cranect, on 03 February 2015 - 10:04 AM, said:
There is nothing that can be done in CW to make a 12 man and a PUG equal. You just cant. Now the PUG team can put up a good fight. I have seen teams do it. Occasionally they even win but it is rare. The PUGs in CW need to try to communicate and set a designated caller that EVERYONE follows. Sadly that is all too rare. Most of the time, especially on the clan border, people are just there for cbills and to shoot stuff. CW is not designed so that a team of 12 random people can definitively beat a large group. It isnt designed that way and it never was supposed to be that way. Yes there are more solo players than group. That isnt the point in CW. The point is it is where coordination is supposed to count for something. It is designed so that the people who work together all the time and try to improve as a TEAM have an advantage. If the PUGs coordinate and listen to each other it has a chance to not be a stomp in CW. If you go up against a 12 man of Lords or something it might still be a stomp. Of course thats also true if they go up against some random 12 man as well.
This is why I advocate a game mode for PUG play that affects the IS map in CW. Drag Assault, Skirmish, and Conquest into CW. Let the PUGs play those games, randomly with their faction but have the outcome matter to CW.
PGI's warmed up to this idea somewhat. They've been talking about 4v4 action and PvE, but months down the road. That sounds like a lot of work and dev time. We already have PUG game modes and maps, lots of them, so the easiest thing to do is bring that material into CW. Maybe leave the Invasion mode for actually opening planets up to attack, then have a period of PUG play to entrench that faction claim on the planet or for a faction to slam the foot in the door that an Invasion represents.
Teams should have a place to expect team play. Of course, but the problem is, right now, all of CW is geared toward teams. However the game and the UI constantly bait PUGs to join the team play that's the exact opposite of their current play style. So they're at a disadvantage from the first second from that. Plus lack of comms, lack of chemistry, lack of tactics... it all adds up to a brutal ass kicking in the end.
So why lure PUGs into CW? It becomes a buzz kill for PUGs and teams. Who wants that? We all now pretty much accept that PUG life is part of the game, I see no reason to prevent pick up games in CW using the older modes. Everybody's happy. PUGs get LP and solos can affect the map in their own way, teams can have all the tight team play they demand and can expect another team on the other side doing the same thing. I don't see any downsides.
As for the solos and groups that want mix tech and do that thing in the current pub. queue... Simple solution. Declare Solaris as a neutral planet and let it host death match and team death matches with mixed tech.