Beyond Level 20 - Suggestions And Recommendations
Posted 14 February 2015 - 02:43 PM
I have tried to avail myself of Twitter, but knowing Russ is overwhelmed on a daily basis with all manner of Tweets it is no wonder that I have received NO response to two professionally crafted Tweets on the topic of whether it has been a waste of time to put in LP once a gamer reached Level 20 (i.e. PGI has actively decided to NOT allow Faction Progression past Level 20.)
Alternately there has been NO indication if PGI would be receptive to a special in-game recognition of a gamer who achievew Level 20 in a second Faction - THIS would be EXTREMELY attractive to gamers like myself would would be willing to reach for this unique mark of distinction. And at least to my admittedly novice perspective, it should be a great deal easier to allow the system in place to track and reward the Achievement of gaining Level 20 in a second, third, etc Faction. It could indeed be the now-evaporated "Khan" Title originally indicated as the Level 20 Title reward.
Now please don't get me wrong I am GLAD, I did not receive the TITLE of Khan back on 03FEB2015. It would have been too quickly and too easily reached. But if having to Level in another Clan to Level 20 is the price to be paid for gaining the Title of Khan, well that would seem quite the appropriate path and time invested threshold in order to ensure there are very few Khan's in game. It would ALSO HIGHLY ENCOURAGE CROSS FERTILIZATION OF GAMER POPULATIONS within CW - a great secondary benefit.
I will use this post as the basis for a third professionally crafted Tweet linking this post as well as the post detailing a suggestion for Levels 21 through 25: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4172516
(EXERPT FOLLOWS: "Eventually there will be other 20th Level Clan and IS gamers, one or more may decide to follow a similar path (unless PGI follows Blizzard's lead and releases:
- a future patch with 21st-25th Levels as "GOVERNANCE-THEMED LEVELS":
Sector Governor (single Sector): 1.06m LP through 1.5m LP
Planet Regional Governor (5 Sectors): 1.5m LP through 2m LP
Planetary Governor (single Planet): 2m LP through 2.5m LP
Prefecture Governor (5 Planets): 2.5 through 3m LP
Military District Governor (15 Planets) 3m+ LP
Now THAT (or something similar) would be a very interesting refinement to Community Warfare in my opinion." EXERPT ENDS)
Please add all constructive criticisms, comments and questions, and I will try to respond in a timely manner.
Posted 26 February 2015 - 03:32 AM
To this end I have gone ahead and Tweeted this Features Suggestion to PGI et. al. : https://twitter.com/...893481188691968
Additional Tweet links as I get any responses will follow...
In a related topic, I am looking to get together an informal group of CW Level 20 Faction Representatives.
Having reached Level 20 so very early is a testament to your skill, dedication to a goal and willingness to game for hours on end.
I would like to tap our collective CW gaming experience for some focused responses to PGI on topics we find near and dear to our hearts. I am wiling to bet our CW instincts are honed to a razor fine degree and that our contributions might be worthwhile and value-added for PGI on occasion.
Posted 26 February 2015 - 03:44 AM
Now, LPs should be in 2 columns. Earned/Spendable. When you see a goodie you want, it has a price based on your unit/personal loyalty to the faction. The less loyal you are, (time spent in faction without changing) the cheaper it gets. Then you can buy it with LP. The Earned is a running totall of how loyal you have been to a faction.
Now, you also need to include NEGATIVE LPs. When your Earned LP is in the negative because you fought against a faction you can still earn Spendable points once you reach an Earned value over 0. AKA you must prove yourself to a faction that you are worthy of their largess.
Davion, for instance will be happy with all the kurita mechs you trash. Kurita, not so much, and so positive points to one, negative to another. But say you switch to Kurita, they will love you blasting Davion mechs, which will eat down your spendable level to zero and put you into negative territory with Davion, while digging yourself out of a hole with Kurita.
That is how it SHOULD work. Freelancer had this concept with reputation. If you shot up one, you got a negative rep, and also with their allies. So if you shot up the police, the companies wouldn't like you or the transit lane authorities. It could be similar here, but... we'll see what we see.
Posted 27 February 2015 - 04:25 AM
There is a lot one could do at rank 20. People there usually have a lot of money (the journey to rank 20 will get me around 520m c-bills), the LPs could be further stored and used as a sort of player-donated currency for, lets say, temporary c-bills/xp/lp rewards for players of that faction for CW matches and so on.
Ideas are plenty and I have no doubts PGI will eventually work something out. The problem is, letting rank 20 players help their faction will hardly happen until planet ownership bonuses are applied. Might take a while but until then we can give PGI some solid ideas, can we not?
Posted 28 February 2015 - 12:26 PM
The whole faction loyalties system is just another treadmill/grind for players to have the illusion of progression while PGI tries to figure out CW. I think the only reason its worthwhile to even worry about it is to see how close you are to more mechbays and MC.
I don't forsee PGI fleshing this out for quite awhile.
