Initial Opinions On The Panther And Enforcer Quirks?
Posted 06 February 2015 - 11:03 PM
Enforcer mames me sad because i dont want an lbx the quirks are for its base config and im in favor of that. But i wont be using the lbx. Ac10 and either 2 ll or 3 med... fast jumping strike mech. Or maybe 2 ll 1ac5 or uac or 2 ac2s plus 3 meds that sounds fun
Posted 06 February 2015 - 11:12 PM
most will arrive and pass without a hick-up.
panther will be an annoyance at range but will die at anything but long range. and if it loses its gun arm it pretty much HAS to get into close range to do anything and the lack of ECM renders its sniping abilities very limited.
Enforcer could be decent if the other variants have good quirks. though I think its split build generates a problem, either you risk your energy weapons or your ballistics. I don't mind the LB-X 10 quirks, but I think they should give it something like "LB-X clustering" bonus to tighten that up. I think people will just swap out the LB-X for some AC2s or 5s and run medium lasers.
Posted 06 February 2015 - 11:22 PM
Firestarter is still the best light.
Had they given it ECM, then maybe it'd have had some use as a defensive light.
Posted 06 February 2015 - 11:36 PM
Panther also has potential to be fun.
Posted 06 February 2015 - 11:40 PM
like less spread on LBX or UAC jam chance quirks (or ghost jam chance)...
But yet again i remember the times when they justified the clan LRM zero min range as a technical difficulty which could not be done (

Posted 06 February 2015 - 11:42 PM
Navid A1, on 06 February 2015 - 11:40 PM, said:
like less spread on LBX or UAC jam chance quirks (or ghost jam chance)...
But yet again i remember the times when they justified the clan LRM zero min range as a technical difficulty which could not be done (

probably because the coder was putting a coma instead of a period.
Posted 06 February 2015 - 11:45 PM
Mordin Ashe, on 06 February 2015 - 10:16 PM, said:
You might be jumping the particle cannon. Best i can figure, dual wielding Panther won't be super-fast by any stretch, and will be very heat sink limited if it chooses to run faster than that of a typical medium class IS mech. You will have to contend with a few(I'm guessing 4) dual vollies before it has to take a smoke break.
Edited by CocoaJin, 06 February 2015 - 11:49 PM.
Posted 06 February 2015 - 11:55 PM
I'm glad I didn't buy the Panther. I was tempted to, but the 250 engine cap is a death sentence. As others have said already, 1 ER PPC won't have good enough DPS. If you equip 2 ER PPCs, you won't have good enough heat efficiency in a sustained engagement. Maybe it'll replace the RVN-3L with 2 ER LLs, but I predict a lot of bad players complaining about feast or famine with this build. If people ignore the Panther, it'll be able to snipe and do a lot of damage, like the RVN-3L. If you send a Firestarter after it, it's done.
Panther with 2 ER PPCs
Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:29 AM
Alistair Winter, on 06 February 2015 - 11:55 PM, said:
I'm glad I didn't buy the Panther. I was tempted to, but the 250 engine cap is a death sentence. As others have said already, 1 ER PPC won't have good enough DPS. If you equip 2 ER PPCs, you won't have good enough heat efficiency in a sustained engagement. Maybe it'll replace the RVN-3L with 2 ER LLs, but I predict a lot of bad players complaining about feast or famine with this build. If people ignore the Panther, it'll be able to snipe and do a lot of damage, like the RVN-3L. If you send a Firestarter after it, it's done.
Panther with 2 ER PPCs
You are correct... the Panther can't hope to go toe to toe with a FS9 and live. That is why I think it will be used mostly as a CW mech. It will compliment TDR-9S ERPPC spam very well. Imagine the headache 3xTDR-9S plus one of these would produce. Non-stop ERPPC spam, with almost no fast mechs to counter it, as it outruns all but the Ice Ferret and matches the Mist Lynx.
Your build is probably what we will be seeing a lot of. (It is capped at 250 however, not 255 despite sharing the same tonnage) I am not really looking forward to seeing even more PPCs flying around, but it is about time we got an IS light that uses PPCs well. I guess we will see how it works out when the 17th rolls around...
Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:32 AM
Alistair Winter, on 06 February 2015 - 11:55 PM, said:
If people ignore the panther, but any decent Firestarter (or jenner) pilot will go out of their way to eat up weak light mechs if they see them, which is what will happen most of the time to the Panther because everyone can see it coming (no ECM hurr durr), and good luck hitting a FS9 with enough ERPPCs to scare it away from you (even with the +40% ERPPC velo).
Greenjulius, on 07 February 2015 - 12:29 AM, said:
at 35t, i can bring either the ERLL sniper raven (which runs faster, cooler, and has ECM), or a Firestarter and eat up any below average mech chassis. In CW your team has to win trades to get ahead (unless the attacking team just rushes then defenders with any sense will bring out the brawl mechs), there are simply much better mechs in the IS arsenal to do trading with. The Panther simply is trying to fill a niche that's already filled with mechs that do it better, and the clan lights can do what the panther does better anyways from just the cERLLs.
Edited by KhanCipher, 07 February 2015 - 12:43 AM.
Posted 07 February 2015 - 12:43 AM
Greenjulius, on 06 February 2015 - 08:05 PM, said:
Now, the BJ-3 quirks... they left me outright angry.

