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Kurita Coordinator Family Fraud

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#1 multisoul


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 11:48 PM

Rumors have it that FWL is planning to return some planets to Kurita. I am sure that this is due to the fact that on KUZUU i have set up my organ storage from the Davion engagements. This is due to the Coordinator family of Kurita sealed a lucrative contract with my unit for organ supplies and offered the planet KUZUU to serve as transport hub. Now that the payment is due i see them trying to get the rest of the goods for free.
Calling all of MGA to help protect my business, I will donate 0,5% of my profit (namely 500.000 C-Bills) to the Company coffers after completion of the deal.

FWLM conquered a seize able amount of planets from Kurita while they were fighting the clans, using as pretext the opening of a front to the Clans and using a temporary gateway leading to the other side of Terra

Edited by multisoul, 20 October 2015 - 09:55 PM.

#2 Roadbeer


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Posted 04 February 2015 - 11:53 PM

You had to go and make it weird.

#3 dervishx5


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 12:03 AM

Posted Image

So that's where Hanse's heart went.

#4 Chef Kerensky


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 04:59 AM

Dear Coordinator has no such recollection of such a deal, nor does he, now or ever, engage in any fraud, crime, swindle, wrongdoing, or illicit activity. Kuzuu is a House heritage site and contains many repositories of manga tankoubons generously lent to the Free Worlds League. We would like to have them back.

#5 multisoul


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:47 AM

View PostChefGerstmann, on 05 February 2015 - 04:59 AM, said:

Dear Coordinator has no such recollection of such a deal, nor does he, now or ever, engage in any fraud, crime, swindle, wrongdoing, or illicit activity. Kuzuu is a House heritage site and contains many repositories of manga tankoubons generously lent to the Free Worlds League. We would like to have them back.

bah, every Official of Kurita is operating in the name of the Coordinator. Never asked if its him personally or any Kurita regional tyrant only cared about the Bills and they`re good.

#6 multisoul


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 07:44 AM

the mission was a success, although i got paid with Clan weapon mods and not the amount of c-bills that was agreed. transfer of security codes for the organ storage and the bureaucrat carrying Kurita payment was executed on top of the hill beside the gate while rest of the Mariks did a diversion destruction of a Kurita base.
Now it is time to sell back all those goodies to the clanners. I must add that we managed to salvage several mech factories while conducting our research in Kurita space, so now all of IS can breathe freely: Marik will sell you all the Mechs you need to overwhelm the Clan. Also news came in that we are so liked, mercenaries will be taking their next contracts with us after they achieve their loyalty bonuses with their current contracts.
It is what? some 20-30 planets to conquer from Kurita in order to open a front to Clan?
FWL welcomes all who endorse freedom, entrepreneurship or privateering (but only to the extend approved by the law and our laws are generous)
Posted ImagePosted Image

And surprise, the organ storage is half empty as due to a plague in Steiner space there was high demand on the market for bowels.

Edited by multisoul, 19 February 2015 - 07:55 AM.

#7 multisoul


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 07:41 AM

During another investigation run my team came by samples of Kurita forbidden biological weapons. Now is the time to unite against these war criminals and stop this madness.
For all of humanity safety i strongly advise you to buy some of the samples of this weapon to start research for an antidote as long as available. Sale is at 100.000 MC per vial. shop is open 24/7, first 39 buyers will get samples of infected tissue consisting of 98% of the victim (14% in separate liquid form).

one of my dying crew members sent me this video proof that Kurita is infecting the forum with forbidden biological weapons. the income from the first vial will go to his family for providing his body for medical research.
they non stop puke on us. Kurita is a threat to humanity

Edited by multisoul, 11 March 2015 - 07:42 AM.

