Just a friendly suggestion for everyone complaining about Elo and matchmaking in the solo queue. After having a few win-streaks and loss-streaks too many I decided to track all end results and plot them for fun. Plot below is cumulative wins and losses, -1 for a loss, +1 for a win.

It was a bit less cyclic and periodic so far than it subjectively felt like so I would recommend doing this to get a more objective picture of how it really looks. There was a spot where I felt pulled down towards 0 by the MM in this sample, but over all the trend actually looks much better than perceived and fits well with my global 1.133 w/l ratio after reset and 1.10 for archive.
Sample still small, growing slowly every day... Too early to say if anything about anything, except that the perceived pain is a bit worse than it actually is.
Edit: Added a graph of distribution of end results, plotted the opponents score on wins and own teams score on losses. Most common win result: 12-4, most common loss result: 5-12. Very few 12-0, 0-12 actually!

Edit 2: Thought I'd update the graph with another 250 matches. A bit weird, suddenly I was deadlocked at 1.0 w/l ratio. Would be interesting to know if anything was changed in the code in the end of January, the perceived effect is rather clear. I don't believe that this has anything to do with my Elo, I am seeing the same guys and before I started recordning this graph there is a baseline of some 4000 games or so, so I should already be at my Elo whatever that is.
I'll just leave it here:

Edit 3: I plotted the graphs by Elo-class. Nothing too significant there, all classes end up on the positive side, but it seems like it may be Lights that was mainly responsible for the steep ascent in the original plot.

Edit 4: Will paste the final graph here, about to close this experiment now, losing too many cbills when I have to watch every game til the bitter end to record the end result...

Edited by Duke Nedo, 13 March 2015 - 08:26 AM.