Considering only a handful of Cbill boosted variants have been the 'best' versions, this should come as no surprise.
Posted 07 February 2015 - 01:43 AM
Alistair Winter, on 06 February 2015 - 11:55 PM, said:
Ok, maybe not super-fast...but pretty darn fast if you are willing to give up some stuff.

As an Assault escort, I'll be using both AMS units a ton of ammo and likely a SRM2 with 1/2 a ton ammo as back up for when I inevitably loose my arm of Zeus. That will have me at a respectable 90ish km/h and at 90% the heat capacity of the 250 engine.
Edited by CocoaJin, 07 February 2015 - 01:48 AM.
Posted 07 February 2015 - 02:08 AM
KhanCipher, on 06 February 2015 - 07:35 PM, said:
On the Enforcer, like i've said before. The harder you try to make a LBX10 good with quirks, the more likely you're going to make other weapons better
so basically what you have now is a upgraded adder because of the quirks.
Posted 07 February 2015 - 02:20 AM
Posted 07 February 2015 - 03:21 AM
Alistair Winter, on 06 February 2015 - 11:55 PM, said:
This is my to go panther.
And those quirks are what I was waiting for

It's not a light chaser. Even in TT it wasn't.
About the Enforcer, maybe the cent D is better about that Lbx10...BUT, it seems to me the enforcer will be better about hitboxes, and it can jump.
Anyway, I'm waiting for the one with AC10 quircks
Edited by Stefka Kerensky, 07 February 2015 - 03:27 AM.
Posted 07 February 2015 - 04:56 AM
Edited by Shadow Magnet, 07 February 2015 - 04:57 AM.
Posted 07 February 2015 - 05:56 AM
- Panther is 20 kph faster
- Panther has jump jets
- Panther has 40% faster projectile speed
- Panther has 110 degree torso twist with an additional 40 degree arm movement. Adder has 120 degree torso twist, no lower arm actuators.
- Panther has acceleration / deceleration quirks
- Panther has faster rate of fire, thanks to 25% cooldown quirk
- Adder does 5-10 splash damage
Who the hell wants an omnimech? Inner Sphere master race. Shoo away those barbarian Clans in their outdated robots.
Posted 07 February 2015 - 06:12 AM
Posted 07 February 2015 - 06:16 AM
Great in pair with Janner skirmishing or supporting main.
As Draco pilot I am pretty excited about it.
Posted 07 February 2015 - 06:38 AM
I pilot Vindicators and they also have 40% PPC quirks as well (except the 1X has 20% velocity for some dumb reason). It is nice to have that faster travel time for PPCs, but it isn't that overpowering.
Actually, it will make the Panther a bit of a sniper and that can make light mech vulnerable to high alphas.
I'm not saying its a bad quirk, just not exceptional.
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