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Reforging The Star League

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#1 Ilithi Dragon


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:38 PM


The Conference of Wazan has been a resounding success. Representatives from across the Inner Sphere met on Wazan to discuss the great threat of the Clan Invasion and unifying against it. After many days of discussion, debate, and deliberation, the delegates reached an agreement, and in a nearly unanimous vote agreed to recreate the Star League, declaring cease fires and alliances across all borders of the Inner Sphere. The Star League lives, and rises to fight the Clans!

Details of this convention, and the ratified agreements, will follow as they become available.

[Original post]
Soldiers and Mechwarriors of the Inner Sphere. Today, a great shadow looms over the Inner Sphere. In our centuries of bickering and petty squabbling, a terrible enemy has grown in a distant corner of space, and it has now returned to threaten everything that we value and hold dear, vying for the cradle of Humanity itself.

This enemy is powerful. They have superior technology, superior battlemechs, superior numbers to any one House, and they have already driven deep into the heart of Inner Sphere territory. The Lyran Commonwealth is hard pressed, fighting a slow but steady retreat on two fronts. The Draconis Combine is hemorrhaging worlds at a devastating pace, The Free Rasalhague Republic has all but collapsed, and both Luthien and Rasalhague are completely surrounded, entrenched in bitter sieges.

Under this fierce and brutal onslaught, the Northern Houses cannot hold by themselves. At the current pace of invasion, these "Clans" will be at Terra's doorstep within the month, and if not checked soon, they will have sapped the strength of the Inner Sphere to resist them. By the time they reach Terra, the Republic will be obliterated, and the Combine and the Commonwealth will be devastated, leaving only the Free Worlds League, the Federated Suns, and the Capellan Confederation to oppose these dastardly invaders. We in the Free Worlds League have no illusions that we could resist this onslaught by ourselves, or even with the Suns and the Confederation supporting us. Like the Northern Houses, we would resist fiercely, but alone we will inevitably succumb. Some projections show these Clans conquering the majority of the Inner Sphere within a year.

If we are to resist this great threat to Humanity, and these vat-grown monstrosities are indeed a threat to all of Humanity, we must put aside our differences, our petty squabbles, our centuries-long feuds, and unite. For the last two hundred seventy years, we have been fighting each other, and it has gotten us nowhere, nowhere but backwards in technology, backwards in industrial capability, backwards in the state of our civilization. And now, with this new threat, it could see us utterly destroyed. If we are to have any hope, we must put those conflicts behind us and stand together.

To this end, I propose we do together what we have been struggling to do alone for the last two hundred seventy years. We must rebuild the Star League. We have no other choice. For two hundred seventy years, we have bombed each other, in our darkest moments almost back to the pre-industrial era, and it has gotten us nowhere. Now we face a new, existential threat, and it is time to put aside our old squabbles and conflicts, to stop acting like petty children, and unite. We have no other option. Our choices are unite, or die.

This new Star League will not be the same as the old. It cannot be. Our forebears squandered the golden age they had, and allowed the old Star League to die. That is gone, and can never return. But we can forge a NEW Star League, learning from the mistakes of our ancestors, uniting Humanity under a better, more resilient banner.

Among those mistakes is the position of First Lord. It is this very position that lead to the downfall of the Star League, first with the Amaris Coup, and then the dissolution of the Star League after the leaders of each Great House could not agree on who to elect as the new First Lord. The fact is that the Great Houses will never agree upon a First Lord, and so long as that decision is left to the families of the Great Houses, our conflicts will never be resolved. In this new Star League, we must do away with the position of First Lord entirely. Hereditary governing positions have brought nothing but grief and strife and conflict to Humanity, and we must abandon them entirely.

I propose this new Star League be governed by a Parliament consisting of the governors or representatives of each Member World, with no one man or woman ruling the Star League. Alone, individually, we are all weak, prone to mistakes and temptations, even the best of us. It is only collectively, as a community, with reciprocal accountability, that we can avoid the worst mistakes and the worst temptations, so we must govern ourselves, together, watching out for each other, catching each others' mistakes. Criticism is the only known antidote to error.

Unfortunately, no idea nor proposal will rebuild the Star League on its own. We must all come together to forge this New Star League, and so I am putting out the call to all the nations of the Inner Sphere. We must come together in a conference to craft this new alliance. I propose that this convention be held on the world of Wazan, a world that is the modern icon of the bitter, internecine conflict between houses, and a world whose devastation will bear a stark reminder of the cost of our petty squabbles, and what will happen to ALL of our worlds should we fail to put them aside.

