oldradagast, on 02 February 2015 - 04:11 PM, said:
Except, as I've stated, people don't respond well to idiotic game modes that encourage one-sided stomps...
Actually, many people willing and able to learn respond differently.
oldradagast, on 02 February 2015 - 04:11 PM, said:
They don't think: "Wow, that team that just rolled me and insulted my mother and racial background is exactly the type of people I want to join! Then, I can get good and heap the same abuse upon the next batch of PUG's!"
Only real-life losers have that frame of mind. There are those who prefer giving their former abusers a taste of their own bitter medicine.
As a side note, I lump people who follow traditions of "hazing" in that same "real-life losers" group.
oldradagast, on 02 February 2015 - 04:11 PM, said:
Instead, they play casually with some friends, most of whom they probably know in real life, and then, after stepping foot in the steaming pile of CW, they laugh at the idiotic "match-making," post angrily on the forums, get shouted down about how rolling PUG's is part of the "skill" in CW - and then quit CW, if not the game.
They get shouted down because "rolling PUG's is part of the 'skill' in CW" is not the lesson to be learned in CW, but still insist that it is.
oldradagast, on 02 February 2015 - 04:11 PM, said:
You don't kick somebody in the face repeatedly and expect him to want to be like you, especially not in what is basically a casual game where nothing is at stake but free time. If the people in CW teams were getting paid big bucks, you'd have a point about how many people will want to join the big teams, but that's just not reality.
I prefer folks who instead strive to get even. <maniacal

pwnface, on 02 February 2015 - 04:18 PM, said:
If you don't like getting beat, get better at the game. Stop asking for training wheels because you can't handle CW.
Training wheels are fine. It's asking for permanent ones that bug me.