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Cw Population Needs Pugs... But Pugs Are Bored Of Roflstomps


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#41 Apnu


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 02:13 PM

View PostScreech, on 29 January 2015 - 02:06 PM, said:

Or they are tired of only 2 maps.

Its not that alone, but its part of it. Its the same problem we had before Elo, before we had the team queue. When 12-mans were stomping PUGs. CW's Invasion mode is that again. With an added bonus of a team not being found so one side gets an auto win. There is no Elo, there's nothing to balance it.

Listening to chatter about CW in PUGland it becomes clear. There's a lot of players, paying players mind you, that aren't part of a 12-man and want to affect the IS map in CW, but cant because the current iteration of the only one game type in CW stacks the deck towards 12 man comp. teams.

#42 wanderer


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 02:13 PM

No, the last thing we need is moving the pubbie queue straight into CW.

We already have that. It's called "every IS world being attacked by a Clan". Herds of players that are mowed down in rows by Clanners, since the players there are mostly just looking for random fights.

I was seeing a quarter of the PUG population in the fights I looked in on getting 300 damage or less. Heck, I saw one game with four players under 200.

With four 'Mechs each. It almost made me want to start an alt Clan account and harvest PUG-killing money myself.

The only sane solution is smaller-scale content for CW that a PUG won't be overwhelmed in. 4-man, not 12-man.

#43 Apnu


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 02:14 PM

View PostCyclonerM, on 29 January 2015 - 02:12 PM, said:

Some keep saying that making every drop a CW battle is going to solve anything.. I think it is not.

I love fighting in CW, but i also need some modes to play alone for fun, when i have little time to join a group drop, or when i want to relax a bit and not playing seriously. I would always feel under pressure if i knew my pug conquest/assault drop is counting for CW.. And can you imagine the rage of units winning lots of battles but then not taking planets because of hundreds of pugs playing for fun and losing? I would rather have a place to play seriously and a place to play casually and for fun :)

Yeah that's why we need a Solaris planet. Should be very easy to create.

#44 AlphaToaster


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 02:15 PM

Team based game requires a team. In the case of a PUG, PUGs are expected to work together. A PUG who refuses to work with other PUGs is a detriment to their team.

If the PUGs who refuse to work with their team or help themselves decide not to play CW, that is actually better for CW. The players who find their way into a drop will have teammates who are mentally and emotionally capable of CW.

Large pre-mades play CW, so if seeing a premade on the other side makes a player just immediately give up, they should not queue in CW.

ROFLSTOMPS happen in the open PUG queue as well as the group queue. They happen to groups when those groups face better groups. Stomps are just a symptom of the state of the game we currently have. They are not going away without effort by the team on the losing end fighting for it. Period.

You don't want a stomp? Stop whining and FIGHT FOR IT. You don't want to face premades? Don't queue for CW.

There are actually enough people who are figuring out that this is a team based game where being in a group and communicating with your team yields better results than being alone. We do not need all the PUGs in MWO to pile into CW, and we do not need to cater to them either.

If PGI follows through with their new maps and new features, people will play CW.

It comes down to players want to win. It doesn't mean they have to win all the time, but if there's a feeling that winning is impossible, it becomes less fun. There is the catch-22, no changes, tweaks, nerfs, balances, or whatever, being done to CW is going to make it so a solo player can now win reliably against a premade without doing all those things they are currently refusing to do to help themselves now. That is what the single player PVE is going to be about.

#45 Apnu


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 02:17 PM

View Postwanderer, on 29 January 2015 - 02:13 PM, said:

No, the last thing we need is moving the pubbie queue straight into CW.

We already have that. It's called "every IS world being attacked by a Clan". Herds of players that are mowed down in rows by Clanners, since the players there are mostly just looking for random fights.

I was seeing a quarter of the PUG population in the fights I looked in on getting 300 damage or less. Heck, I saw one game with four players under 200.

With four 'Mechs each. It almost made me want to start an alt Clan account and harvest PUG-killing money myself.

The only sane solution is smaller-scale content for CW that a PUG won't be overwhelmed in. 4-man, not 12-man.

I have a variation on this: Bring Assault, Skirmish, and Conquest into CW. Less work for devs that way. Let PUGs play those modes for their factions, if Lone Wolf, have them get a contract, even if its only for 24 hours or one game. Let Invasion, which is not the sum total of CW, be for more organized and competitive play.