Posted 28 February 2015 - 12:27 PM
Mordin Ashe, on 27 February 2015 - 04:25 AM, said:
There is a lot one could do at rank 20. People there usually have a lot of money (the journey to rank 20 will get me around 520m c-bills), the LPs could be further stored and used as a sort of player-donated currency for, lets say, temporary c-bills/xp/lp rewards for players of that faction for CW matches and so on.
Ideas are plenty and I have no doubts PGI will eventually work something out. The problem is, letting rank 20 players help their faction will hardly happen until planet ownership bonuses are applied. Might take a while but until then we can give PGI some solid ideas, can we not?
I agree, we need to support and submit Feature Suggestions to PGI in order to encourage them to invest in releasing Levels 21 through 25, like those listed in this treads original post, above.
Posted 28 February 2015 - 07:37 PM
I really like the idea that you could acquire titles such as Khan by achieving the top rank in multiple Clans (though I personally think it should be three clans, not just two). Perhaps a similar title could be offered to Innersphere loyalists who achieve top rank in three or more Houses.
I wouldn't be opposed to more ranks being added, and I also wouldn't be opposed to changing the current ranks so that they are slower to earn, like has done before. This is still a Beta and I welcome PGI to make such adjustments based on what their playerbase has managed to achieve in the amount of time so far. Getting that top rank should be a true distinction, and as more people keep putting time into CW and more CW features are added and attracting players back, people will be achieving these ranks very soon and in very large numbers.
Posted 01 March 2015 - 06:24 PM
Tarogato, on 28 February 2015 - 07:37 PM, said:
I really like the idea that you could acquire titles such as Khan by achieving the top rank in multiple Clans (though I personally think it should be three clans, not just two). Perhaps a similar title could be offered to Innersphere loyalists who achieve top rank in three or more Houses.
I wouldn't be opposed to more ranks being added, and I also wouldn't be opposed to changing the current ranks so that they are slower to earn, like has done before. This is still a Beta and I welcome PGI to make such adjustments based on what their playerbase has managed to achieve in the amount of time so far. Getting that top rank should be a true distinction, and as more people keep putting time into CW and more CW features are added and attracting players back, people will be achieving these ranks very soon and in very large numbers.
Agreed, just as was seen in World of Warcraft... additional Levels beyond 60 have opened up nearly endless monetization opportunities.
Posted 07 April 2015 - 05:19 PM
Posted 13 December 2015 - 06:48 PM
Factional Loyalist deserve some credit... IMO additional levels would go quite a ways toward accomplishing that recognitions of a Loyalist's gaming.
Posted 13 December 2015 - 07:31 PM
Posted 13 December 2015 - 09:57 PM
Kjudoon, on 13 December 2015 - 07:31 PM, said:
Good point.
I would be lying if I didn't say I was holding my breath through the Steam release. Such an influx of new gamers / map reset, just might have drove a Loyalty Point reset!!!
(Nice signature block btw... in a perfect world, it just might have been so.)
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 13 December 2015 - 09:59 PM.
Posted 13 December 2015 - 11:29 PM

Posted 13 December 2015 - 11:49 PM
So thank you. I know it ticks off many but hopefully some day i can remove it all.
I keep lurking and peeking from time to time Prussian because i still have a sliver of hope still alive but i am one seriously bitter vet.
So thank you. I know it ticks off many but hopefully some day i can remove it all.
If they were REALLY smart theybwould make loyalty points like a political currency. You use it to "buy favors" from factions lessen pricez and more. But that would require point 3 and 2 to come to fruition.
Posted 14 December 2015 - 06:09 AM
Edited by Heartless Saint, 14 December 2015 - 06:10 AM.
Posted 15 December 2015 - 12:19 AM
Posted 15 December 2015 - 02:06 AM
nodebate, on 15 December 2015 - 12:19 AM, said:
That is correct and what needs to happen. They should be a mid point between MC and CBills. By that meaning you can get some things with a long enough LP grind that are only available for MC, like Mechbays or even hero mechs, Cbill discounts on faction equipment.. things like that. But the grind would have to be right.
Posted 15 December 2015 - 07:15 AM
nodebate, on 15 December 2015 - 12:19 AM, said:
I agree with Kjudoon,and there was PGI talk at one time of LP-associated Mech Patterns and I know many a player hoped PGI would follow this up with LP-exclusive variants of House/Clan iconic Mechs.
But both LP-patterns and Mech-variants would need Mech-developer time that is pretty much zeroed out trying to keep up with the exhaustive demand represented by Mech Package Sales (IIC), upcoming RESEEN Mech sales, etc. And these are revenue-producing Dev-resource sinks. LP-rewards would not directly generate sales revenue, thus I hold out no great hope that PGI will follow through in this area.
So yes, drawing from the PGI-Store (offerings tailored by Faction) appears the best (and most immediate) aye to go, for those that are looking to realize some further tangible benefit from being a "Loyalist." We can only hope PGI focuses further on its "Loyalist" population and structures a meaningful set of rewards to entice / retain gamers who make this choice.
Posted 15 December 2015 - 11:02 AM
Edited by Kjudoon, 15 December 2015 - 11:02 AM.
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