So the real question is, how do you actually transfer that into a game mechanic?
Many FPS games already incorporate melee strikes into their game mechanics but simply pressing a button when you're in a multi-ton killing machine doesn't seem like it would represent what we're trying to achieve very well.
My proposal, from an actual implementation/input point of view, is to incorporate a modifier key which when pushed allows for melee to be performed. Now when this button is pushed swinging the mouse performs a punch, simulating a whole ''put your body into it'' motion and involving the torso. The camera would follow accordingly to make aiming more difficult and it'd really be a question of timing the whole thing to get your punch to connect properly.
Additionally you could punch with either hand if your mech has 2 fists. So holding the modifier button and swinging from left to right would punch with the left hand and vice versa. Mechs with only one hand can only perform strikes with the arm that has a fist and mechs without fists are blocked from arm based melee combat.
To finish off the balancing I'd implement a melee cooldown, because your mech's gyros have to rebalance the weight. Damage could work according to TT values as a starting point and be modified as needed. Eventually kicks could even be implemented in a similar fashion.
Admittedly, this sounds a little bit gimmicky in terms of control scheme but I think it could add to the immersion factor and especially be overall more satisfying that simply pressing a random key and seeing a fist fly out in a straight line.
Any other ideas floating around?
Edited by Napes339, 25 January 2015 - 09:01 AM.