Calling Out; Browncoats And Independents!
Posted 23 February 2012 - 10:01 AM
Posted 23 February 2012 - 10:41 AM
As for me, Hoping for a marauder, settling for a catapult. Morgrimm will never fail me.
Posted 23 February 2012 - 12:21 PM
Posted 24 February 2012 - 01:43 AM
Posted 24 February 2012 - 01:47 AM
Posted 24 February 2012 - 02:29 AM
the night walker is an inner sphere biped battlemech weighing in at 90 tons heres the details:
structure system: Standard Structure
engine type: XL fussion Engine
gyro type: Standard Gyro
cockpit type: Standard Cockpit
armour type: Ferro-Fibrous covering 100% of its body
night walker DCMS-MX90-D-MKVI 90t, 3/5/0, XLFE, Std; 16.0T/100% FF Armor; 15 SHS; 1 ECM, 1 SL, 1 SPL, 1 MG, 2 UAC5, 1 SRM4
35]Single Heat Sinks X 15 in
35]left torso
35]left arm
35]weapons loadout
35]twin Ultra AC/5's one in each arm plus two tons of ammo for each
an SRM-4 rack in the right torso with three tons of inferno ammo for it
one small pulse laser and a small laser in the left torso
with the protection of a guardian ECM suite in the left torso for E.W.F (electronic warfare
and to finish off a standard machine gun in the right torso with two tons of ammo ( good for anti-infantary
for safety dual c.a.s.e systems in both the left and right torso
Posted 24 February 2012 - 02:30 AM
Posted 24 February 2012 - 08:51 AM
Posted 24 February 2012 - 09:05 AM
@Illuminatas: I was just about to post a similar image, Chinise across the top and Browncoats across the bottom. Also I still need your GMT sir, plus a custom load out for your mech if you have one.
Edited by lonewolfsyndrome, 24 February 2012 - 09:08 AM.
Posted 24 February 2012 - 09:06 AM
Now, seeing it as it was meant to be used, I can say it's an improvement over the variant you tested before. With the following addendums.
The UAC5 is a useful weapon, yes, but it does chew through ammo quickly. So quickly that it's an AC10 that has a good chance to do half damage. I have seen a variant you use with an LBX10. That weighs only 2T more, as opposed to the 4T difference between the vanilla AC5 & 10.
The problem is, to make 2 AC5s do anything special, you're going to want more ammo STILL. 1 with 2-3, 2 with 5-6, 3 with 8-9, etc. Ultra chews through ammo FAST. I am aware that you've likely had a chequered past with the LBX10, but that's because you're using solids only. The scattershot may do less at times thanks to scatter and cluster hits, but the weapon ITSELF is more accurate thanks to this spread. It has no minimum effective range, either; unlike all forms of AC5.
3T of inferno ammo? Really? Do you really need 75 salvies of doing no damage and minimal heat damage? Switch to 1T of standard and Inferno and you'll be doing fine. This way you can still add to an energy-heavy foe's worries when needed, but if your enemy is smart and capable with his heat gauge it won't matter as much thanks to being able to thrust 4 SRMs into their nether regions. You save 1T if you do this, and lower your chance to take a sudden 200 damage in a critical hit by 33%.
Likewise with the Machine gun. 3T of ammo? Do you need 100 minutes of constant fire (600 salvoes)? Plus the MASSIVE damage you'll take if that'* ***! You're making a volitile design here! Remove AT LEAST 1T of that, too.
The Small pulse and Small Laser are compoletely superfluous. If they are your only energy weapons, you may as well scrap them. This lowers your heat output further and gives you another 1.5T.
Totalling 3.5T of freedom.
I'm seeing 15 heat and a MASSIVE total of 12 max heat output. So you're either expecting to fight against fire and inferno or on a desert world, or there's something wrong with your math. Remove 3 and you're fine with your current output, totalling 6.5T of freedom.
CASE is unneccesary if you place all the ammo in the same location and/or safer locations (legs and head) and/or locations further away from the likelihood of nuking your own engine. But we'll see.
Also, the damage output? At 600m you've got a max of 20 damage, but an AVERAGE of 5. Then it escalates to max 29 at 90M, BUT average 18.
For 90T? That's abysmal. You're doing so little damage and are so reliant of MASSIVE amounts of ammo that you're a dead 'mech walking.
Advice on how to fix in the next post.
Edited by Merovigian, 24 February 2012 - 09:06 AM.
Posted 24 February 2012 - 09:58 AM
You've got a subpar weapon loadout for your tonnage thanks to space taken up with low-spec weapons and oversurplus ammo. It leads to having 7T and 2 spaces left free, btw.
I just wanna say that you've placed too much ammo onto the wrong weapons, while the ammo-hungry guns have much less per ton and less tonnage. Priorities, they are off.
You deal damage I would expect a 60T 'mech to put out and have a 22% chance to take 100 damage+ (60% of that is 200+, and 50% of THAT is 400) on any critical hit. Which WILL crush you no matter how CASE'd up you are. So use less ammo. If you want Machine guns, ignore Small lasers and Small Pulse lasers. You can, for the same tonnage as both the lasers, do 2x the damage to the same range and generate no heat by replacing them with 3 machine guns. This takes up 1 of your 2 free spaces. REMEDY THIS BY REMOVING 2T OF AMMO. 25 effective salvoes is plenty for infantry killing and light damage at that range. Added 3 damage, 1 space, 300% weapon redundancy, and 5% critical explosion safety.
That's a good light weapon basis.