#8 multisoul


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Posted 29 March 2015 - 03:31 AM

Following renewal of surveillance contract hereby our report. Below copy of last transmission.
Kurita officials put a bounty on multisoul after discovering his delivery of organs was mostly low quality due to multiple relocation's. When however FWL reclaimed the area around Terra in the following executions the head of the family that put a bounty on him was removed as well resulting in the withdrawal of the bounty. After claiming to have huge amounts of Clan MOD chips for sale multisoul barely escaped with his life from the angry Clanners chasing him due to most chips being burned out when the `Mechs they were in were destroyed. Reportedly he lost a cargo ship during the escape.

*NOTE: names, contacts and coordinates are available upon payment of additional fee as they are not part of the surveillance contract.

War engagement reports;
Also recently known as the Cataphracter, multisoul has been sighted on most fronts, including Clan fronts, often dropping in unorganized random defenses, while in other parts of the planet there is simultaneous plundering. multisoul claims to have nothing in common with those Pirates, however it is recorded that their raids concur with planets where he is present with his Mech in combat.
His most used Mech is a Banshee with 3xAC5 which he names "Banshee Song".
Despite being told that Pink is on the Marik flag, not necessarily on the Marik Mechs he continues to include this color on his Mech paint.

multisoul has openly incited FWLM to attack Kurita as "the shortest way to Clan space and the riches to be taken there" and reluctant to attack Steiner as "too organized and persistent to be involved in long term war".

As of now multisoul has the reputation of a wealthy Pirate with surprisingly strong, but undisclosed military resources. His personal guards consist of two female Mech Commanders, who coordinate missions on the drop ship when he is driving his Mech and collecting his usual eject pods who appear to be all custom made.

Other activities:
supplying goods to the Saloons of his unit [MGA]
production of alcohol for consumption
running automated bacon production factories/farms in orbit. only one has a known location at [MGA] home planet, rest undisclosed.
Selling of fake samples of Kurita Biological weapons

It has been a pleasure doing business with you again.

View Postmultisoul, on 09 November 2014 - 08:38 AM, said:


Contractor: undisclosed FWLM origin
Target: mulisoul
Range: history and background

Firstly our humble detective agency would like to thank for another generous co tract by FWLM. We will always give you the best service possible.
The investigation was lenghty and not 100% complete due to immense efforts on side of the subject to cover its history.

Origin: as he claimed "a small insignificant backwater planet outside Marik space". This far we confirm. However exact planet was not determined. Subject was apparently reluctant to be found by anyone he knew from his past. Confirmed are his engagement in medium sizedsuccessful trade.
our investigation included also any other agents looking for similar profile subjects. We captured an independant subcontracted agent possibly working for his wife who was extremely determined to destroy his current ID. Backtracking will not be possible due to agents interrogation end in death and our confidentiality protocols.
multisoul claims that he was sick of oppression, sold all his assets, escaped all his relatives and with a fake ID (actually several) started a new life "fighting to promote freedom and against oppression". We were able to track part of this story:
With freedom he must have had in mind piracy and privateering. With his initial capital and different ID he commited various crimes among different planets all a cross IC space, until one day he came across several Kit Fox chassis and at that point we suspect he is the one responsible for the brutal assassination of his fellow pirates from the "SOULSPAWN" gang.
with a different ID and new gang he continued his rampage this time in Marik space until making the mistake to loot some Marik Gunfighter Alliance warehouses. During this event he managed to reject and rejoin the conflict in all of his Kit Foxes still leading to the slaughter of his pirate crew and his capture. MGA gave him in recognition of his skills the choice to leave the dropship naked trough the airlock or join them.
Later he became known as "The first to die" "MEATSHIELD" "NOISY CANNON"
Recent rumours of his past life catching up on him may be confirmed by his sudden disappearances.
He still claims that he still pursues freedom and high morale enforcement in government.



Edited by multisoul, 12 June 2016 - 10:35 AM.

#9 multisoul


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Posted 21 June 2015 - 10:53 PM


100 times I prayed to the `Mech Gods for `Mech Bays
100 times they answered my call
0 times they gave the desired
... at least there is a discount for `Mech Bays, so I still got the desired in another way

♪ I, I will be pug

And you, you will be team

Hey why are you going that way?

