I'm just dropping in normal games, but I believe after my first assault mech then I think I can go into CW with a decent 4 mech drop group.
I'm stuck between the Atlas, stalker, and King Crab.
Atlas because.. Atlas? To me an Atlas seems to have a similar problem as the clan summoner, it mounts too diverse of weapons, none of which make it super great at any role. It's neither a great missle boat, laser sniper, or even close range brawler compared to dedicated platforms like the Crab or even Banshee. My experience is only with the Trial Atlas, which is a decent build for what its got, but not super exceptional in any given area. All atlas costing over 10m doesn't help, but I do like the ECM one considering what a PITA it is to deal with out on the field.
The stalker trial mech I had great luck with since it's just a great missle boat, but I've learned it's other builds involve lasers boating. It seems to have well sorted weapon layouts, but I can't help but to feel it plays kinda like a more heavily armed Catapault. It will never stand against a proper assault mech like a Atlas or god forbid a Direwolf in head to head combat, and will probebly struggle against proper heavy brawlers like the Cataphract or Catapault K2. My peceription is that an assault should stand up and tank damage, as well as be the first to move forward and advance on dangerous positions. The thing is that the Stalker is not good at any of those things.
The King Crab is what I have been saving up for. It seems to be the only IS assault mech that has any chance of fighting a Daishi 1v1. It's low stance, and heavy armor seem to make it great for what I want to do, which is taking the lead and absorbing damage as well as dishing it out. Although an all ballistic layout, It seems to have some good diversity with going between 2 AC20 for brawls, 2 Gauss for sniping, or 4 UAC 5 for all rounding. Also some variants have 4 missle points so It seems like I can missle boat with it if i really want to.
The King Crab 00B has my C-bills set for it for its inclusion of double heat sinks in the price.
I want to know if Im missing out on any of the other mechs like the Battlemaster, Awesome, or Victor. But it seems like the best assault mech is the King Crab at the moment.
Edited by Bubblewhip, 15 February 2015 - 10:22 PM.