What I have in mind is to make it so that there can be Lone Wolves and Mercenary corporations in Community Warfare. And they can and should be just that, Lone Wolves and Mercenary Corporations. (No I have not forgotten)
Here is how I see it working, and I think it will draw more people into Community Warfare.
Lone Wolves and members of Mercenary Corporations will go into a bucket to be randomly (sort of) drawn from that pool as is needed by the matchmaker.
Using Lone Wolves as an example, we have a planet th be invaded/defended. The team initiating an attack is short three players, real life popped up and the team needs to fill those places.
At this point the matchmakes selects three Lone Wolves from the bucket to fill the spots, matching the elo as closely as possible, game on.
The same could be said for defenders as well, but the Lone Wolves have no choice as to which planet they are operating on, so they could go anywhere, fighting for anyone. Maybe use the current dropdeck to determine House or Clan side, if the deck is Inner Sphere mechs, then that player will fight for a house, but has no choice as to which one or on what planet they will fight for.
As for rewards, I suggest that the Lone Wolves and Mercenary Corporations get what I would call Reputation Points. Reputation points being in the same spirit as loyalty points. But the reputation points would come at a slower rate to loyalty points.
This would still translate to ranks within the Houses and Clans, but only an honourary title. A lone Wolf would always hold a lower rank than an House or Clan player, for the same amount of reputation points as to loyalty points.
The Lone Wolf, and Mercenary Corporation rank cap could be five levels lower than Houses or Clans. This would reflect the nature of not being a House or Clan member.
The important factor here is not being able to choose who you fight for, thus eliminating the ability to farm sides.
Reputation points would be earned on a per House/Clan basis, and none should ever be lost. (remember the reputation point gain rate is less than it is for house or clan players)
I think this would help to draw more people into Community Warfare, and at the same time reduce the waiting times for the matches.
Any further ideas are greatly welcomed.
EDIT: We have it. PGI changed the mechanic. For example, I can drop into Community Warfare, as a member of my merc unit and NOT have to join a house or clan. Working like freelancers. Excellent work PGI. Loving CW, it's like discovering MechWarrior all over again. BIG smiley face here.

Edited by Dirk Le Daring, 01 May 2016 - 01:53 PM.