We can beat them, just don't go AFK

We can be Heroes, just stay out of my way ♪

#10 multisoul


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Posted 03 September 2015 - 09:48 PM

The sound of the FWLM hymn is pounding from the speakers on the plaza. Military units are assembled. In the background are parked their vehicles, mechs and Planes. All in formation. The sound stops. The Commander-General steps forward and addresses the crowd:
"in these grieving times of strive for our lands, after the first truce with the Clans and their control over Terra and big parts of the Inner Sphere, we are today assembled to honour multisoult and promote him to the rank of Colonel for his valiant deeds in defending the land of the free. Step forward Colonel multisoul."
As there is silence for several seconds, the generals on the tribune start looking at each other and ask where is multisoul. After some more time Corporal Kerensky runs in to report. He was previously demoted to Private and was cleaning the mess left in the cockpits of mechs after IS Recruits finish their asignments, because multisoul was not satisfied with the way he was writing message transmissions and reports.
"Sir, multisoul is nowhere to be found. His personal belongings and mechs are also missing. They have been transferred this morning to a Dropship with deleted callsign and serial number and left for an unknown destination. We found this message left in his locker."

"My dear Brothers, it has been a pleasure serving with you, but the time has come for me to travel beyond the boundaries. i will remember you as friends and will come to your side in battle again"

the assembly is dismissed as the commander-general leaves the plaza with a frown on his face.

Contractor: undisclosed FWLM origin
Target: mulisoul
Range: location and motives

Location: unknown, in transit
destination: unknown, confirmed to be in the Inner Sphere region of influence
Our Operatives reported several rumors to be regarded as not confirmed, following below.
- he has been poisoned or implanted with a killing device and forced to join another faction. this would confirm his reluctance to stand near PPC and Gauss cannons.
- he has decided to dedicate himself to piracy following some lucrative assignments, hiring out to anyone and raiding production centers
- joined a squadron of mechwarriors to drop 12-man on combat assignments (name and faction not confirmed)
- all people questioned in the process claim that he was planning to return to Marik space

Another report on his asignmen in a unit called [MGA] Marik Gunfighter Alliance includes that he left the unit after completing some of their covert assignments
1. Deadeye Death shot (non-lrm) from 1000+m away
2. Bite the Bullet Got a kill while piloting a legged mech.
3. Shadow of Death Must have 15% or lower in health by the end of the match.
4. Granger Refer at least one candidate that qualified into the Alliance Witnessed by another MGA member
5. Wanted Had been told "in-game" to join their unit by displaying their skill on the battlefield Screenshot or Witnessed by another MGA member
6. Outlaw Has done 1000+ damage in a single game Screenshot or Witnessed by another MGA member
7. Pony Express Currently have 6+ (non-founder) mechs in your mechbay with 100,000+ XP each. All mechs included MUST be a different chassis. (6x)Screenshots of each mech in pilot lab showing 100,000+ XP.
Spider, Raven, Firestarter, Cicada, Shadowhawk, Thunderbolt, Cataphract, Banshee, Zeus
8. Rodeo A lance (posse) of 3 to 4 members (CORE and/or affiliates) that do a total of 2200 or more points of damage in a match together. one together with: rook, Ryllik, Tornnet (thanks to them mostly, but from the assists you see we were all teaming up)
9. Bounty Hunter You need to kill up to 5 mechwarriors who sport a "Clan" bloodname in their gamertag. You can collect these names through several matches. List of Bloodnames: ]http://www.sarna.net...t_of_Bloodnames (x5) Screenshots of each kill Pryde, Nash, Kerensky, Kell, 2x Hazen (killed him in 2 different instances), Clearwater, Chad, VIckers




Edited by multisoul, 06 October 2020 - 04:18 AM.

