1. The attacking faction is always attacking in match, and the defending faction is always defending in match.
2. The current system of whoever queues first gets to flip a tick on the planet goes out the window. Instead, it goes up a tick whenever an attacker wins or down a tick when the defender wins.
3. More than 15 ticks on the planet.
4. Instead of resetting planets every 8 hours during ceasefire, let a planet run all the way until its 100% fallen. At that point the planet becomes unalterable (but you can still queue just for a fight) until the next ceasefire. During ceasefire, the only borders the guys on Terra would have to update would be ones with planets that reached 100%.
Instead of 3 hour windows of action before ceasefires that come down to who queues up the fastest to flip that 53% tick on the planet before it gets reset, we could have planetary battles that last for days if they are hotly contested. (insert tales of Wazan here. o7 Mariks and Davs)
Slowing down the planet flip would give factions more time to react and organize, instead of logging in to 100% planets with only 2-3 hours till ceasefire. It would also obviously benefit players and units who aren't able to be online during crunch time.
The only real problem to be figured out here is how many ticks to 100% on a planet? Enough that taking a planet feels like more of a faction-wide accomplishment, but not so many that winning a single match feels like it has no impact.
5. Maybe do away with the call to arms spam, and instead give pugs a streamlined faction queue button for CW. Dunno if this would work, since it would involve linking all the contested planet queues for one faction, and then slotting in pugs where they are needed, or when there are 12 of them.
I really believe these tweaks to the system would make the Map and the match finding much more fun and fluid and interesting.
Edited by LoklanZFG, 28 January 2015 - 03:17 AM.