Game's Working At Last For Me!
Posted 16 February 2015 - 05:57 PM
I am a little scared of tying out one of the game maps now :-(
Posted 16 February 2015 - 06:08 PM
Posted 16 February 2015 - 06:16 PM
Lots of this groups do help new players,just introduce yourself,tell them your situation and they will sure help you
Edited by EyesBurn, 16 February 2015 - 06:20 PM.
Posted 16 February 2015 - 06:45 PM
EyesBurn, on 16 February 2015 - 06:08 PM, said:
I might do that actually, thanks. The controls are a little difficult to get used to, but right now I am having trouble changing the settings around so that the mouse is not as sensitive whenever I move it. Once i figure out the perfect balance for that, i should (hopefully) be able to start the playing and fighting better than just my first mission, where I was destroyed in 5 minutes without even hitting one enemy :-(
Mayhaps I should find a guide, someone to help me in a campaign or two sometime, to show me how it's rally played in the maps until I can get my feet on the ground.
Ether that, or my neurohelmet has developed a bad systems fault :/
Posted 17 February 2015 - 12:29 AM
Challenge yourself by doing so while walking up and down slopes and try and do so with different mechs. Usually the faster the emch the harder it is to land those shots in the beginning.
I started training with the Trail Jenner back in the days. At 150 kmph I wasn't even able to hit targets in the training grounds, or at least not without horribly bumping into terrain all the time.
Luckily I got better, and I'm sure you will as well after a bit of experience.

Posted 17 February 2015 - 12:56 AM
It'll take a while to gain the experience and skills you need to be "productive".
Ive been playing a little over 10 weeks and I feel like Im finally settling in.
It'll be a roller coaster of good and bad at first but stick with it as it does get better.
Posted 17 February 2015 - 04:05 AM
Covers quite a few areas, but of course, no guide (if they tell you do this or don't do this) is 100% accurate and the meta changes after some time.
Best training is to actually get out there and fight. Experience comes with doing something and noone was born or started as an expert.

Posted 17 February 2015 - 04:18 AM
There are other guides around youtube besides this sub forum.
There's one other thing : Options -> keyboard/mouse (to figure out what does what, besides making changes).
Unfortunately learning all these wouldn't gain you experience, only know-how. You still need to play with/against us.
1 advice : Don't spend all your cbills from your 25 matches trying out mechs. Instead, do that with the trial mechs, they are meant for that purpose. Once you decided on 1 chassis (mech type), start saving for upgrades and 2 more variants (need 3 to master mech). Once you elite that chassis their performance will increase further.
Posted 17 February 2015 - 04:38 AM
Artriex, on 16 February 2015 - 06:45 PM, said:
I might do that actually, thanks. The controls are a little difficult to get used to, but right now I am having trouble changing the settings around so that the mouse is not as sensitive whenever I move it. Once i figure out the perfect balance for that, i should (hopefully) be able to start the playing and fighting better than just my first mission, where I was destroyed in 5 minutes without even hitting one enemy :-(
Mayhaps I should find a guide, someone to help me in a campaign or two sometime, to show me how it's rally played in the maps until I can get my feet on the ground.
Ether that, or my neurohelmet has developed a bad systems fault :/
Most of us that didnt had any contact with any of the singleplayer Mechwarrior titles had that same problem,it took me awhile to get used to a fact that you need to control upper and lower torso separately and it took me at least 6 months to start playing this game in a right way,learning curve in this game is big but most of it you will have to learn with playing with other players.Dont be afraid to get into matches with others,missing targets,hitting walls and and other bad thing are normal for beginners here,its not easy to learn but off course it can be done just be patient and learn from your mistakes and dont be afraid to ask advices from other players over team chat,just say that you are new player and someone will help you..Just dont be discouraged by any negative comments ,that will always exist anywhere,mwo community is mostly made out of more mature players or if they are young they still behave better then in some FPS games,this game just isnt suited for casual idiots,so you will get help from other people for sure.
my advice for you is to just stick with your team for now and learn how others behave,where they move,shoot where they shoot and try to watch their backs and keep pesky lights off their back,just be careful to not wonder off from your team while you are fighting,just attack them and when you see them run away just leave them and go back to your team,you will be much more usefull alive and without a kill then to get one kill and die on first minute of the match,just try not to be greedy

Posted 17 February 2015 - 04:44 AM
Edited by EyesBurn, 17 February 2015 - 04:44 AM.
Posted 17 February 2015 - 05:27 AM
This game controls identically to most first person shooters that feature tanks or other turreted vehicles. W is gas, S is brake/reverse, X is Emergency Brake, A and D are turn, and the mouse is twist turret. If you've played Battlefield (any), Call of Duty (the older ones with actual tanks you can drive), almost any car game, Grand Theft Auto, Crysis, Unreal (any), Homefront, the "V" (5) series of the Metal Gear Solid franchise, World of Tanks, War Thunder, well... any game that has ever featured a turret on a vehicle (except Halo and Orion), then these are identical controls.
What this game does not control like, is a Mechwarrior game from 1 through MechAssault 2. It's streamlined quite a bit, greatly dropping the learning curve and how easy it is to lay down massive amounts of damage at once.
My advice is to set the following options.
Throttle Decay to off. Now you have cruise control. This frees up your left hand for other things, remember X is emergency stop.
When confident in your ability to aim, try Armlock off. Wait until then, however, as this gives you a whole new range of controls.
If it helps, the following keys are very handy: F and C.
F will center the legs to the torso. This means you can turn by looking in the direction you want to go and simply hit F to make that turn.
C will center the torso to the legs. I rarely use this but it is handy when you need to quickly look at where you are going.
While the game may target for you, it is awful at this and will change on its own at inconvenient times. You will need to learn to target on your own to have full control over when and how it works. The R key targets. When pressing R, you will want to have the enemy that you intend to target close to your reticule. If you simply press the button without aiming at someone, you will instead target whatever enemy is closest to where your reticule is pointing (regardless of how far or how near they are). If you already have that enemy targeted, the game will choose the next closest (and when pressed yet again it'll return to the closest to the reticule).
When you begin going around with armlock turned off, I'll give you a few more neat and advanced controls to try out.
Posted 17 February 2015 - 07:11 AM
Koniving, on 17 February 2015 - 05:27 AM, said:
This game controls identically to most first person shooters that feature tanks or other turreted vehicles. W is gas, S is brake/reverse, X is Emergency Brake, A and D are turn, and the mouse is twist turret. If you've played Battlefield (any), Call of Duty (the older ones with actual tanks you can drive), almost any car game, Grand Theft Auto, Crysis, Unreal (any), Homefront, the "V" (5) series of the Metal Gear Solid franchise, World of Tanks, War Thunder, well... any game that has ever featured a turret on a vehicle (except Halo and Orion), then these are identical controls.
First,i never had any contact with any of the previous MW titles but even i know that it would be so much easier for me to transfer to MWO then like this,it was hell for me when i was starting then,especially with pack of blood firsty jenners lurking behind every corner that would destroy me in 5 seconds in my poor raven 2X back then in closed beta.
Second,in most of those FPS games tanks and turret featured vehicles are just a side feature,you just run through it and forget about it,in mwo it is the main feature,i dont have to change all my habits that i learned here for just 5 minutes of FPS sequences,plus i dont ,and just like some other people here,dont play FPS games,if i do,i just play singleplayer and thats it.
Third,people that i have met that were playing WoT and tried MWO told me that they do have a hard time to adjust to it,that actually we from MWO would have much less problems adjusting to WoT,at least thats what they told me,never tried it myself,still love much more walking exploding trashcans then rolling exploding trashcans

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