I call all of the leaders of the Inner Sphere to meet on Wazan, so that we might unite against the Clans, reforge the great Star League, and expel these fascist Clanners from the Inner Sphere once and for all!


This is a call out to all the Loyalist unit leaders in the Inner Sphere. We need to unite and organize against the Clans, or we're ALL going to get rolled up. None of us can stand alone, so we have to unite or get whittled down to nothing. And we have to do it NOW.

To that end, the FWLM is asking the IS loyalist units send a representative to a "Conference of Wazan" on the Marik TS server this weekend, to forge a new "Star League." Saturday would be preferable, but Sunday will work, too, if it works better for the majority of units.

We're not asking for a hard command structure, that will create too many problems, challenges, and drama potentials, and we don't NEED a hard command structure. We just need to representatives from the Loyalist unit leaders, and any IS-dedicated Merc units, to get together, and set up a structure for communication and coordination, as well as come to agreement on some general strategies to open as many fronts with the Clans as we can, do what we can to try and save the FRR so they don't get completely obliterated by the Clans, and organize offensive and defensive actions, as well as exchange tactics, strategies, builds, intelligence, etc. There will be no First Lord, no one person "in charge of" the Star League, it will be a parliament-type organization without a hard-and-fast

We need to organize and coordinate against the Clans, and we need to do it FAST. The 3-worlds-a-day cease-fire cycle has dramatically accelerated the timescales we have to deal with, and we have very little time left before the Clans have reached Terra and achieved an overwhelming advantage of momentum. We please ask that every Loyalist unit of every IS faction, and any IS-dedicated merc unit, send a representative to this Conference. We HAVE to organize, and we have to do it NOW, because our choices right now are unite or die.

Please post here what unit and faction you are from, if you are willing to participate in reforging the Star League, and what general time a representative from your unit could participate in a conference this weekend. I would prefer a meeting sometime on Saturday, because we need to get this done sooner rather than later, and it should give the non-North American timezone units some more flexibility in the times they can show up, but we can do a meeting on Sunday, if that works for the majority.

UPDATE: The official time for the Conference is set for 1900 or 7PM Eastern Time on the FWLM TeamSpeak server.

We ask that all Representatives and Observers go to House-Marik.com and register ahead of the Conference to alleviate some of the strain on our TS Admins during the Conference itself. The direct TS address will be posted here one(1) hour prior to the beginning of the Conference to allow any Representatives or Observers having difficulties with the registration process, or arriving late or at the last minute to attend. It will be removed after the Conference has ended.

We ask that each unit from the Inner Sphere send a Representative if they can. We would like all units to be represented and have a voice in this new alliance. Observers are also welcome, though only Representatives and some Special Observers will be granted talk abilities.

Conference of Wazan Rules of Conduct and Procedure:

Courtesy is a must. This is a diplomatic convention, and proper decorum is encouraged. Friendly ragging and other jests are allowed, and even encouraged to promote a relaxed and friendly environment, but trolling and flamebaiting is prohibited. A single warning shall be issued to any offending party, and then the offending party shall be ejected from the Conference.

As this is a public conference of people from a diverse range of personal and cultural backgrounds, and the observers will include a wide range of age groups, please strive to keep all dialogue to a PG-13 level. Slips-of-the-tongue, etc. will be tolerated, but excessive profanity, crudeness, etc. will result in two warnings, and then an ejection from the Conference.

Due to the large number of Representatives and Observes expected, the actual Conference Chambers will be a muted channel, and only official Unit Representatives and Moderators will be granted talk abilities. Observers are welcome, but will remain muted, and direct any inquiries, comments, etc. through their respective representatives. Representatives will also remain muted until they are given the floor, or the floor is opened up for general comment. Individual Representatives may be muted by the Moderator(s) during general comment periods if they refuse to let other Representatives get a word in.

Formal agreements and decisions by this Parliament of Representatives shall be made and approved in the conventional method of a Representative making a motion, followed by another Representative seconding the motion. This will put the motion to the floor for a vote of Aye, Nay, or Abstain from each Representative. Votes will be placed in the channel chat to facilitate counting. Votes on most shall require a simple Majority to pass. Votes to ratify any Articles of Confederation, Constitution, or whatever document is produced to define and govern the new Star League shall require a Super Majority two-thirds vote.