A single SRM4 is nothing if you're packing 3T of no-damage missiles. Having a single ton is fine, you'll have as many salvoes of inferno missiles as Machine gun ammo this way. Infernos are mainly good for causing fires and overheating dumb enemies. SRMS also outrange machine guns and small lasers by 200%, which can be remedied by adding a 2nd ton of ammo in standard munition for actual DAMAGE to that range. Saves 1T, 1 space, 3% critical hit safety and adds a potential 8 damage as an alternative to the 8 heat.
Add another T of UAC5 ammo, put it in the head. This may sound counter to my other advice, but the UAC5 is a weapon you probably SHOULD add redundant ammo for. Besides, a critical hit to the head means bad things all the time, a 100% chance of an ABSOLUTELY ruined day isn't too much worse than 82% in a location you normally have a 2.73% chance to be hit in.
You now have 1 space left and 7T spare. With the added bonus of +3-11 damage!
The big issue is space. Get rid of Ferro-Fibrous. It weighs 82% the standard armour for the same coverage and isn't worth it for 14 spaces when you have such an abundance of spare tonnage. Oh no a whole 1.5T for max coverage!
With the Inner Sphere, losing a side torso WILL kill you if you use an XL Engine, but your specs say you've got one, so I'll place that in here to save some weight. Replacing the Std Fusion with XL Fusion and FF with Std Armour nets you 8 spaces and 5.5T ADDED to play with.
What you want is a lack of schizophrenic ranges. Your UAC5s have a minimum range of 90m, giving your SRMS a hard time being accurate while they are, and vice-versa. And you'll never use your backup\\anti-infantry weapons at effective range to your UACs, meaning when you're swamped, you're dead.
To that end, add some Medium lasers. A firm staple goodie. 1T, 3heat, and 5 damage to the same range as SRMs. Adding more firepower to the short-range attack you have.
I'd say 2-3 at least. If you use 2, your 15 heat sinks work flush with your heat output. If you put a 3rd in, add another 3 heatsinks.
Hell, in that state you're dealing the following:
Do not use your UACs closer than 90M unless you've no alternative. The SECOND you're closer use your MGs.
Hell, you may not even need the fragility-in-a-bottle that is ISXL Fusion engines. Just remove 1 CASE and let's see...
LA & RA: Shoulder, Upper & Lower arm, Hand, UAC5, 2T UAC5 ammo, Heatsink. (when you're inside the UAC5 minimum range, a pair of punches is better than any other weapon you've got, so keep the hands and put no other weapons in the arms.)
LT: 4 Machine guns, 1T Machine gun ammo, 1T Inferno SRM ammo, 1T Standard SRM ammo, CASE. (All Machine guns are useless once the ammo's gone. Also, the damaging SRM ammo is protected by CASE.
CT: 2 Medium Lasers. (Energy weapons in the core, good for longevity.)
RT: SRM4, Medium Laser, ECM, 2 Heat Sinks. (Keep the other energy weapon and the SRM and the electronics OUT of the ammo locations!)
LL & RL: 2 Heat Sinks. (Standing in water slows you RIGHT down, but you're going to be cooler faster this way should that happen.)
HD: 1T UAC5 ammo. (You're going to die from a headshot in all likelyhood, so why not?)
You now have a long-ish range direct support assault 'mech that can then hold its own when out of its comfort zone, plus a deadly anti-infantry and urban combat chassis. ECM will also aid in stealth and hidden attacks.
Edited by Merovigian, 24 February 2012 - 10:08 AM.
Posted 24 February 2012 - 05:58 PM
Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:07 PM
Night of shadow, on 24 February 2012 - 05:58 PM, said:
Hrm. Looking at what you had written first... you had 14 tons of weight capacity left, and 5 critical spaces more allocated than you had available. Even with removing the FF armor and maxing out the standard, and changing the engine from XL to regular Fusion, you still have 4.5 tons left unallocated.
I came up with a different take on it, here's my look at the Night Walker:
Edited by Ian MacLeary, 24 February 2012 - 06:09 PM.
Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:15 PM
Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:18 PM
Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:28 PM
Night of shadow, on 24 February 2012 - 06:18 PM, said:
The version Merovigian suggested did; at melee range you'll do more damage with a punch than you will on average with a UAC5. But if you don't want 'em, take 'em off; no big deal. I'm playing around with a Gauss Rifle version right now for long-range firepower.

Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:30 PM
Inner Sphere
Standard Structure
Fusion Engine
Standard Gyro
Standard Cockpit
Standard Armor
night walker DCMS-MX90-D-MKVII 90t, 3/5/0, Std FE, Std; 17.0T/97% Armor; 18 SHS; 1 ECM, 2 ML, 2 MG, 2 UAC5, 1 SRM4
35]Single Heat Sink
35](IS) Ultra AC/5
35](IS) Ultra AC/5
35](IS) Machine Gun
35](IS) Machine Gun
35](IS) Medium Laser
35](IS) Medium Laser
35](IS) SRM-4
35]Guardian ECM Suite
35]@ SRM-4 (Inferno)
35]@ SRM-4
35]@ SRM-4
35]@ Machine Gun
35]@ Machine Gun
35](IS) @ Ultra AC/5
35](IS) @ Ultra AC/5
35](IS) @ Ultra AC/5
35](IS) @ Ultra AC/5
35](IS) @ Ultra AC/5
Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:36 PM
Edited by Night of shadow, 24 February 2012 - 06:40 PM.
Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:39 PM
Posted 24 February 2012 - 06:58 PM
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