#11 Duncan1dah0


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Posted 04 September 2015 - 10:52 AM

You will be missed. God help whoever you end up "helping."

#12 multisoul


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Posted 23 October 2015 - 10:31 AM

After evading total loss after his departure from Marik space, multisoul was able to join TCAF Tikonov Commonality Armed Forces and fitting in the team fighting against the Clan invasion. Several months later however Liao spies working to acquire their assets for themselves started preparing him for what was to be a great political plot in Capellan space.

On board the space ship of a high-ranking Liao official is what appears to be the culmination of several weeks of drugging multisoul with different drugs to implant in him the desire to betray TCAF. Little did they know that multisoul`s navigator in his pirate years was an escaped CCAF intelligence officer, all too eager to tell (and use) all he had learned in his career.
-So, Sang-jiang-jun Chanku-Bao when will you stop poisoning me with your tea and start poisoning me with some spirits?
-Do not worry multisoul, all will be fine. Your dream and initial plan will happen. You will happily live as governor of the planet Portland together with my beautiful sister (he shows multisoul a picture torn out from a magazine, showing a famous adult movie actress). I will provide you with the necessary war gear and personnel to subdue and rule any locals. Of course first we will do as agreed before, as soon as my spacecraft finishes the jump and we arrive at Drozan, you will enter the base under the pretext to check the loading of your mechs for your wedding and occupation of Portland on the transport ship, but in the meantime you will introduce the virus I gave you into the security system and kill the battalion Commander. The rest you leave to the special force waiting hidden in orbit. And then you will live your dream with a beautiful wife, lots of pleasure and you can start producing your favorite bacon.
-And you will tell me the general security code for this space ship and not talk anymore after that.
Chanku-Bao, ruler of Cappellan.
-Tz, I would have thought of such a creative password. Now move into the air lock and by the way, I have been stuffing you with the same obedience poison you have been stuffing me. I have no interest marrying Shina Big-Eyes from your picture as this is a 50 year old magazine where you tore this from.

The TCAF stand ready to meet Sang-jiang-jun Chanku-Bao, now waiting for over 3 hours past arrival time. A message is received that the cargo vessel carrying multisouls mechs and more will not be inspected and instead remote controlled will be sent into orbit along with several prisoners just loaded in a secure cargo container.
Several minutes later Lieutenant Colonel Paul Gadling receives a private call from multisoul:
-You stupid off worlder, where are you? The whole unit was waiting for you. They scrapped their free day to greet you … he is abruptly interrupted by a machined voice.
-Things are not as they seem Lieutenant Colonel, deep **** was about to rain on us. I have muted my sound and shut of the screen because I am still under the effect of the obedience drugs. Now the plan should be clear to you. Yes, it was to kill you and transfer command over TCAF to Sang-jiang-jun Chanku-Bao, after that all your units would be executed and replaced by his followers. There is no princess to marry and no heaven to go to. This is good bye as after what I did it is not possible to stay in Cappellan space anymore at the coordinates I sent you, you will find a small escort stuffed with armed to the teeth commandos who were going to infiltrate the base and capture all commanding personnel that I leave alive, do as you please. And one last thing, thank you for the Vodka and the prisoners on board will serve me as pass for Davion space.
Long live TCAF glory and victory to the brave warriors.
Several weeks later multisoul is in a Bar deep in Federated Suns controlled space.
-Pour some real stuff, some of our stuff – he says to the Bartender
-Shh, I told you all Marik stuff is forbidden here, they will confiscate my bar if they see what I serve.
A man in new looking but torn clothes enters the bar and shouts at multisoul:
-I arrest you in the name of The First Prince hand over the security codes for the CCAF space ship and the location of the transporter with all the gear inside.
-What? The shiny ship in the space port is yours? -says the bartender
-Not anymore, and I can`t give you any codes I do not own. Oh and thank me for saving you from Liao prison, by the way I see you tore the brand new clothes I gave you, at least you did not wet them.
The ragged man moves closer with a vicious expression – I will take those codes if have to cut you to pieces.
-No need to – answers multisoul standing straight and saluting – they just came through the door.
-title/name Archer enters the Bar together with an escort of 2 commandos - There you are Recruit. Security, throw this ragdoll out (pointing at the former Liao prisoner). At ease. So multisoul, do not expect any special treatment for having brought us this treasure.
-I am thankful for my life and honor of still being a mech warior
-Although I despise your methods many of our wealthy citizens are still remembering you as savior with your supply of organs during the first Clan invasion.
-Those are the dark times of our past, may I offer you a drink?
-You are coming from Liao space, it`s not very wise to take anything from you, but records show you are a FWLM and I see some whiskey so hell yeah
-To a successful campaign and to the new space ship under your command.-says multisoul