For the players who want to chill and play a goof ball build (Like the RVN-4X with AC20), create a simple Solaris server that's death match. Bring any mech you want and blaze away, doesn't matter, but you get c-bills.

#46 Apnu


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 02:25 PM

View PostAlphaToaster, on 29 January 2015 - 02:15 PM, said:

You don't want a stomp? Stop whining and FIGHT FOR IT. You don't want to face premades? Don't queue for CW.

So... unless I'm dropping in a 12-man I'm cut out from faction play? I'm just meaninglessly wasting my time on Alpine? That's BS.

I don't don't mind Invasion being the mode where comps go, but there's no reason why I can't play assault matches against other PUGs and have them matter on the IS map.

One game mode is not CW, If anybody thinks it is, including PGI, they're fooling themselves. And if PGI goes with the Invasion mode as the only thing in CW, they're hanging themselves right now. There's not enough comp and premade players to support the game. MWO will wither and die.

We need to stop thinking that CW is just Invasion mode. Players and PGI. Its COMMUNITY WARFARE! Guess what, there's a community in the underhive, and in the pub queue. Shutting them out of community warfare is total crap.

#47 Davers


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 02:32 PM

View PostApnu, on 29 January 2015 - 02:25 PM, said:

So... unless I'm dropping in a 12-man I'm cut out from faction play? I'm just meaninglessly wasting my time on Alpine? That's BS.

I don't don't mind Invasion being the mode where comps go, but there's no reason why I can't play assault matches against other PUGs and have them matter on the IS map.

One game mode is not CW, If anybody thinks it is, including PGI, they're fooling themselves. And if PGI goes with the Invasion mode as the only thing in CW, they're hanging themselves right now. There's not enough comp and premade players to support the game. MWO will wither and die.

We need to stop thinking that CW is just Invasion mode. Players and PGI. Its COMMUNITY WARFARE! Guess what, there's a community in the underhive, and in the pub queue. Shutting them out of community warfare is total crap.

New map and game mode next week.

#48 wanderer


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 02:43 PM

That hardly matters to the average PUG.

In 12-man group mode, the PUG is filler at best, most often part of a mob of other PUGs repeating what happened when 8+ man groups could go into the unified queue.

That is, feeding the PUG into a wood chipper. So hey,they'll have a new map to get farmed on and a new mode to be stomped on. There is nothing that "integrates" a PUG group into effectiveness vs.actual organized players. Nor should there be.

The only real solution is content that organization doesn't greatly unbalance vs. slapdash conglomerates- personally, I think that's about at the 4-man mark, but even 8v8 is better odds than 12v12.

#49 N0MAD


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 02:49 PM

View PostDavers, on 29 January 2015 - 02:32 PM, said:

New map and game mode next week.

Im a pug, a new map that will be the same in design, 2 or 3 corridors leading to a central arena and a skirmish mode that will favor organised teams isnt going to inspire me to do CW, just saying..

#50 Davers


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 02:59 PM

View PostN0MAD, on 29 January 2015 - 02:49 PM, said:

Im a pug, a new map that will be the same in design, 2 or 3 corridors leading to a central arena and a skirmish mode that will favor organised teams isnt going to inspire me to do CW, just saying..

Honestly, I think skirmish mode favours teams even more than the mode we have now. Oh well, at least we have all those 'inspired' solo queue modes you can drop in. :P

#51 jaxjace


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 03:30 PM

View PostMajor Tryhard, on 29 January 2015 - 09:52 AM, said:

Until you make it worth my while, this PUG is staying in the PUG queue, raking in the cash. Conquering the planet Poopendorf or whatever is way low in my list of priorities.

your making less money.

#52 Commander A9


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 03:34 PM

Well, pick-up-gamers provide major units with fresh players to recruit.

PUGs can also get on said major unit's websites and Teamspeaks to help coordinate their efforts.

#53 AlphaToaster


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 06:02 PM

View PostApnu, on 29 January 2015 - 02:25 PM, said:

So... unless I'm dropping in a 12-man I'm cut out from faction play? I'm just meaninglessly wasting my time on Alpine? That's BS.

I don't don't mind Invasion being the mode where comps go, but there's no reason why I can't play assault matches against other PUGs and have them matter on the IS map.

