Jamie Schneider, on 03 February 2015 - 06:05 PM, said:
Honesty time:
Hey guys, I am on the QA team from Piranha. We kinda accidently launched our test lab full of PCs into a public match today (something we definitely shouldn’t do as you can tell). This test lab is meant for internal use only and it won’t happen again.
It was not suicidal hackers looking for attention, it was not someone filming a stunt video, it was us, and we are sorry.
As restitution for your heinous crime against the MWO Community I demand you return the K2 Catapult's PPC arms to their original size, and use that as the basis for the normalization sweep for PPCs in the future!!!
Alexander Garden, on 03 February 2015 - 06:21 PM, said:
so the AI plays like PGI Devs normally do?