Posted 16 January 2012 - 01:40 AM
Firefly fans.... got to love them.
If you watched the show when it was accutally on TV it might have lasted a season, or more... show of hands who here watched the show when it was on the tele?
Now a show of hands who fell in love with it once it went to DVD?
Now a show of hands of who saw Serinity in the theater? (which cost 39 Million to make, and only grossed 38 Million world wide box office)
Yes money was made back on DVD sales, but if you want a show to keep going you have to watch, and when they give you a way to put your money where your internet mouth is, you do it. People did not watch Firefly on TV it got canceled, DVD sales were great, triple the TV veiwing ratings, that got it a movie.... ""fans"" did not show up for that either.
Sorry Summer Glau, in tight clothes kicking *** could not keep Firefly alive, I guess Joss Whedon thought, it worked with Buffy (diffrent actresses mostly Gheller and Dushku), but he was wrong. Dollhouse, The Astonishing X-Men motion comic Whedon did, and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, were all better then Firefly/Serinity, but Firefly/Serinity was better then Buffy and Angel, so you should find some comfot there.