One game mode is not CW, If anybody thinks it is, including PGI, they're fooling themselves. And if PGI goes with the Invasion mode as the only thing in CW, they're hanging themselves right now. There's not enough comp and premade players to support the game. MWO will wither and die.

We need to stop thinking that CW is just Invasion mode. Players and PGI. Its COMMUNITY WARFARE! Guess what, there's a community in the underhive, and in the pub queue. Shutting them out of community warfare is total crap.

To your first question, no you are not cut out from faction play unless you are in a 12man. I believe I said unless you are mentally and emotionally prepared to face a 12man, avoid CW queue. That means if you are PUG'in and you have a little freak out when your PUG faces a premade, you're probably not mentally or emotionally prepared for CW.

If you've decided for whatever reason comms aren't for you, and you don't need to play with other people regularly, then when you drop into CW you can realistically expect most of the time you face a premade, you will lose. It's just how team games go.

The group that plays together more cohesively and puts more effort into preparation before the drop will win.

If a PUG makes the choice not to use comms, this is not being shut out, this is a decision by the PUG not to prepare. Same goes with grouping within the faction and networking to meet people in your faction who you play well with. These teams on the most part are going through great pains to reach out.

The decision to remove ones self from CW is a personal choice that each PUG makes. No one is shut out from anything.

#54 Apnu


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 07:21 PM

View PostAlphaToaster, on 29 January 2015 - 06:02 PM, said:

To your first question, no you are not cut out from faction play unless you are in a 12man. I believe I said unless you are mentally and emotionally prepared to face a 12man, avoid CW queue. That means if you are PUG'in and you have a little freak out when your PUG faces a premade, you're probably not mentally or emotionally prepared for CW.

I'm talking about this attitude I see around here that PUGs need to STFU and go back to the pub queue and let the real men handle CW. I'm also talking about PGI making a game mode that's heavily tilted towards 12-man but entices PUGs and solos in to be suckers for PUG stomps.


If you've decided for whatever reason comms aren't for you, and you don't need to play with other people regularly, then when you drop into CW you can realistically expect most of the time you face a premade, you will lose. It's just how team games go.

Check my sig, I'm HHoD, we have our own TS server. I know all about comms. I happen to split my time between unit duties and PUG life. And for the interest of curisoity I took a plunge in CW solo for a few turns to see what that's like and that's where my outrage comes from. PGI should never have allowed 12-man groups to go against randoms. We did that before Elo, before the group queue. I boggles my mind that PGI forgot that so soon.

Actually I don't think they forgot. Honestly, I think they found out CW was harder to do than they thought, they got a little crazy trying to release something, anything before their Q4 2014 deadline and cut huge corners to get it out. What we've got is, as far as I'm concerned, half done.


The group that plays together more cohesively and puts more effort into preparation before the drop will win.

If a PUG makes the choice not to use comms, this is not being shut out, this is a decision by the PUG not to prepare. Same goes with grouping within the faction and networking to meet people in your faction who you play well with. These teams on the most part are going through great pains to reach out.

The decision to remove ones self from CW is a personal choice that each PUG makes. No one is shut out from anything.

And so the CW population is withering and dying, most players are back to PUG life and the map is whacked out because of it. PUGs and many other players left because they recognize that its half done or half-assed depending on how cynical the player is.

Since I spend time in PUG land, I do that for recruitment purposes, I listen to a lot of chatter from the PUGs. Many of them are confused and don't know adam from abel. They don't know basic stuff, that you and I, forum junkies, and/or unit members know. They don't know where to find comms and some of them might be shy or confused how to find a group and join them on comms. Then there's the training. You can't take a random selection of mechs you don't have basics on or, even worse, trial mechs into CW. To have a descent chance of success you need mastered mechs with optimal builds, and expensive modules, and you have to listen to the drop commander and do what he/she says when he/she says it with out question or worry.

That's too much for a casual player to take in quickly. They'll just get stomped, ridiculed, and then just walk away. That hurts game growth, competition and general fun for everybody.

Comms don't magically appear when a player creates a new account in MWO. You have to dig for data, there's no help for newbies and there's no help from the forums. Half of this place is still nasty snark and trolling we also have players that are breaking their arms patting themselves on the back, or moaning about having to carry PUGs like they are Mother Teresa.

