YCSLiesmith, on 10 February 2015 - 11:22 AM, said:
What's funny is that people from literally every faction are here pointing and laughing at how totally out of the loop and irrelevant your comments are.
here is my comment to you, my personal opinion as a Davion pilot -
Keep coming. Drop on the Davion border all you want every single day. Without question you have nothing of value to offer the nSL regardless of skill. You lack the conviction, the interest and the focus to be part of something bigger than yourself. Do us all a favor and avoid it completely. Pretend it doesn't exist. It's a big idea trying to do big things and that takes big people.
That's not you. nSL isn't about you or for you. We'll fight you, and everyone else who comes knocking, as best as we are able in Davion. Not only will we do that but when we are done and the borders are secure we'll do what we promised to do - go drop on the Clan border with the nSL. Kurita, Steiner, FRR, doesn't matter.
Fortunately you are no HK. There are some of the most hardened Clan-fighting units around in HK and we have sincere belief that they'll be happy to work with everyone else to leverage their skills to the best advantage of HK and the rest of the IS. They are the people who took HK from taking a daily beatdown worse than the FRR and built one of the best coordinated factions out of it. That is who the nSL is pointed at.
Ad hominem all day long. I would say strawman but a strawman argument is intentional; it implies that someone actually understands what the point and the debate is about and creates a fake argument to attack because he has no real response to the actual point.
You just don't seem to get it, at all. That's okay. You don't need to. Nobody needs you to get it. You do you.
We're doing the nSL.