Edited by multisoul, 20 February 2021 - 02:54 PM.

#13 multisoul


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Posted 23 October 2015 - 11:10 AM

Contractor: undisclosed FWLM origin
Target: mulisoul
Range: location and motives

Location: Talcott, Federated suns
destination: unknown, confirmed to be in the Inner Sphere region of influence

although below transmission is several months old we came across it while bulk decoding Capellan transmissions
........this is multisoul under contract with Liao, we are severely damaged and requesting urgent docking with space station for repair and refit. My escort turned against us and attacked as soon as we left Marik space. "fortunatelly"the clanners were there as well and it all turned into a slugfest. Unfortunatelly we lost our orbital space bacon factory.

in standby awaiting assignment, eager to get it on with the clanners

over and out.

Apparently he left Marik space together with his share of "Orbital Space Bacon" Incorporated and an escort of pirate mercs who turned against him as soon as they left FWL space. Lucky for him a clan deep strike team attacked unaware of the situation aiming at everything in the resulting mayhem he lost the orbital bacon factory and sustained heavy damage to the drop ship carrying his mechs.
although we have his current location in The Federated Suns, we have no more intel atm.




Edited by multisoul, 06 October 2020 - 04:23 AM.

#14 Kifferson von doober


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Posted 23 October 2015 - 11:46 AM

All that space bacon.......... Gone! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! x)

#15 multisoul


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Posted 04 December 2015 - 10:29 PM

Attn.: Commander-General, FWLM

We received a transmission from multisoul. he is comming in to fight under our flag for the Battle of TUKAYYID. He requested a new covert call sign and complete repainting of his mechs. "they must not know who or where i am". We will be transferring him to the front as soon as all is ready.




Edited by multisoul, 06 October 2020 - 05:09 AM.

#16 Duncan1dah0


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Posted 08 December 2015 - 03:01 PM

Glad you were on our side for this one. We needed every Marik pilot (and a lot more apparently.)

#17 Darth Hotz


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Posted 09 December 2015 - 12:49 PM

View Postmultisoul, on 04 December 2015 - 10:29 PM, said:

Attn.: Commander-General, FWLM

We received a transmission from multisoul. he is comming in to fight under our flag for the Battle of TUKAYYID. He requested a new covert call sign and complete repainting of his mechs. "they must not know who or where i am". We will be transferring him to the front as soon as all is ready.


Now that the event has ended and mariks are on their usual place among the inner sphere (means the last one), let me suggest some secret call signs for you purple birds.

How about:


#18 Neput Z34


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Posted 09 December 2015 - 07:38 PM

Now, lets wait for "After Action Report". Before throwing bricks at glass houses, while living in one, and see which faction had the lowest Win / Loss ratio.

"After Action Report" - detailed statistics like the 1st Battle Tukayyid

#19 multisoul


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 03:13 AM

Those Davion loyalists got my coffers dry. No plunder and sink for weeks. Here at Marik i can keep the dough flowing with the help of some old "businesspartners" for some time before i find the source of my trouble. Tukayyid was a good opportunity to plunder supplies from all factions, especially while the Steiners were debating who they can trust less.

my plundering raids got me and the captain-general smiling all week long

Edited by multisoul, 14 December 2015 - 03:22 AM.

