The question is: Do we still NEED a solo only queue? Two quotes from the roadmap thread:
"VOIP - The long awaited VOIP functionality using the integrated team speak SDK. You will be able to turn this feature on or off as well as to mute and unmute players. Upon release this will be restricted to team chat, not smaller subsets. This is also still due for some technical testing as to the impact if any on game play due to the increased network traffic, so there is a chance it will be delayed if those tests perform poorly."
"One future item that I feel is worth mentioning is new Looking For Group functionality that we hope to release in March. This will allow players to browse a list of players that are LFG, add themselves to the list. As well groups will be able to fill up their groups using this window and also set themselves to open group status to allow others to join in."
VOIP should be a leveler of the playing field in my opinion, giving solo teams a near group queue level of comms. I remember people saying that this was the deciding element in "pug stomps." So with that "advantage" removed, is the field now level? And if it isn't, why not?
Looking for Group will be interesting too-it will make grouping super casual and easy, hopefully more people will now do it that they don't have to cross the perceived "elitism" barrier of grouping. It should help out in CW immensely.
Now that voip will be here and grouping up will be super easy and casual-is there really a need for a solos only queue? As with voip alone the solo queue will start to take on elements of the group queue.