Yes I know VoIP is coming in the next patch, but we don't have it now. I'll see if my tune changes after that goes in and see what impact it has on game play, both in the pub queue and CW. Hey it might and who knows, perhaps my complaints here will be silenced. I'll be the first to admit it, if true.

As for text chat... Its OK. I've seen it work and I've seen it ignored. It takes too long to type and not get your ass shot off in the process. But don't forget, text is turned off by default, so a bunch of those newbies probably don't even know there's instructions for them to read.

Anyway, CW his a harsh mistress. While that's fine, there's nothing to tell the player what they're getting into. Yet the game entices them constantly to get involved, god help them if they get suckered in.

In my PUG matches in CW I have, not once, been matched against anything less than a 12-man group. Its always some random collection of small groups and solos against a 12-man clan group.... and we're always counter attacking. *sigh*

I don't blame players for bringing their best. Hell I expect it and desire it, its the game mechanics, the design, that needs the most work.

View PostDavers, on 29 January 2015 - 02:32 PM, said:

New map and game mode next week.

Yay new map.

Game mode? Whut? I heard they're changing the counter-attack so the base isn't magically fixed up and instead of killing a big gun, the attackers have to kill the whole enemy team and a mobile HQ.

Not a game mode, exactly, more like changing the way Invasion works.

#55 N0MAD


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 08:25 PM

View PostApnu, on 29 January 2015 - 07:21 PM, said:

I'm talking about this attitude I see around here that PUGs need to STFU and go back to the pub queue and let the real men handle CW. I'm also talking about PGI making a game mode that's heavily tilted towards 12-man but entices PUGs and solos in to be suckers for PUG stomps.

Check my sig, I'm HHoD, we have our own TS server. I know all about comms. I happen to split my time between unit duties and PUG life. And for the interest of curisoity I took a plunge in CW solo for a few turns to see what that's like and that's where my outrage comes from. PGI should never have allowed 12-man groups to go against randoms. We did that before Elo, before the group queue. I boggles my mind that PGI forgot that so soon.

Actually I don't think they forgot. Honestly, I think they found out CW was harder to do than they thought, they got a little crazy trying to release something, anything before their Q4 2014 deadline and cut huge corners to get it out. What we've got is, as far as I'm concerned, half done.

And so the CW population is withering and dying, most players are back to PUG life and the map is whacked out because of it. PUGs and many other players left because they recognize that its half done or half-assed depending on how cynical the player is.

Since I spend time in PUG land, I do that for recruitment purposes, I listen to a lot of chatter from the PUGs. Many of them are confused and don't know adam from abel. They don't know basic stuff, that you and I, forum junkies, and/or unit members know. They don't know where to find comms and some of them might be shy or confused how to find a group and join them on comms. Then there's the training. You can't take a random selection of mechs you don't have basics on or, even worse, trial mechs into CW. To have a descent chance of success you need mastered mechs with optimal builds, and expensive modules, and you have to listen to the drop commander and do what he/she says when he/she says it with out question or worry.

That's too much for a casual player to take in quickly. They'll just get stomped, ridiculed, and then just walk away. That hurts game growth, competition and general fun for everybody.

Comms don't magically appear when a player creates a new account in MWO. You have to dig for data, there's no help for newbies and there's no help from the forums. Half of this place is still nasty snark and trolling we also have players that are breaking their arms patting themselves on the back, or moaning about having to carry PUGs like they are Mother Teresa.

Yes I know VoIP is coming in the next patch, but we don't have it now. I'll see if my tune changes after that goes in and see what impact it has on game play, both in the pub queue and CW. Hey it might and who knows, perhaps my complaints here will be silenced. I'll be the first to admit it, if true.

As for text chat... Its OK. I've seen it work and I've seen it ignored. It takes too long to type and not get your ass shot off in the process. But don't forget, text is turned off by default, so a bunch of those newbies probably don't even know there's instructions for them to read.

Anyway, CW his a harsh mistress. While that's fine, there's nothing to tell the player what they're getting into. Yet the game entices them constantly to get involved, god help them if they get suckered in.

In my PUG matches in CW I have, not once, been matched against anything less than a 12-man group. Its always some random collection of small groups and solos against a 12-man clan group.... and we're always counter attacking. *sigh*

I don't blame players for bringing their best. Hell I expect it and desire it, its the game mechanics, the design, that needs the most work.