House Marik Direct TS Server: See House-Marik.com for TS details.

Edited by Ilithi Dragon, 07 February 2015 - 06:45 PM.

#2 Lord Ikka


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:48 PM

The DCMS High Council is interested. At least one of our Ambassadors should be able to make the meeting. I personally can do Saturday, but there are four others as well who can make it on other days. Let us know time/date and House Kurita will send an ambassador.

#3 Ilithi Dragon


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:50 PM

Glad to hear the DCMS is interested. Specific time/day will depend on the availability of the various unit leaders/representatives. I would prefer sometime Saturday Afternoon or Evening, Eastern Time, because I think that would give the best range of availabilities, but it's ultimately subject to people's IRL schedules, etc.

#4 dervishx5


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:50 PM

The Silver Hawk Irregulars, even if we are a small and disorganized group, are ready to stand to face this threat.

You have my
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and my
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#5 Roadbeer


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 10:15 PM

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#6 dervishx5


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 10:19 PM

View Postdervishx5, on 05 February 2015 - 09:50 PM, said:

The Silver Hawk Irregulars, even if we are a small and disorganized group, are ready to stand to face this threat.

You have my
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and my
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And my

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#7 Ronaef


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 04:49 AM

TVL (Tercio Viejo de Loeches - Old Tercio of Loeches) is already dropping against the clans in the FRR border. Lets use this threat to all of us to create a united IS.

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Edited by Ronaef, 06 February 2015 - 09:02 AM.

#8 Karpundir


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 05:07 AM

Well it's about friggin' time!

Now there are 3 clan fronts in The FRR, 2 in LC, 2 in DCMS to worry about. Trying to fight every faction or defend every planet is unrealistic. In order to have any chance of success it is VITAL to all agree on your goals... Is it to push back on 1 or 2 of the Clans who threaten Terra the most? Is it to simply prevent losing more IS planets (just defending)? Is it to cut-off a Clan faction from attacking another IS faction?

Focusing efforts will make it's mark as has been shown in the past when The FRR has made brief, yet very aggressive, counter pushes into the Clans.

My recommendation? Attack/defend vs CGB and CSJ as primaries and CJF on defence only to stall their advance. The Clans have all but choked out Wolf.

#9 Abivard


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 05:38 AM

-MS- took a Marik contract this week, I wonder what they are up too?

#10 Lord Ikka


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 07:19 AM

Like I said, time and date are not important to the DCMS, we'll get someone there no matter what. We would like to see reps from the other three Houses- Liao, Steiner, and Davion.

#11 Onmyoudo


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 07:21 AM

View PostAbivard, on 06 February 2015 - 05:38 AM, said:

-MS- took a Marik contract this week, I wonder what they are up too?

Everyone wants a slice of that Federated Pie.

#12 Harathan


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 09:14 AM

View PostRoadbeer, on 05 February 2015 - 10:15 PM, said:

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Edited by Harathan, 06 February 2015 - 09:15 AM.

#13 Lukoi Banacek


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 09:23 AM

I would not worry about CSJ. The algorithm prefers that we wander east, west and sometimes even north again, everytime we take a step south. As DCMS started with triple digit planets, tbat means it will take us a hot minute to meander anywhere towards Terra.

I would definitely investigate more into the wormhole tech tho...first it brokered some interesting options for IS and then suddenly. CSJ wormhole opened in FRR. Stopping that and/or the Borg from their homebase in Delta Quadrant might be a more pressing priority.

Regardless of my kidding above....GREAT initial write up OP. Liked it quite a bit ;)

#14 Harathan


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 11:20 AM

Fantastic idea, I'm all for it, but I don't think it'll happen with the numbers we'd need.

Liao has too much invested in hitting Davion. They're not going to give that up under any circumstances.

Kurita already decided they don't want to fight CSJ, regardless of how much support they get. In fact, they complain about how much support they get, apparently people from other factions filling their defence queues is too much help.

Davion AFFS units might go for it if it meant getting Kurita and Marik off our back, but I'm dubious about that happening, plus our PUGs apparently think hitting Steiner is the height of lulz.

Steiner would go for it I think, but there is no Steiner unified command anymore by some accounts, so it'd be hit and miss.