#20 multisoul


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Posted 22 January 2016 - 03:06 AM

Thank you for coming here to Sarna research center and for your generous donation.
Yeah, Bancrupt again. Now earn your money and rid me of this, whatever it is.
I ensure you we can, however the results are not 100% secure
What do you mean?
We have seen such a device and Dr. Hans Knippers removed one intact about 30 years ago and we were able to extensively study it. It is from the time of the terran alliance and we have no idea how it is made. It would be of extreme value to have a second device to study
And what of this Dr. Knippers? Did his patient survive?
Well, not quite. After an extensive 16 hours surgery the patient was terminated by the device just before extraction. But we ensure you that we researched and improved greatly the jamming and interference needed to shut down the device.
So where do you think such a thing could be coming from?
Only Comstar or the Clans could have any access to such antiques.
Well thank you, let me thing a few years if I want to be murdered on a surgeons table.
No butts, maybe we see each other again, good bye.
The subject has left the room, restrain him immediately but keep his head intact at all costs. Advisable to get him alive, but if he leaves the building shoot on sight.
I heard that you butcher, now I got me a hostage. Stay calm and follow my orders and you may live.

In a damp room multisoul is arguing with a prisoner about crimes of the prisoners past and interrogating him. After 1 ½ h he starts to lose his temper:
“At VAKAREL system you personally slaughtered the service crew of the com station during a pirate raid and you will not live the day if you do not reveal all codes and locatons of you pirates friends.” – says multisoul
“I can only guess what you were doing during this time in the guards chambers with the new slaves.”- says the prisoner who seems tired but determined. Two quick punches before the prisoner falls back in his chair. “Ratpeck, you scum, you will tell me exactly where you hid the loot from the cargo ship Pink Princess.”- says multisoul. Ratpeck only tries to smile shortly before making a face of pain again. “so now we are getting somewhere, that old pirate is after my treashure. Maybe by adding some information about your… “condition” will convince you to move me to a lighter prison where I can escape.”- says Ratpack.
Tell me all about this now!
I don’t know all, I know I put it inside your drink when you were drunk, then it travels inside the body to the connection spot and will kill you if the remote controller tell it to do so. It is coming from one of the Clan factions. The spaceship they used was clearly Clan with overpainted Insignia and they were looking different.”


Contractor: undisclosed FWLM origin
Target: mulisoul
Range: location and motives

Location: in transit /The Battle of Tukayyd, Talcott, Federated suns, undisclosed Draconis Combine
destination: unknown, confirmed to be in the Inner Sphere region of influence

although below transmission is several months old we came across it while bulk decoding Capellan transmissions
.....Quartermaster Archer ... yes, sir after his disappearance from our base claiming to join the The Battle of Tukayyd as Freelance Militia on the side of the Inner Sphere ..... very shortly ........
... missing mechs ... Interstellar Freighter ******** .....

En route to undisclosed destination (suspecting Draconis Combine) there was a stop in Federated Suns space with unknown purpose. Further information not available

two space ship dock in outer space, far between the orbits ot planets in the system. This is just a meeting point, the final destination of both ships is different.
-The time has come to repay your debt, the time has come to repay your debt, repeats Tai-shu Kurita, an Atletic man in uniform. You will be placed under direct orders of Captain Taiyo. You will fight and die in the thickest fog of Clan mechs you will fight any enemy we point you to the death even the ones you know.
in the meantime the ship of multisoul is being searched and all persons found inside are taken out. Captain Taiyo reports: ship is clean, taking command and setting course.
- Proceed, sais Tai-shu Kurita and you multisoul, follow me.
- at your service - replies multisoul

Edited by multisoul, 22 January 2016 - 03:14 AM.

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