Yay new map.

Game mode? Whut? I heard they're changing the counter-attack so the base isn't magically fixed up and instead of killing a big gun, the attackers have to kill the whole enemy team and a mobile HQ.

Not a game mode, exactly, more like changing the way Invasion works.

Good post brother.
Will only comment on the VOIP, useless for what people think it will do, any experienced gamer will just mute it moment its introduced just as we do in any game that supports it. If people think it will magically mean that pugs will co ordinate because Voip is here they will learn a lesson most experienced gamers already know, half the team wont use it the other half will be making a nuisance of themselfs on it. But in the end it wont hurt but i doubt it will help.
The thing that will help is a general chat where people can commun, form ties and integrate but PGI is afraid of the community coming together.

#56 Spheroid


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 08:30 PM

The problem is the Clan front. The win/loss ratio is far, far in excess of 50%. That is not fun for anyone. Pugs from all Houses will continue to drop in the north so it is the Clans who must be handicapped. The drop deck must be lowered to 200 tons or less. Novas mixed with Adders is much less scary than Doomcrow twelve packs.

Proving the skill of your unit should be about beating the spread, not the greatest stomp. Some Clanner will no doubt chime in to tell me I am wrong.

Edited by Spheroid, 29 January 2015 - 08:54 PM.



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Posted 29 January 2015 - 08:44 PM

View Postskorpionet, on 29 January 2015 - 08:11 AM, said:

Cw Population Needs Pugs... But Pugs Are Bored Of Roflstomps

No, not so. wot cw's include no non units ie. pugs to take part and that game is crazy successful with a very fulfilling cw. But then again mwo does not have the vast population that wot does. Either way the quality of matches would be far higher if it was unit based only.

#58 Apnu


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 08:55 PM

View PostN0MAD, on 29 January 2015 - 08:25 PM, said:

Good post brother.
Will only comment on the VOIP, useless for what people think it will do, any experienced gamer will just mute it moment its introduced just as we do in any game that supports it. If people think it will magically mean that pugs will co ordinate because Voip is here they will learn a lesson most experienced gamers already know, half the team wont use it the other half will be making a nuisance of themselfs on it. But in the end it wont hurt but i doubt it will help.
The thing that will help is a general chat where people can commun, form ties and integrate but PGI is afraid of the community coming together.

Word. VoIP isn't a magic fix. I'm a vet around here and the first time I hear some immature man-child talking about his penis on VoIP, I'm muting the thing.

What we need is actual faction comms in the game. A place for players to gather and forum up groups. They don't always have to be in the same unit. So what if I can muster 5 HHoD, if I can grab the remainder from faction chat into my group and use the VoIP, instead of inviting everybody to our TS.

As you say VoIP is a small part of the puzzle and a two-edged sword.

#59 N0MAD


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 09:03 PM

View PostApnu, on 29 January 2015 - 08:55 PM, said:

Word. VoIP isn't a magic fix. I'm a vet around here and the first time I hear some immature man-child talking about his penis on VoIP, I'm muting the thing.

What we need is actual faction comms in the game. A place for players to gather and forum up groups. They don't always have to be in the same unit. So what if I can muster 5 HHoD, if I can grab the remainder from faction chat into my group and use the VoIP, instead of inviting everybody to our TS.

As you say VoIP is a small part of the puzzle and a two-edged sword.

Not a chat? isnt that Faction Voip going to house that same manchild?, besides as you will know alot wont use coms because of many reasons, they dont want others to hear their 12 year old voice, no mic, its to late and it will wake people etc etc?

#60 Apnu


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 09:10 PM

View PostN0MAD, on 29 January 2015 - 09:03 PM, said:

Not a chat? isnt that Faction Voip going to house that same manchild?, besides as you will know alot wont use coms because of many reasons, they dont want others to hear their 12 year old voice, no mic, its to late and it will wake people etc etc?

Yes. I'm sure every faction's gonna have a penis obsessed man-child or three. VoIP brings that risk. Not everybody is going to use it. You're speaking the truth here. VoIP won't be the magic bullet to fix our game and player quality woes.

But if we have decent community communication (be it chat and VoIP, and forums) we can start building a real community around the game, that, I hope, will elevate players to higher skills and bring newbies up with them into strong vets.

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