FRR may or may not insist they do or do not need the help, depending on which pilot you ask.

Marik could go either way.

In any case, I would love to be proved wrong.

Edited by Harathan, 06 February 2015 - 11:22 AM.

#15 Ilithi Dragon


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 11:49 AM

There will undoubtedly be detractors, challenges, and conflicts to overcome in reforming the Star League. If it was easy, we wouldn't have lost the Star League in the first place. But we have to do it. Even if we can't get every single world on board with the alliance, we have to get as many as we can. To quote a great figure from old Earth's ancient history, confronted with a similarly dire and desperate fight for freedom, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall hang separately."


Can anyone NOT make a meeting at about 1900, or 7PM, Eastern Time? That would be 1600/4PM Pacific, and around 2400/Midnight for the European timezones, and 0700/7AM for the Oceanic timezones. That will be late for some, and early for others, but coordinating a global conference is going to be awkward all around.

Even if no one from your unit can make it, if there is another unit that you have good relations with with people you trust to represent you, you can collaborate with them and have that unit's representative represent you, or have them send a second representative on your behalf.

PLEASE let me know ASAP if this time does or does not work for you, and whether your unit plans on sending a representative. I know it's short notice for everyone, but we are rapidly running out of time. FRR is almost gone as it is, and SJR is rapidly approaching the small Marik buffer the FWLM has been able to erect North of Terra. We need to make this happen NOW, or the FRR will be out of the fight, and we'll be fighting the Clan's on Earth's doorstep.

#16 Ilithi Dragon


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 12:03 PM

Harathan, I can't speak entirely for the other factions, but I know there is a lot of political good will for Marik among most of the factions, and many of the major, IS-oriented merc units, and we either have established alliances or have been approached with peace/alliance/assistance proposals from the leadership of almost every faction. Even if we can't get every single unit on board, there is a lot of political potential right now to get the majority of them on the band wagon.

As for Marik, we have been discussing this for a number of days internally, and there has not been a single voice of dissent or objection. The FWLM is fully behind this proposal.

#17 Lord Ikka


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 01:03 PM

Lord Ikka will attend as Ambassador for the DCMS High Council. Other DCMS Ambassadors may attend as well. The DCMS is interested in the concept of the Star League and want to hear the ideas.

In regards to Harathan's concerns- Nothing is off the table, including a Davion/HK ceasefire. We had stopped hitting the Clans because A- we don't have enough loyalist units to take on their large merc contingent numbers and B- we haven't had any merc support for over a month to back up our loyalists. We have no problem with other organized units dropping in defense of Kuritan worlds, we have an issue with the gameplay of all IS Clan defense worlds that put random pugs defending. Right now we are gaining merc units for a coordinated offensive against our enemy.

See you gentlemen on Wazan, the Arm of the Dragon will be there.

#18 CyclonerM

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Posted 06 February 2015 - 01:14 PM


Perhaps, one day, should mankind step back from the brink of the abyss, we, our children, or our children's children will return, to once more serve and protect and guide the Star League in mankind's quest for the stars.

Maybe the time has come.. Wether the Clans will reforge a new and better Star League, or the Inner Sphere will finally unite togheter for the good of humanity.

Either case, mankind wins, quiaff?

As a Warden, this proposal warms my heart and gives me hope for the Inner Sphere.

May this new Star League be born soon and bring a new ray of light to all the citizens of the Inner Sphere!

MechWarrior CyclonerM, CWI , Alpha Galaxy, 13th Wolf Guards

View PostIlithi Dragon, on 05 February 2015 - 09:38 PM, said:

Under this fierce and brutal onslaught, the Northern Houses cannot hold by themselves.

The South is strong, but the North remembers!

Edited by CyclonerM, 06 February 2015 - 01:15 PM.

#19 Ilithi Dragon


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 01:23 PM

Currently the 1900/7:00 PM Eastern meeting time seems to be working for everyone I've gotten in touch with. If unit DOES have a problem making a meeting at that time, please let me know ASAP, otherwise the official meeting time for the Conference of Wazan is tentatively set for 1900/7:00PM Eastern Time on Saturday the 7th.

#20 Prawfutt


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 01:26 PM

View PostIlithi Dragon, on 05 February 2015 - 09:38 PM, said:

to oppose these dastardly invaders.

I have never been called dastardly before B)

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