provide the ability to get to good sniping positions and I hoping for a decent amount of armour to absorb any return fire. It does concern me that some people are so quick to pigeonhole a mech before it's even been released. A light that can't do 150kph? DOA!

#16 Revis Volek


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 01:22 PM

ERPPC Mist Lynx seems to think he will be ok....

Posted ImagePosted Image

#17 Nullmancer


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 05:09 PM

did you forget clan ppc's work differently then IS ppc's?

also, the myst lynx is a helluva lot faster and more manouverable

im getting panthers as well, but im not kidding myself, it's gonna be rough.

Edited by Nullmancer, 30 January 2015 - 05:10 PM.

#18 Ratpoison


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 05:51 PM

View PostNullmancer, on 30 January 2015 - 05:09 PM, said:

did you forget clan ppc's work differently then IS ppc's?

also, the myst lynx is a helluva lot faster and more manouverable

im getting panthers as well, but im not kidding myself, it's gonna be rough.

The Panther will be just a smidge faster than the damp kitten actually. 127.3 isn't that slow, you'll be fine.

#19 Nightshade24


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Posted 02 February 2015 - 02:33 AM

View PostNullmancer, on 30 January 2015 - 05:09 PM, said:

did you forget clan ppc's work differently then IS ppc's?

also, the myst lynx is a helluva lot faster and more manouverable

im getting panthers as well, but im not kidding myself, it's gonna be rough.

only difference is that the clan ER PPC does 15 damage (10 pinpoint. 2.5 splash. MEANING if you hit the arm or leg, you wasted 2.5 damage, if it's a turret/ stick/ zombie then it's 5 damage wasted)

However due to the quirks for the panther we can assume the panther will be able to do more firepower with the same efficiency or more.

#20 stealthraccoon


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Posted 02 February 2015 - 02:51 PM

I think it will do fine. People seem to thing a light is only effective if they are blazing by at 150 kph+ and packing 7 pulse lasers. Really pilots, load more weapons, and use cover - it's a different play style that may be a challenge for you, but give them a try, you might like it (or maybe even learn something new).

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